
The Misty Forest

In the summer of May, 25, 2010, afternoon in a quiet town of saint Vincent. Brenda Stars, went out of their house to meet Jake Strongman, at nearby coffee shop. when something unprecedented happened.

"You're late, Brenda. Don't you know I'm tired staring, at this wrist-watch for 20 minutes!"

"How long have you been here, Jake? Your face is like an unpainted portrait."

"I'm almost waiting here for a decade, Brenda!"

"I want to apologize for that, Jake!"

"It's fine, I'm just in a bad mood—"

"What happened, Jake?"

"—Moody, because of chief!"

"I don't blame you, he's "Dreadful." The only thing missing at him, was paired of two pointy horns, Jake!"

"Hahaha… you're so silly as ever, Brenda."

"Cool it, Jake! Don't let you're emotions controlled you!"

"Maybe you're right, Brenda. I've let my emotions—clouded my thoughts."

Brenda stared at Jake like he was going to melt. Jake stretched his buffed arms and notice her—in a serious look.

"Hey, Brenda. Are you alright? Is there a dirt in my face?"

"No, nothing! Hmm… I'm just thinking you're same old Jake—that I know since we're kids. by the way—Have you eaten, Jake?"

"Yes, I'm done!"

"Then, why you're stomach rumbling like a thunder—huh, Jake?"

"Why are you glaring at me?"

"Nothing, I'm just wondering, Jake!"

"Wondering about, Brenda?"

"If you're telling the truth about eating that's all, Jake!"

"Honestly, Brenda. I'm haven't eaten yet…"

"…I want us eating together but—zikes, your late!"

"Oh my, It's 4:30 PM, Already?! Time really fly's, Jake!"

"Yeah, it does… it's already May, 25, 2010, I hope you'll remember—"

"Remembering—what, Jake?"

"—Its nothing, Brenda!"

"Wait here… there's something—I'd need to buy at the counter!"

"Sure just don't make me wait for another thousand years, Brenda!"

"I've promised, this is like a blink of an eye, Jake!"

Brenda went into the counter to order food for the two of them, while Jake was playing a video game in his smartphone.

"I thought, it was a blink of an eye?!"

"Oh that, the crew was so busy… anyway—Here! I've ordered your favorite, grilled beef stake with iced tea, Jake."

"Thank you so much, babe. You've known me really well!"


"Why, Brenda?"

"—Close your eyes!"

"For what, Babe?"

"Just close your eyes, Jake!"

"Here, it's already closed—"

"No cheating, Jake! Remove your hands please."

"—Alright, Brenda. My heart was running fast like a train, don't you know that?"

"Just relaxed Mr. Muscle!"

"You're making fun of me—"

"Now open your eyes, Jake. Happy 5th anniversary!"

"—Wow, am I, dreaming?"

"Do you want me to slapped you?!"

"No-no-no! I'm awake, I'm just kidding around, Brenda!"

Jake was surprised by Brenda, he wouldn't thought—she would do that. He was smiling as if there's no tomorrow.

"Here's an ice cream an additional to the cake. No worries, it's my treat…"

"…Brenda and Jake! I was so happy to both of you… alright, I must go back to work!"

"Thank you, Tryna!"

"You're welcome, Brenda!"

Tryna was really happy of Brenda and Jake's 5th anniversary celebration. She was full of joy, her smile was reaching the sky, as she goes back to her duty.

"I've never expected this, Brenda!"

"This is the reason, why—I'm late, Jake."

"What time is it, Brenda?"

"Its 5 O'clock PM. Why, Jake?"

"I need to go at the gym. It's bulking season!"

"You've already buffed, Jake! Isn't that enough?"

"I want to be at my best shape!"

"This is not a drill! I repeat, This is not a drill! All citizens of the city, must quarantine into your houses. This is, chief Blackheart—from Saint Vincent Police Department!"

"What's happening, Jake?!"

