
The Heart of a Pitlord

2 weeks later

Lanthios was stuck in a pit while carrying an impossible sized boulder! Should he drop it he was all but surely dead, thankfully he wasn't alone for Layla was there helping hold it up with her mana control.

However, she is pushing her limits because the size of the boulder only got bigger with each pulse of her mana that wasn't in tune with what Azael had it set to. With sweat beating down her forehead, with beautiful butterflies flapping their wings at the rock, she said in desperation:

[Lanthios! I can't hold it much longer!]

To which Lanthios just looked at her, he didn't say anything, for he didn't need words to convey what he was thinking! For his eyes alone let her know how much faith he had in her, after all they'd been doing this for over a week now!

Knowing his partner was at her limit, Lanthios took a deep breath for he was about to control the flow of his own mana, but from his very heart!

With boulder weight he ignored, with cursing pain from partner curse he ignored, with heart of iron he stood strong and proud! To the much displeasuring of his new master.

[Umm... interesting...] Azael said as he stroked his chin, then continued to think, [today, confirms my earlier theory, sure I had my suspicions since the first day I saw him but now I know for sure!

The testing was worth it! It seems to me the soul of the demon that resided in the heart is no longer there… it must have been purified from the light of the Sunwell, however even with the demon gone the heart that fused with this "pup" kept its out worldly strength… if nothing else it is fascinating to see… I guess it's time for the next test!]

[A! Azael!] yelled a rambunctious young man

[Ah! It's you! You're just in time, you're exactly, the one I wanted to see… Elebon] said Azael

[A! So, you're finally going to give me that "pup" No family or better yet me is more deserving of such a mana bank! How dare those old men give me a murloc shaman! Those Bastards!] replied Elebon

[Now, now calm down young man! You can't have him yet! I'm still studying them! But what you can do for me is let me borrow your slave. I think it will serve as the perfect test!] said Azael with a evil smirk

[Fine take him…he is one of many, so I don't mind… but remember Azael! Remember who funds your research…who hides your skeletons! One word form us and the regent lord will have your head!] said Elebon with much threat before stomping off.

[Sigh… these brats… always flaunting wealthy power… never to know what true power is! Ha! Let's see how long you can keep that smug look young "master".] thought Azael to himself

He then waved his hand instantly destroying the boulder on Lanthios shoulders. Relieved Lanthios was about to jump out of the hole when:

[Oh! No mut! Stay in the hole! Your "training" isn't over yet! You are to fight another slave! A murloc of all things to boot! Oh! And don't go thinking it's just any murloc! Remember these slaves come after much scrutinizing!

And this particular murloc just happens to come from one of the wealthiest and oldest families to rule in our society! Anyway, I would like you to meet slave number 1! Ah! Don't fret about his name! The family doesn't bother with such formalities for expendables.] said Azael

Jumping into the pit too, much to Lanthios surprise was a murloc that looked very similar to a name mob he knew in the starting zone of Eversong! The chief Mmmrrrgggllll! Except bigger with weird crystals like objects embedded in his skin.

His weapon of choice was also different, instead of a crappy polearm it had two beautifully crafted elfish war glaives, deep red colored blades with gold trimming for handles and detail work. {picture at end}

After having a chance to study his foe for a few, Azael said [I see you like this one's weapons! How about this, should you kill it you can have them! Ha! see I am not such a bad guy! Haha! And don't worry I give you something so that you don't fight with your bare hands!]

Azeal then tossed two badly damaged axes that only looked like they belonged in the trash! Much to Layal discomfort, to whom she was about to voice her opposition to this whole facade, when Azeal interrupted her saying:

[I thought you had full belief in your pet! Relax young "lady" it's just a murloc! I'm sure he will do just fine. Instead, why not just enjoy the show! Oh! And if your pet were to…um die! Ha! Don't worry I'm sure "that '' family will generously compensate you.] said Azael with grinding teeth.

No longer standing on ceremony, Lanthios pick up both the crappy axes and stared at his opponent, with thunderous blue gold sparkling eyes Lanthios thought

{Sweet! I get to kill a classic murloc! But I must be careful because Murlocs are a crafty killer, for so many arrogant warcraft players! My self-included! Have died by their hands!}

Knowing it's better to play it safe than sorry Lanthios, imbued the axe on his right with fiery furry! For the cold broken steel was now vibrant with molten red heat! While the axe on his left became as sturdy at rock, for earth sand imbued itself onto its cold steel! With weapons ready he imbued his body with a veil of lighting.

While standing there all powered up Lanthios thought {for a bastard man! That guy sure does know how to teach the basics of the basics for shamans! Hopefully this is enough, well even if it isn't, it'll just have to do!}

As Lanthios was busy getting ready for the murloc, whose big old fisheyes looked like they lacked the intelligence to even comprehend what was going on, it was in fact no fool! With hidden cunning the murloc smirk in its mind as it stared down Lanthios from head to toe.

[Good it looks like you're both ready!] said Azael as he made a loud thud with his stave to the floor, signaling the fight to begin.

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