

As expected the Saiyan brats are rowdy and confused some are just neutral others are already trying to rebel particularly one brat who dint even have a power level of 200 good things Abb got rid of him I had made sure he didn't kill the brat but he was injured enough to learn his lesson there didn't seem to be many who tried to stand up to me, For now.

I had used my new magic to project my voice so all could hear me according to Rin there were 3500 Saiyan after all which was way more than I expected honestly but it was a welcome surprise, Although training them all would be trouble but it was a good thing I already had someone capable to help none other than good old sir Greyback.

I had already planned on Having Greyback help training the young Saiyans but I wasn't sure until I saw him train the Tacoons he truly is a natural at what he does thank goodness I made him Army commander, now he has 3500 recruits.

Speaking of the recruits they seem to be taking this news relatively well At least that's what I thought when another Saiyan walked up to us He was roughly our age may be slightly older and he had spiky black hair and intelligent black eyes he had his tail wrapped around his waist and a green scouter.

Greetings my king he said as He bowed when he was 10 steps away from me which caught me by surprise but I kept a composed face, I had thought he would challenge me but he even called me his king it was too soon to tell and he accepted me so easily as-well. Just as I was about to ask who he was Toma energetically rushed in front of the Saiyan jumping around him like a child who just saw their favorite cousin.

BEAN, BEAN, BEAN!!! Toma yelled jumping and hugging the stranger who was called bean who was still kneeling as this was happening.

"Hello, Toma it is a pleasure to see you again same to you Lett you have both become quite powerful since we last met." He said that in the most formal tone I have ever heard from a Saiyan.

But what was even more surprising was that he knew both Toma and Lett but then again Toma did say there were a lot of Saiyans where she and Lett grew up well spent some time before being sent off to massacre worlds the Saiyan equivalent of Boarding school.

I put those thoughts aside for now and looked back at Bean he had a decent power level for a Kid 560 better than I thought it would be.

" So Bean was it I take it you had a question for me? Even tho I knew his name best to play around a bit just as a small test of his character and stuff. Rin seemed to be close attention to how I talked as well.

"Yes my Lord this one is known as Bean" he still spoke politely kneeling. I command him to rise as he did I noticed that the other Saiyan was watching this closely and paying close attention there was something planned here.

Bean continued " So far we understand that we are the last remaining Saiyan and that Frieza is responsible for the destruction of Planet Vegeta, but how do you plan to defeat someone like Frieza?

HMMMM well you will know in due time but I can only disclose this information to those who follow me, if you choose to follow me you will reach levels of power you could only dream of reaching if you follow me you will possess power even greater than king Vegeta, the Ginyu force and with enough work Frieze himself,

(Author note: Fun little thought I had that king Vegeta and Bardock could have beaten many members of the Ginyu force in their great ape isn't it funny how if Vegeta could transform on Nameck fighting the Ginyu would have been a bit easier.)

Arrot then pointed at his crew proudly you have proof with these five behind me right now They possess power far greater than many would ever dream of and at such a young age as well now imagine what I could do for all of you in 15 years, you would be invincible and all you have to do is pledge your allegiance to me and I WILL!! make you great I will make every one of you powerful all you have to do is step forth and

Bend the knee!!

Arrot said this with confidence and power in his voice he made sure to sound as determined and confident as possible using up all his charisma points after all as history has proven people will listen to an orator that has confidence and charisma especially if they promise them something they want and Arrot promised them power that rivaled King Vegeta and Frieza. But he had to make it clear that he was the one in charge and he was more than willing to use force.

He was, of course, met with many approving nods of those interested in his proposal, Many then moved forward and began to kneel at first they were few then more arrived, and in some time there were only ten left they seemed defiant causing Arrot to frown a little but nearly visible he exerted a bit of pressure onto them that the others surly felt causing the remaining ten to Kneel in a cold sweat.

Even Toma, Abb, Umpki, Bora, and Lett knelt before Arrot more willing than most.

Toma raised her head and spoke but this time with the most serious tone Arrot had ever heard from her it was dignified and stern.

'It is clear that all 3500 Saiyans here have recognized you Arrot as the most qualified individual to lead us on, an account of both your incredible strength and vast knowledge that would greatly benefit the future of all Saiyans in the universe.!


Her statement was met with a cheer from many Saiyans

"Indeed" Bean continued trying to gain more favor with Arrot

"It is as if heaven itself had decided this outcome that you Arrot were meant to free us from the jaws of death at the hands of the tyrant Frieza and the incompetent leadership of King Vegeta, It was always meant to be you who leads us


Many more Saiyans cheered at his statement. many more Saiyans gave Arrot more praise and they were each met with cheers

Arrot watched all this with a look of indifference on the outside on the inside he was now talking to Rin about the current events and where to head now.

"Okey Rin I have myself a little army now all I have to do is train them I was going to take them back to planet Taccoon so grey back could help with the training but I think staying on this conquered world is better."

"I agree with Rin answers in an indifferent tone "I would also suggest that the remaining inhabitants be used s servants of sorts to rebuild their civilization but this time in a way that suits the Saiyans.'

