
The Scarlet Reaper (Bleach x Fairy Tail Crossover)

Erza Scarlet, An S-Class mage of Fairy Tail who hold a seat at the Ten Wizard Saints and the Fairy Tail 7th Guild Master finally had ended her journey by offering her life to save her friends and those who she loves the most. Later that she learned that it isn't the end but yet a beginning of something new. The former who have lived her life as the queen of the fairies will now reign on the afterlife. Her journey begins here to become a shinigami and the queen of the dead- the scarlet reaper. I don't own the characters and anime just the story and the plot. It's just another Fan-fiction.

Yuki_Takahashi_7125 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

第2章: The New Comer

Erza was in a lucid dream like she was floating in a metallic lake, only drops of liquid can be heard, it ripples endlessly once it touches the body of fluid where she lies. It is a crystal like water that has different colors dancing in it like a wave of light in the night sky. She is soaked in it, body submerged- only her head visible above it, but strangely she was never wet- like a dry water. She stood up and felt an enormous spiritual energy raging inside her, a reddish black aura surrounded her. Basically, she is bathing in her own power. It felt so warm like a strike of electricity running through her veins, she stared at her hands and form a fist closing her eyes as she feels her power. She never felt this strong ever before- the only time she felt it and released it - she died. This spiritual pressure is truly something else. 

She was awaken by a scream of little children from afar. She was lying on the ground of a forest like area with fresh green grass and tall healthy trees and beautiful flower scattered on the ground, it seemed magical. She was wearing a Shihakusho- black kimono and hakama with white shitagi and tabi, a pair of waraji and tied with a white obi, her hair tied with a white ribbon on a high ponytail with few hair strands that hang loosed framing her face and her bangs oriented to the right slightly covering her right eye, a simple traditional Japanese sleepers and white socks, finishing her outfit with a sheathed katana hangs neatly on the side of her right hips. A few Jigokuchō flies around her adorning her with glittering dust as if they were worshiping her and protecting her of some sort.

Kids screamed again. She began running towards the noise instinctively, its like her body has a mind of its own. Her body is acting according to its memory of being heroic and brave and in an impulse she was in a small village. It is like a normal town with houses and stores but no sign of life- she felt like she is in the middle of a deserted ghost town- no civilization. A loud raging roar was heard this time and she sprinted towards it- she was amazed on how fast she moves, in a split second she found herself in front of around 10 kids. Their clothes are like rags old, dirty and torn- they were crying sobbing shivering in fear while two bodies lied lifeless on the ground. 

There were five gigantic creature standing surrounding them. They look like demons, monsters with holes in their bodies and with a height that reaches a second story of a building with a skull like mask on its head. They were hungry like mindless animal going for its prey loosing all their senses and acts purely on instinct to kill and devour souls and consume everything drooling at the sight of the helpless children. Erza curled her fingers into a tight fist her nails buried on her palms. She has no clue of what is happening but she knows it is wrong to kill the innocent kids. She unconsciously releases her spiritual energy that is so powerful she do not know how to control it, driven by her emotions the red aura mixed with black aura exploded sending a great wave of electrical energy around her it is so powerful that it managed to destroy the trees and some structures as it passes by.

The shock-wave was so strong that the impact can be felt and even reaches the Court of Pure Souls- Seireitei which is at the center of Soul Society where all the powerful shinigami are stationed. Everyone halted. Like the time stopped as the Captains of the whole thirteen divisions looked towards the direction of the explosion- she caught their attention unintentionally. "This reiatsu is unknown. The reiryoku seemed like coming from the ancient dragons which was long gone"  a mild-featured man with brown scholarly hair enhanced by square glasses, along with soft brown eyes. He wore the standard Shinigami uniform with a captain's haori said while in a deep thought. His name is Sōsuke Aizen, captain of the 5th division. "Hinamori, I need you to check this out for me, that reiryoko and reiatsu is troubling me, it does not belong to any  of us." Momo has brown eyes,and wears standard Shinigami robes, with her black hair pulled into a bun held in a tied cloth. When in her Shinigami robes, she wears the 5th Division's lieutenant armband. While in her pajamas, a plain kimono, her hair is tied in a loose ponytail. "Yes sir" she said as she went towards Erza to spy on her. On her way to the site, twelve more lieutenants move along side her following their respective captain's order.

They've reached the area and goes into hiding and even hid their spiritual pressure so the hollows and Erza wouldn't detect their presence. Erza moves in a flash steps, she move faster than the eye can follow. She took the children to a safe hiding before the hollows can even touch them. Erza's explosive aura attracted a couple more than a hundred monsters of different levels, they were drawn towards her spiritual power like a magnet.

"I do not know where the hell I am, I don't care what kind of creatures you all are, but I won't stand by and watch these kids get hurt. I will fight for the innocent" she declared. The thirteen lieutenants let out a smirk on what they heard which made them more interested at the red head.Since she can not remember anything she merely trust her instincts. 

