
Three Peaks Island

Ahmet and his companions in the boat went towards the island while the crew waited for news in the ship, when they reached the shore it was empty but there were traces of life, they continued to advance towards the forest, they were surprised by the presence of a village inside the forest, this village was surrounded by wooden walls They hid in the trees and observed the situation. Caution was necessary. After hours, they found that the village belonged to ghouls.

Ghouls look much like Zombies, i.e. rotting (and usually Human) corpses. However, their tongues are long and thin and usually flicker in and out of their mouths when they engage a prospective meal in combat. They also move faster and more determined as Zombies do.

Often these monsters will use their similarity to any other rotting corpse to wait for prey, lying dormant until a victim comes too close. Once this happens, the Ghoul will awake suddenly and lash out at its target, often achieving surprise.

Ghouls are stupid creatures who are controlled by a slandered necromancer who uses shadow magic .

Ahmet led the group away because he felt that this place was not suitable to expose themselves, two hours to the north they found another village they hid to watch the situation.

After observation, it was found that the village belongs to goblins , Goblins are intelligent and fast-developing creatures, and they are social creatures, but their only drawback is that they multiply rapidly, which made them pose a threat to other creatures. The goblins are divided into three types.

the first category is the goblins of the forest and they are small creatures. The length of the adult goblin reaches the length of a human child of nine years old ,This breed is distinguished by its green color and long tail. It is a hunter by nature.

The second type, blood goblins, is distinguished by its bloody red color and black eyes. This breed eats raw meat and is rare compared to other types.

The third and last type is the dark goblins, which are dark-skinned goblins that prefer to live in caves and often feed on fish.

The villages of the Goblins are close to each other, and this is because they unite among themselves to confront their archenemy, ogres .

The Ogre Kingdoms are the rightful and sovereign domain of the large and brutish Ogre race. Wandering tribes of Ogres can be found wrecking their way across the globe, erecting many strongholds and plundering far off and exotic lands the likes of which no man will ever see in their lifetime. Yet no matter how far away they may be, all Ogres refer to the scattered tribal kingdoms that dominate the slopes and river valleys of the Mountains of Mourn their rightful, hard-earned homeland. It is here, amongst the frozen peaks and blistering blizzards that mighty Tyrants rule over their own brutal kingdoms, warring amongst each other, looting, extorting and ransacking all before them as a tribute to their own gluttonous appetite and their ever-hungry God, the Great Trundle.

The strongest and most deadly enemy in this island are the ogres ,and all other races are considered prey according to their ruler, and their god is the one who determines who they will attack and this is done by the diviner ogres who is always next to this god, this ruler took the title of god for his great strength and also For winning the battle of either a sublime creature.

And on the other side of the island is the kingdom of the amphibians, the enemy that ghouls cannot overcome, and this is what keeps the balance on this island.

Amphibious creatures are those which have the natural ability to survive either on land or in water for extended periods of time.

Their external shape is like the human shape and their color tends to dark blue and they mostly eat fish. What makes this race strong is to drag opponents into the water and use the feature of breathing under water and leave the prey suffocating by not allowing it to get out of the water.

The kingdom of the amphibians is built on an archipelago consisting of several small islands, as their kingdom extends to the underwater where they built for themselves homes and palaces under the water. The ruler of this race and their god is the great Odin.

This island carried the balance of these four races, in addition to three sublime creatures living on the tops of the three mountains, and Ahmed noticed that no one could approach the summits. He also decided that the most appropriate place to appear and search for information was the kingdom of the amphibians, because their language is one of the ancient languages ​​he learned in Vinyl.

The group returned to the ship and told the rest about what they saw. Their feeling was a mixture of surprise and fear. Their eyes were eager for this adventure, and their trust in Ahmet increased as they went through all these experiences together. Ahmet told them that the best thing they would do is to hide the ship in one of the watery caves and go on a walk on feet to the kingdom of the amphibians.

Ahmet searched for a nearby water cave, and after making sure that the ship was well hidden, they began to move towards the amphibians. Ahmet took them through a path that passes behind the tribes of the goblins so that they would not meet the ogres, and likewise he warned them them from the ghouls controlled by the necromancer.

Fortunately for them, they passed without being noticed and found themselves in front of the gate of the great kingdom of the amphibians. It was a huge gate made of green emeralds, on top of which was a statue of a mermaid with inscriptions in the ancient language.

Standing in front of the gate are two huge guards holding a weapon called trident 🔱 , The force was visible on them, but they did not move, but let Ahmet and the group enter and did not ask them for anything. They entered the kingdom of the amphibians, which was very beautiful and wonderful .

This is Ahmet adventure in the arc islands The first island is the three peaks island .

I hope you enjoy it

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