1 Chapter 1

Shen Feng was casually walking down the street of his city when everything suddenly turned black. Not understanding what happened, he tried to move his body from the place to find light in this darkness, but he realized he couldn't even move his body.

'What the hell is going on?! What happened to me?!' Shen Feng screamed internally.

As he continues to struggle against the invisible bindings that are holding his body from moving even an inch, he suddenly heard a mechanical voice sound within the endless darkness he found himself in, which startled him.

[Found suitable target to be Host... Binding to target... 1%...9%...21%...46%...81%... 100%... Binding successful... Greetings, Host. I am the Fantasy System, a System created by the Creator God of this particular Universe out of boredom.]

Shen Feng was just dumbfounded by what the voice said to him, as he found it was as if it was those novels he read, but he really wasn't sure as anything could happen right now.

'System? What do you mean? Also, what happened to me!' Shen Feng asked mentally.

[Host has died to an unknown phenomenon I am not able to detect currently. If Host wishes to find out how he died previously, Host needs to reach the level of a Primordial God in the future to do so, as it will strengthen me.]

'I died? What the hell!' Shen Feng yelled internally.

[Host was simply unlucky. Host should get over it soon, as Host will soon be sent to his new body and Host should have a clear mind for that.]

'Wait, what do you mean my new body?' Shen Feng asked in confusion.

[Host binding to me means Host needs a body, and I have found a suitable body for Host to take over. Would Host like a rundown of the world and the body Host shall be taking over?]

Shen Feng was once again shocked, as he did't expect this so-called System as it calls itself would actually be able to casually send him into a new body. After he had calmed down after his sudden death, he was cool-minded once again.

Normally he wouldn't of panicked like that, as he is normally always calm, with only a few situations where he loses his calm like that, which numbers a mere 6 to date, if he is adding this one as of earlier.

'Fine, give me the rundown.' Shen Feng agreed.

[Host will be entering a world where Magic and Dou Qi exists, with powerful Magicians and Warriors all throughout the lands. There are Magic Beasts all over the world as well, and there are multiple races besides humans, such as Elves, Beastman, Dragons, Demons and Merfolk. The world Host will be sent to is called Forg, and it is 21 times the size of Earth.

There are 5 continents on Forg, being the Forest Continent, Ocean Continent, Hell Continent, Dragon Continent and the Human Continent. Forest Continent belongs to the Elves and Beastman, with it split as 65% for Beastman and 35% for Elves. Ocean Continent belongs to the Merfolk, while the Hell Continent belongs to the Demons. I don't believe I need explain the final two.

The body Host will be entering is also named Shen Feng, but this Shen Feng is merely the abandoned child of a powerful clan of Dou Qi warriors in the Human Continent. As he has no talent in Dou Qi, or even Magic for that fact, he was simply abandoned by his clan.

He eventually ended up living inside of the forest after being abandoned, but he was killed after a year inside of the forest by a Dou Qi warrior who was in a bad mood after not finding what he wanted to hunt, and found the mortal Shen Feng and let out his pent up frustrations on him, killing him in the process. I will heal the body once Host enters it, so he is capable of both Magic and Dou Qi, as well as not having any wounds.]

Shen Feng was honestly overwhelmed by everything the System told him, but he didn't have any fear towards the new world he was going to, rather he was quite excited at the chance of a new adventure in this thrilling new world.

As he was about to ask the System about when he would be transferred to the new world, everything for him blanked out as he suddenly felt his mind go blank, as if he was paralyzed by something.

This feeling lasted for an unknown amount of time until it finally wore off, allowing him to finally feel his body again... Wait, his body? Shen Feng hurriedly jumped up off the ground and looked around, finding himself in a forest.

Recalling what the System said, he smirked as he realized he was already in his new body. As he looked around, he noticed that everything was frozen, as if time was stopped. Frowning in confusion, he looked around for something to find out why it is like this.

[Host, I did this myself. The reason being that Host is currently at the same place where the person killed the original owner of Host's new body and that person is still there. Host has been given a forced mission to kill the person.]

[A forced mission has appeared: Kill the murderer!

-Description: Get revenge for the original Host of the body to obtain the memories he had!

-Rewards: Original Body Memories, Status Function.

-Penalty: Death!]

Looking around again, Shen Feng indeed noticed a brutish looking man ahead of him with a bloody smirk on his face while looking where Shen Feng originally was, making him frown. He wasn't worried about killing people, as he had worked as a temporary mercenary in his past life due to some unfortunate accidents and he had killed his fair share of people.

Noticing a sword in the hands of the frozen brute, Shen Feng doesn't waste any time in snatching it from his hands and lopping the brutes head off without hesitation, causing blood to shoot out of his body as the area seems to have been unfrozen.

Blood spurted onto his face, but he was unfazed as this wasn't the first time he was covered in blood in his life. Looking down at the sword, he realized it is much more powerful that the strongest sword from his past life that he had been lucky enough to hold once before, making him a bit excited.

[Host has completed the forced mission! Host has obtained the Status function and the original owner of the bodies memories! Would Host like to absorb the memories?]

'Yes.' Shen Feng agreed.

Suddenly, Shen Feng groaned as he knelt onto the ground as a wave of memories entered his mind as if a fast pace movie, causing him slight pain. After a few minutes it finally stopped and he now knew everything about the life of the original Shen Feng.

He can vividly remember how he was constantly bullied and beaten while he was still within the clan before, making him frown. Since he took over this body, that means this is him now, so he was angry at the past of his in this world.

For some odd reason, the memories did not include the levels of neither Magic nor Dou Qi, making him confused, but he figured he could just ask the System to explain it to him anyways, so he didn't mind much and just asked.

'System, can you tell me about the levels for the Magic and Dou Qi systems in this world? My new memories didn't have then.' Shen Feng asked.

[Yes, Host. For Magic it is as follows: Apprentice Mage, Mage, True Mage, Magician, True Magician, Archmage, Saint Mage, Heavenly Mage, Divine Mage, Godly Mage, Sage, Sage God. Each level has 3 Stages, which are: Low, Intermediate and Advanced.

For Dou Qi Warriors it is as follows: Apprentice Warrior, Warrior, True Warrior, Great Warrior, Saint Warrior, Heavenly Warrior, Divine Warrior, Godly Warrior, Immortal Warrior, Immortal God Warrior, Void Warrior, Dou Warrior. Each level has 3 stages, which are: Low, Intermediate and Advanced.]

'Is that so, quite a lot of levels then. System, how do I use the Status function?' Shen Feng asked.

[Host just needs to think Status mentally and it will come up.]

'Status.' Shen Feng thought.


-Name: Shen Feng

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 17

-Magic Rank: None

-Dou Qi Rank: None

-Points: Locked

-Position: Reincarnator, Abandoned Young Master

-Titles: Reincarnator

-Skills: None]

'System, does this mean I can use both Magic and Dou Qi? That shouldn't be possible though.' Shen Feng asked.

[Due to the Reincarnator title, Host is capable of using both Magic and Dou Qi. Does Host wish for met to push Host to the first level of both Magic and Dou Qi? Host will need to be put asleep for it to happen.]

'I see. Well, please do so. I don't know how to do it myself, and just sleeping won't do me any harm.' Shen Feng agreed simply.

[Understood, Host.]

Shen Feng suddenly felt something shock him from within, making everything turn black around him as he fell to the ground, falling into a temporary coma made by the System, as to allow him to ignore the pain brought by forcefully raising his Magic and Dou Qi levels.
