1 First Girl

A day such as this one wasn't normal. The birds weren't chirping, the world was quiet, I felt dread building up inside me and now that I'm here everyone is staring at me."Pardon the interruption class, but you will have a new member to your class" the principle stated. The principle looks like he's just about done with his career. You can see the stress in his eyes and the tiredness in his voice."This is Diana Graves, please show courtesy and help her with anything she needs while she adjust to our campus". I give a gentle smile and wave to my soon to be classmates as the principle walked off. "Welcome to our class 13-2, Ms. Graves, I'm Mr. Boa, your homeroom teacher," a deep voice spoke from a very tall man and he begins to approach me, "and these are your classmates. Please have a seat we will begin our lesson shortly." I politely nodded my head and look around for an empty desk. I noticed one near the middle of the class which seemed odd but I made my way up to the desk and sat down with my belongings. As I began to take out my journal and pencils I felt the need to look around and to my surprise the class was in shock and some seem almost confused about something. Was it me, did I do something wrong? Their eyes kept following me as moved around in my seat. "How are you not dead yet", a voice from behind me whispered. "Excuse me, what are you talking about" I asked the guy behind me. He locks eyes with me, I noticed he looks scared and disheveled about me. His voice speaks again but louder, " How are YOU not dead yet?" I'm starting to feel nervous and scared about this guy, like what's his problem with me and why is he asking me about how am I not dead yet? Creepy. I look around and the class is still staring at me but with bigger eyes. "I don't understand your question, am I suppose to be dead right now," I asked, clearly looking afraid. "Yes, you should be," the guy says as he's getting up, "no one has lived longer than 5 seconds in that desk," he gets in my face and his face no longer shows fear but anger, "now tell me how are you not dead yet". I quickly take out my can of mace and spray it in his eyes. He lets out a scream and runs out of the classroom and Mr. Boa follows him. I slumped back down in my desk and the person next to me taps my shoulder. "Are you okay," the guy asks. "I'm okay but what's up with that guy I just maced right now?" As I asked this question, the guy next to me seemed to frown and sighed. "The desk you're sitting in is considered cursed in our school." I stared at him in confusion. "Cursed? Can you explain to me what you mean about cursed?" He began to explain that every year when a new student or even a regular student who sat where I currently sit now, has died within the first few minutes of sitting in the desk. "Am I just an exception of this supposed curse," I said jokingly. The guy furrowed his brow and said, "Well you're the first girl to sit there, every other person who sat was a guy." I'm sorry but what?