"I have no idea either, Brenda!"

The chief send a text messages to Brenda and Jake. They went into the parking lot to start the cars engine.

"I have a bad feeling about this!"

"Lets be always be prepared for the worst scenario, Brenda!"

"Yeah, you're right, Jake!"

"We're almost at the police station, Jake."

"Oh my God! What is that?!"

The car suddenly stopped, when an unknown creature crawled up high in front of it.

"Calmed down, Jake!"

"My heart beating fast like a horse, what if we hit an innocent people, Brenda?!"

"Relaxed, As I remembered, I think, it was a dog! No human being can jumped up High—like that!"

"I was hoping that you're right, Brenda!"

"Stay right here, Jake!"

"Where you going, Brenda?"

"I'll go check that thing!"

"Be careful out there, Brenda!"

"I will, Jake."

She went out of the car to examine the unknown creature. Brenda looked at the area to find the creature.

"Any clues, Brenda?"

"There's nothing in here, only traces of blood, Jake!"

"Should I go down, Brenda?"

"Much better! Handed over to me the test tube."

"Here take it, Brenda. This is so weird!"

"Yeah! Anything that happened this day is weird, Jake!"

"Are you done?"

"Yes, Jake. I'm almost done collecting samples! Could you please wipe this blood, Dear?"

"Alright, Zikes! Get in the car, Brenda!"

"That's my men!"

"Why I'm doing this—for the sake of being an 'Elegant guy!?' to her, I must do this!"

Brenda went back at the car, the cold send chills to her body, while peeking Jake, at the cars window.

"Jake, are you done?"

"I'm almost done! So much for this blood!"

"Lets hurry up, Jake. Shall we?"

"My fear was faded, No body to be found, less worry!"

"That's right, Mr. Muscle!"

The car engine started running, Brenda and Jake, finally make it to the police station. Chief Braxton Blackheart, waiting for them, at the police station lobby.

"It's the chief, let me handle this. Just ignored him, Jake!"

"Okay—I know, be quiet—he could hear you, Brenda!"

"That's why I'm muttering at the—"

"What took you so long, Brenda and Jake?!"

"—The lowest tone."

"I'm talking—both of you, stop!"

"Later, chief Blackheart."

"She's getting into my nerves… That women!"

They ignored Chief Blackheart—naggering and went into the mission room located at the 2nd floor. Chief Blackheart face turned into fury-red because of being ignored.

"Whew, we're here at last!"

"Yeah, Jake. After all the trouble—"

"Don't remind it, Brenda!"

"—Fine, don't act to obvious."

"Yes, My babe—I mean, chief operative—"

"ATTENTION! Idiots! Let's begin this short briefing, shall we!?"

"—The chief's here!"

"Shut up, Jake!"

The chief menacingly stares at Brenda and Jake. He never winked an eye even just for a second. He mentioned them while smiling with a twisted smile.

"I hope, all of you guys! Specially those two, Ms. Stars and Mr. Strongman. I hope you're paying attention?"

"Yes, sir!"

"I hope, Ms. Stars—How about you, Mr. Strongman?"

"Loud and clear, Sir!"

"Okay, here's your job! Some of you… I'll assigned you at the lockdown check point at the city's main roads! The others will do an important task—"

"What's this important task?"

"—I'm not finished, Mr. Strongman. Captain Strongman and Chief operative Ms. Stars, You'll need to rescue my missing team…"

"…In addition to that, you need to gathered some data and samples; at the mayors mansion!"

The chief went into the whiteboard and then, he draw a mission plan. The chief introduces a four person, who would join at Brenda's squad.

"By the way… Brenda and Jake, I want you to welcomed these four gentlemen. This one in my right—He's Cain, the other one is Absalom…"

"In my left—he's Tristan and last but not the least—He's Abdul."

"Welcome to my squad! I'm Brenda Stars and this is Jake Strongman. We're your Squad leaders—this is—Abel. He's an elite officer."