She lunges forward and fights with a close-combat style in which she is unarmed and uses only her body. She was able to rip the arm of one of the monsters with her bare hands, attacking her counterpart with powerful punches and performing throws and take downs to push her away. In stark contrast with her slim and womanly figure, Erza possesses a very large amount of physical strength. She was also able to send the monsters flying against a wall, several meters away from her, with only a flick of her wrist. Erza possesses extremely sharp reflexes, and a high degree agility and speed. Despite her being severely battle worn, she was able to dodge an attack from her enemies while balancing herself on one hand.She was also able to skillfully and acrobatically dodge a barrage of assaults from one hundred opponents,and when she was knocked off through the walls of the village she launched herself off of a few small falling rocks back into the battle with ease.

"Damn it, they're countless." she commented, finally she pulled the katana from her side and unsheathed it, pointed it towards the monsters and challenged them "Come at me all at once, all of you" as she slashes them with ease as if her sword is a part of her. Erza possesses great mastery in swordsmanship and her skills in swordsmanship are of the highest caliber. Her offensive capabilities mainly come from her swordplay, which enables her to effectively utilize the weapon at hand. Much to her surprise when she just imagined having multiple swords, another katana appeared on her left hand and feet, she is now wielding three swords that appeared out of nowhere. She has shown great skill in utilizing the reverse-grip of swordsmanship as well as the normal grip. She is even capable of employing her swords effectively using her feet, by wielding their hilts between her hallux and second toe.Her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from the swings. She let her power flow through the swords enhancing it's effect with every slash blood splatters and parts flying around. In a few minutes she was able to kill 200 hollows of different levels making it seemed like raining blood all by herself, and dead bodies piled up and body parts scattered around.It was like a portrait of hell where the queen stands victoriously in the middle of the battle field.

The children and the villagers cheered for her as she stands on top of the cadavers raising her sword up and wind blowing letting her scarlet hair flow in the wind. She put her katana back as the two other swords disappear and went towards the kids. "Are you guys okay? Anyone hurt?" She asked gently, the children threw themselves around her into a tight hug that made her smile. For the first time since she got here she felt alive. The villagers invited her in so she can clean up and rest, while they worshiped her.

"You can come out now, I know you're there, how long do you plan on watching me? I can feel your presence, all of you" She demanded to particularly no one. The thirteen lieutenants jumped out of their hiding and stood around her.

"So you know we are all here? Impressive for a new comer." Nanao is a slim and youthful girl with long black hair normally kept pinned back, with flat bangs that hang to the right side of her face. Nanao also wears a standard Shinigami outfit. She has slightly light blue eyes that have a deep tint of violet and wears glasses with a slight oval shape to them.

"Indeed, she is well versed with zanjutsu, although I don't think she have awaken her zanpakutō which is normal for a new comer" Kiyone is petite, has dark blond hair and gray eyes. She wears a standard Shinigami uniform with the collar of a white shirt protruding over her top and white gloves.

"She is also very good with hakuda, a new comer with this caliber is very interesting" Renji has brown eyes and long crimson hair, which is usually kept in a high ponytail.

"Not to mention her hohō and shunpo is amazing for a new comer" Momo added.

"A new comer who is able to stream her Kidō into her katana and mix it with hadō and bakudō during a fight is of another level" Rangiku has long and wavy blond hair, blue eyes, full lips, and a beauty mark located under the right side of her mouth.She is well known for her curvaceous figure; of which her most distinctive trait is her very large breasts. She dresses in the garb typical of Shinigami, though she lets her robes hang loose for her ample bosom to be revealed. She wears a thin golden necklace tucked between her cleavage and a long pink scarf over her shoulders. In addition, her lieutenant's armband is worn on her uniform's sash, as opposed to around the arm. 

"You are indeed very interesting, I would say Ms. New comer with that amazing body and god like beauty, If I knew any better I would say you're the child of the prophecy" Akon is a tall man with short, spiky black hair, which has a distinguished hairline running through it. He has three small horns protruding from his forehead. He wears a laboratory coat over the standard shinigami shihakushō.

Erza stands in the center trying to ignore their comments and trying to keep her cool, patience is really hard to maintain if your surrounded by these fools she thought. She remained silent her arms crossed just below her chest and tapping her foot on the ground and vein popping out from her temple as her head slightly bent down.

"Hey new comer, who are you exactly? Do you have a name?" Ikkaku is a tall and muscular man. He is bald, a fact made fun of by many people, his eyes each have a small red marking at the outer corner.

"I... I am... My name... My name is... What is my name!?!" she let out in panic and the thirteen chuckled. "I don't remember, I can't remember anything from before I got here. All I know is that I was called Titania- The Queen of the Fairies." she mumbled.

"That's quite normal for someone who just passed on. Don't worry it will come back eventually. May I invite you to our headquarters to meet my captain. I believe we can help you understand as to why you are sent here and help you get started. Please follow me Ti-ta-nia" Momo told her, saying her name in syllables as if she was testing her name. "I guess it can't be helped. Thank you. I'll be sure to repay you once I got settled and all" she said nodding and followed her back to Seireitei.