
The lookout


After Shin finished his conversation with Nezu and Korin, Shin went back to the training facility. He was currently talking with the main group Goku, Momo. and Mina and they weren't exactly happy that he was leaving

"You won't see me for the next two months and I'll be leaving tonight so I can get to my destination early. I haven't told anybody else this besides you three so I appreciate it if you don't tell them that I'm going on a training journey. I want to keep a secret.

Goku then spoke out, he was worried about his brother leaving since they have been close from the beginning "where will you go? I mean there's nothing much else for you to learn regarding martial arts"

Shin just shook his head "There's always something to learn whether it's martial arts or life in general and that's what I'm going to do. There's this one place I'm planning to visit. After that, I might just wander around going place to place and take in the sights.

After that Shin turned his focus towards Momo. Mina saw this a grabbed Goku's hand and dragged him away letting both of them have their privacy

Shin just gently grabbed her hands and intertwined his fingers with hers "I know you don't like that I have to leave you alone for two months but this is something I have to do. When I come back I'll make sure that we have a full day to ourselves"

Momo just placed her head on his head "I really don't like it but if it's something you have to do then I won't stop you. Just promise me that you'll call me time from time" She squeezed his hands "I'll miss you"

Shin didn't say anything as he enjoyed the moment


After a few more hours of spending time with momo, it was finally time for Shin to leave. it was 8 in the afternoon so he quickly packed up some tacos and burritos while packing up some clothes. He didn't need to pack food but needed clothes for what he was going to undertake.

He decided to wear his hero outfit as it also counted as his training outfit. He made his way towards Gokus room to say goodbye, but as he was about to knock, he realized that there was no noise coming out of the room. Shin assumed that Goku was just sleeping and let him rest. Shin made his outside and started to float off the ground until he was high in the air. He looked at his home for one last time as would it be a long time before he saw it again and his friends. He just took a deep breath and started to fly away

As Shin was flying away, he felt a familiar presence and he knew who it was

Shin got closer to see Goku in the air who seemed to be waiting for him. they made eye contact while the both of them didn't say anything. Out of nowhere, Both of them rushed at each other as soon both of their fists made contact with each other

Goku smiled "Don't be surprised if I completely surpass you!"

Shin just smirked back "I highly doubt that but your welcome to try"

Both of them just laughed and finally said their goodbyes as they parted ways. Goku knew that if he stood a chance in defeating Shin he would have to train harder than ever before and under the guidance of Master Roshi, he would reach new levels of strength never seen before. He was determined to reach new that level and fully surpass his brother

What Goku didn't know was that would be impossible


It had been a few days since Shin left for his training journey. Shin had been flying countless hours nonstop while was getting closer and closer to his destination and after days of flying, he finally saw what he was looking for

an ancient-looking platform high in the sky

The lookout

As Shin landed on the lookout, he took a chance to embrace the surroundings. everything felt calm and tranquil like everything was going to be alright until Shin saw two black things behind a bush. One was standing up and was wearing a turban on its head while the other one was on its knees and had long blond hair and appeared to be giving to the other one a blowjob

"at least your mouth feels good" the thing said as he suddenly felt as he was being watched and turned around to see Shin staring at him

"Ah, you're finally here! go put the weed in the kitchen I left the money on the counter"

Shin didn't know what to do as he just stood there frozen. he didn't know if he should be lucky to receive this version of Mr.Popo so he just spoke back "Ahhh..... I'm not the weed guy"




Shin then started sweating bullets "Look I'm only here to receive training"


"Mr. Popo calm down and go eat your snickers" said a green man as he walked out of the building "You're not you when you're hungry"


Kami just ignored Mr.Popo and focused his attention "So young one, why did you come all this way?"

Shin, who was scared went straight to the point as he didn't want to be around Mr.Popo any longer " I would like to receive your training"

Kami just looked at him for a while, inspecting Shin all over "I do sense much power in you, more than your letting off. I can also tell that you know how to properly control your ki so I'm afraid that I can't help you much regarding your progress. Besides, why do you want to get so strong?

Shin knew he would say that so he told the truth "There is evil lurking underneath and it's waiting for the right opportunity to strike so that's why I need to get strong. If I don't do something, many people will get hurt including my loved ones. I just want to protect everybody I care about"

Kami could tell that that he wasn't lying and was generally telling the truth. He also knew the evil that was growing in the dark and he was powerless to do anything as he couldn't interfere. If something didn't happen then the world will be plunged into chaos. that's when he realized he found somebody who could help and that somebody was in front of him. If he helped this boy get stronger than he already was then maybe...hope can prevail

"Even though I can't personally help with your training, there is something that I can provide that will help me greatly. follow me"

Shin did what Kami said and started following him. This is what he was hoping for all along. This was his only reason for coming here

After a few minutes of walking, they finally made their way to a door

"This right here is the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. One day out here is 1 year in there so if you're seeking a way to improve your strength quickly this is the way. I must warn you though, you can only go in twice in your entire life and if you're not mentally strong enough then you can go crazy. Are you willing to take that chance?

Shin shook his head in agreement "If this is the only way to get stronger quickly then I'll do it"

"very well" Then he opened the door and a white light appeared "I wish you luck"

Shin took a deep breath and began to mentally prepare himself. Once he goes through that door there is no going back. He remembered the faces of Momo, Goku, Mina, Gohan, all of his friends. If he wanted to protect them had to get strong and repel the darkness. He then exhaled "I'm ready"

He then walked through the door. the light consuming him whole

Then the door closed

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