"I know him very well."

"What are you muttering, Cain?"

"Nothing chief—I'm just thinking this was a great team!"

"Is that so… ALRIGHT! This meeting is over, Get to work!"

The chief went out of the room and head into his office. Brenda and Jake, went into the suit room to change clothes. The rookies went into helicopter hangar.

"For this kind of party, this leather-wet suit—was well-suited, Jake."

"I'm okay, with this bullet-proof-vest together with my things, Brenda."

"Brenda and Jake, the chopper's ready!"


"that's good, Jake and I, are heading there."

The chopper lifts up and flew towards the dark sky. The chopper headed north then, entered the land and it's shrouded-sky.

"ATTENTION! Insufficient fuel detected! I repeat, insufficient fuel detected, please re-fill fuel tank!"

"The female voice said, "there's no fuel! What's the meaning of this," Brock?!"

"I don't know, Brenda!"

"What you mean… you don't know, Brock?"

"Are we going to die—"

"Shut up, Abdul!"

"—We're still 100 feet below the ground, my body's trembling!"

"For God sake! Brock! Performed an emergency landing!"

"But, Brenda! There's no visible path!"

"Do it now!"

"As you wished, chief!"

"Hold on to something, Guys!"

"We're on it, Jake!"

"Brace yourself, Brenda and the others!"

The choppers fuel almost depleted. Brock, immediately followed, Brenda's ordered. He manage to make a safe land at the heart of the forest.

"Are you alright, Brenda?!"

"I would be alright soon, Jake. I was a little bit disoriented!"

"Hang in there for a while!"

"Thanks, Jake!"

"You guys, Are you alright—"

"This was your fault, Brock!"

"—Alright, Cain. I know you're upset—Nobody's fault!"

"That's enough, All of you!"

"I'm deeply sorry, Brenda—"

"I accept it! But you have to work this thing out!"

"—Brenda, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart—This time, I won't failed… all of us, we're getting here—Out alive!"

Brock gathered his equipment's and started analyzing the area. He decided to leave the team for a while."

"Lets get the party started."

"At your lead, Brenda!"

"Lets get moving, Jake."

"Brenda and Jake, I've decided to go at the missing team's camp site!"

"Just be careful, Brock. Radio us if anything happens!"

"I will, Brenda!"

The squad started to move fast towards at the mansions location, at exact 10 PM, in the evening.

"Brenda. Why—Brock, choose to be left behind?"

"He wants to fix the chopper for us, Abel."

"I see, well, it would be convenient if the chopper was Fixed—"

"He deserved to be left behind and die!"

"—Hey watch your words, Cain! He's one of us, he's our pilot!"

"Enough chit-chat and walked!"

"Yes, Captain Jake!"

They stopped quarrelling, when Jakes intervene. While walking at the woods a loud terrifying sound of howling—echoes at the forest.

"I don't like the sound of that! I'm having a cold sweat, upon hearing that sound!"

"Steeled yourself, Brenda!"

"I will, Jake!"

"Looked! There's a k-9 unit… Maybe, the missing team's k-9?!"

"Don't go near to it, Abdul. I have a bad feeling about this!"

"Yes, Brenda! But don't worry, maybe, we can use it, to track the missing team."

Abdul went towards the dog, he tried to tied the dogs-head with a rope. It showed it's pointed fangs at Abdul. Suddenly an unexpected incident occurred.

"Be a good boy!"

"Grrrrrrrrrr… rawrr."

"Argh… help!"

"Oh God, Jake. Help him!"

"Stay here, Brenda!"

Jake rushed to save Abdul when a group of dogs appeared and feast at Abduls Body.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"Jake! Help me! Oh god… it hurts! Argh… argh… ugh!"

"Jake! He's dying!"

"Better run! run, Brenda!"

They've run as fast as the wind and headed towards the mansion. They leave him behind to save their lives in imminent danger.