
The Salvation : The legend of the westland

In a world of wars and betrayals, a world of racism and injustice, a world that applies the law of the jungle, a world ruled by force, only the strong write history. Religions and beliefs multiplied, and there were many gods, each sect believes in the god it deems powerful. The strong been worshiped and the weak waits for someone to protect him ,All this has produced for us one belief that has become one of the pillars in all religions. Most religions adopt the idea of ​​the "Savior", which claims in short that the world will remain full of evil and corruption until the appearance of the "Savior" who will fill the earth with justice and equity... Perhaps our problem on this earth is that most people are waiting for someone to come to fix their societies, instead of doing it. This is the story of the man who came from the western land and became the "Savior" only to destroy this belief. The man who thirsts for power reached its highest levels, and there he found the absolute truth behind what is called good and evil. How did he transform from a hero and king looking for justice to a man thirsting for power and revenge, from an innocent man to a man who might stain his fists with the blood of the gods if necessary, from a weak man to a man who rules the heavens and what is below.

T_mido · Fantasy
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45 Chs

The mermaids land

The ship set out to sea towards the east in search of the ruins leading to Dragons Island, each crew member was doing something until Ken the Metal Phoenix saw some big black clouds in front of them that were like a storm striking in one place, he told the crew, the white lion Atlas came to the front of the ship and felt something strange then he told that to Ahmet, who tried in his turn, and he also sensed that there was some kind of magic ahead of them, Ahmet asked Darius to turn the ship to avoid the storm, but it was too late.

The ship drifted inside the storm, and the darkness became darker inside, each of them lit a torch, but the strange thing was that each of them felt that he was alone in the ship and that the rest left the ship, Ahmet and because he is the strongest among them, his sense of magic was stronger, so he knew that he was inside a magic matrix of the type of illusion And he released his complete aura, shattering the center of the matrix , which is the thunder cloud , At that moment the darkness cleared and the truth appeared to everyone that they were under the influence of illusion, but the ship was surrounded by sea creatures, those creatures that created the illusion matrix, these creatures are mermaids.

The ship had entered their private area, knowing that the mermaids are isolated creatures that do not like to interfere in the affairs of other races, and as a defensive measure, they use the illusion matrix, and exterminate the enemies , but this time the enemy was stronger than they imagined , Ahmet's aura showed them that he is either a supreme being or a member of the clan of the gods, they sent for the Queen of the Mermaids immediately , whose her power is equivalent to a supreme being of the upper class, the higher rank, she quickly arrived at the place of the ship, and then she sensed the power of the man in the ship she realized that she was in front of an entity that could not be tampered with.

Ahmet advanced to the front of the ship and looked at the queen only by sensing her aura. He knew that she was the strongest among them, so he concluded that she was their leader, so he addressed her saying, "Can you explain what is happening here, why are you attacking us and why are you encircling our ship?".

Before answering, one of the mermaids spoke and said, "Be silent, you wretch. You will pay the price for entering our land without permission, as well as the price for not kneeling before our queen." the look on Ahmet's face changed and some anger appeared, the queen felt that he is angry and cut off the head of the mermaid who spoke. then the mermaid queen bowed like princesses and said, "Excuse the rudeness of my servant, she does not know her limits, sir , I hope her punishment will comfort your heart. I am the Queen of the Mermaids Oceane, and I am a descendant of Poseidon, the sea god, from the clan of the gods, your ship has been attacked because our warriors did not know that it belongs to your lordship, but any ship that crosses the borders of our land is attacked. And in reparation for what my servants have done, I give you an emerald of the sea god as a gift , i hope you like it."

Ahmet accepted her gift and told her that they entered the borders of the land of the mermaids without knowing, they are just explorers travelers looking for the ruins leading to the dragons island, The queen smiled and said, "It must have been fate that brought you here. No one knows the way to the lost island but the mermaids, and we will have the honor to lead your lordship's way toward the island, but may I have the honor of knowing the descendant of which god you are?".

Ahmet jumped to a rock in front of the queen and sat down and then said, "I do not know anything about my origin, but I know that I am the Savior who will save this world from the great evil, and I also know that I am the avenger who will take revenge on the world from everyone who has corrupted it, and I am the chosen one who chose himself to be salvation."

Ahmed's words were like a riddle, but for the queen it was a word full of selfishness, self-love and self-deification , she said " forgive me sir , You may see yourself as strong, but your strength did not exceed that of a descendant, there is gods who is stronger than you, and if you are going to the land of the gods for revenge, I advise you to return, your strength is not enough." She was speaking and the she noticed the crown tattoo on his hand, she was shocked and stopped talking.

He stood on the rock and said to her, "I am not going to take revenge. I am going to search for the truth. As for revenge, it will be from those who pollute this world with their corrupt actions. Everyone who joined the mask sect is my only enemy."

She bowed in glory in front of him, this time her bow was in prostration and said, "Excuse me, sir, for my shortness of sight, for I did not see your truth. If you want to take revenge on the whole world, you are able to do it. Can a weak creature like me ask you to honor our palace and accept our hospitality for tonight, and tomorrow morning we will take you To the island of the crossing , which called also the ruins of the dragon".

Ahmet accepted her offer, and she took them to the kingdom of the mermaids and to her palace, where they hosted a luxurious dinner, in which the food and drink were delicious , and Ahmed and those with him were treated as special guests of the queen, and therefore each of them found a mermaid waiting for him in his room to serve him as he wanted , Ahmet made a short tour in the kingdom of mermaids and wrote in his memoirs all the monuments he saw, but what caught his attention was the talk of some of the guards that the queen narrowly beat a female who was sailing alone and that she was so strong she manage to destroy the illusion matrix and to beat all the mermaid warriors and this female was from the race of Dryads and she is now imprisoned in the palace, Ahmet returned to the palace and he went directly to the palace prison and found, as he expected, Glory was imprisoned there, he went to the queen and told her that Glory is one of his companions, the queen released her immediately and apologized for what happened with her , Ahmet accepted and told her that everything it's ok because she released her and they were reunited again , It was an intimate meeting. She fell into his arms and kissed him and told him that she is happy to meet him again and that she had been thinking about him all this time. He took her in his arms and took her to his room, and this was the first time for her. She was happy and afraid, she was excited and her temperature was high. As for Ahmed, he was self-confident, this is not the first time for him he has gained experience.

On the morning they boarded the ship, and the mermaid queen herself led them to the island of the ruins of dragons.

The next chapter will be the last chapter in this arc it will be in the ruins of the dragon

I hope you enjoy it

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