
Chapter 3 Story starts

11 YEARS LATER at 6 am in the morning a 15-year old boy is sitting cross-legged on a bed and another boy who looks exactly the same but a lot skinnier who is sleeping.

"Peter 'James come down for breakfast," James who was sitting cross-legged open his eyes looked at Peter and said "get up spider boy its time to go to school " Peter got up and was thinking this guy 15 years and won't stop calling me a damn spider.

after breakfast, James and Pete walked outside to get on the bus to school "Pete what are going to do today I heard you going to an internship" "yeah monkey I'm going to os..." "Wait I feel something it is your destiny," James said with a finger on his temple in a jokingly manner and got up and got off the bus Pete with blank lines on his face.

james went to his class and saw a girl with name Raven with pale skin. " hey raven you need to smile more your world look more bright" raven look at him coldly and said "shut up James I am reading"

james smile and shut up thinking man this girl has some daddy issues.

james was going out of the class and saw people rushing in the hall and then he heard flash say

" hey peter come take a picture" " no flash put him down " flash look at Peter and drop the kid he was bully and said " your brother not here to protect you" and just when he about to punch peter a hand grab him and said coldly " touch my brother or that boy again il kill you" James came out of nowhere and said " come on let get out here " flash said to gang of bullys and left

the lil freshmen said to James " thank you sir " James smiled and said " no problem if they do something to you again let me know and ill put them in bed for a week" and Peter said " thanks James but I sometimes I feel like your the older brother. James just look at him and said " let to go you don't want to be late on the first day your internship" Peter smiled. lil did James know Gwen was looking at him from afar.

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