'Sort of like slaves? 'if so I'm not committed to the idea sorry. Arrot quickly put off the idea of slavery it wasn't the type of thing he wanted to include in his Empires history the genocide was bad enough he didn't want to needlessly add slavery to the list but there were three things you never ask in life

1. A woman's age

2. A man's salary

And last but not least

3. How an Empire spread its power, borders, and influence.

Rin quickly refuted this tho in a slightly surprised tone that turned into one of slight disappointment.

"I would have never imagined you would still think in such a way even after all this time you still don't look at things differently am not suggesting slavery I am simply suggesting that you use the planet's inhabitants to create a home for the Saiyans on this planet homes that would suit Saiyan needs.

It is also worth noting That the Tacoons have developed faster than expected in these few months so expect them to produce space travel soon,

Hmmm, you don't say bringing Greyback here will be easier than expected anyway back to the Saiyans.

Rin continued "And also that you must be aware of possible betrayals from your subjects.

Arrot mentally sighed at this, he had already considered the possibility of betrayal he hoped to spot any signs before they got out of hand but then remembered something, it was a spell he had glossed over a master-servant binding spell that would have a servant attached to their master that allowed the master to know everything about a servant and even read their emotions and thoughts, there where other benefits like being able to temporarily take control of a servants mind and you could even give them an extra power boost like Babidi did with the Majin sign.

It was quite convenient to have especially as a leader, The first two conditions of the spell have already been done which were to have a servant or servants kneel before you and vocally pledge Allegiance the spell does not require the servent to be genuine since the spell was originally made by a wizard who suspected his apprentice would kill them to have his knowledge so it was a way of weeding them out, clever wizard Arrot thought mostly to himself but Rin noticed.

Of course, Arrot had 3,500 servants that pledged their allegiance to him which was even better now he had to fore fill the third condition which was to have them all draw blood while he was casting the spell of bonding.

Arrot Began to pay attention to the Saiyans again that was still stroking his ego, he decided to put an end to this as he raised his hand for silence, and with his silent command there was although he did not show it he was internally overjoyed that this had worked since he practiced it in the pod for the past months quickly brushed the thoughts of and began to address the Saiyan children.

"It pleases me that you have all decided to join me I guarantee that you will be greatly rewarded with mountains of gifts, so long as you play your part at least those that do not meet expectations will of course be punished' Arrot made sure that he established that he would only reward hard work his voice was stern as he said this.

"Now to prove my truth allow me to give you all your first reward" the Saiyans seemed excited at Arrot word until he told them to bleed, This confused many but there were some like Toma and the gang besides Lett who quickly bit themselves enough to bleed lightly there where other more hesitant like Bean but he did it as he still needed to get on Arrots good side.

As they did this Arrot quickly made some strange gang signs that were in a way similar to hand signs in Naruto but different a massive bright red circle began to appear beneath their feet and they all began to glow and a red mark that looked like the symbol the Saiyans used was engraved on a part of their body.

Image of the sign:

One also appeared on Arrow's chest Toma's was on her left shoulder, Abb's was on his tongue Umpki on his neck, Bora on her left Thigh lets on his right hand, and Beans on the left side of his neck. At first, it was surprising but the Saiyans began to admire their marks as well as those of others.

as they did this Arrot began to notice something he could feel how they all felt emotionally he even heard their thought's he choose to experiment later and called for the Saiyan's attention he thought he would have to raise his voice but it seems like the Mark transferred his intent to them all which he found to be slightly creepy but ignored it.

"Now as you can all see you have all been accepted into the new Saiyan kingdom this mark will be our symbol brandish it with pride and do not Disgrace Succeed and you will reap the benefits fail and you gain nothing but a lesson that you must learn from to open another door t success never give up and you will never fail.

Now raise your fists high for letting this day be known as the day the old Saiyans died and from the remains rose the New Saiyans Arrot spoke with passion and he could feel a the Saiyans gaining more and more vigor and energy from his speech and he also felt many feel slightly encouraged.

WE ARE THE NEW SAIYANS!! he yelled WE ARE THE NEW KINGDOM OF SODALA AND WE WILL NEVER FALL, BUT RISE HIGHER THAN EVER BEFORE!! this was followed by an excited roers of excitement and approval from the crowd as they chanted his name.


They repeated this response filled Arrot with a sense of happiness and pride, He felt like he had just accomplished something incredible and had never had a crowd call out his name like this before now.

He didn't even feel this excited when the Tacoons recognized him but with the Saiyans, something felt different as if this was meant to be as if something akin to a Saiyans pride awakened within him something that told him this felt right it was similar to how he felt excited at the thought of a fight it was like he needed to feel this even more.

and with all 3500 Saiyans chanting his name in approval Arrot had accomplished His goal of gaining a future Saiyan army. He openly smiled with the excitement at the events since his arrival in the Dragon ball world it was as if everything had been going his way there were some hiccups here and there but nothing too major he always managed to succeed, but he felt as if things would only become harder with time. Even in his excitement Arrot couldn't help but ask himself.

"How long will my luck last?

So anyway please feed me your power stones and also please comment if you do this you give hope to a future Emperor.

coz creation is hard I need the motivation.

Ranks_Blex_2955creators' thoughts
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