
Swordsman Class

Once everything had loaded in , Lin Feng could hear a familiar voice. It was the voice of the system administrator.

" Please select a name for yourself ," the cold and emotionless voice sounded in the empty space.

" Feng Lin," Lin Feng replied.

"That name has already been taken," the voice replied.

[Really How has that name even been taken... I thought everyone would choose their gaming names not their real names... >.< ...*sigh anyway]

"Then I'll be called Lin Feng," Lin Feng replied.

" Very well, proceeding to the next phase, now you must pick a job class."

The cold voice of the system administrator continued,

"There are four main job classes categories and within them are 12 sub classes. For every main job class category there are 3 subclasses. Namely:

Warrior- A Guardian knight , Paladin , Berserker

Magician-Elementalist ,Necromancer , Magic knight

Healer - Cleric , Oracle , Monk

Weapon specialist - Assassin , Sentinel, swordsman

Each subclass has a role to play.

In the Warrior class we have the:

Guardian knight's main role is to tank the boss and to ensure no one gets hurt. They also need to draw the bosses Agro so then the boss doesn't attack the healers. It's primary weapon is a shield.In other words a tank.

Paladin wields a sword and a shield and focuses on using both together. They are usually up front due to their survivability.

Berserkers are heavy damage output characters however they have a big weakness, their skills have a long cool down so in the event that you miss the boss when you're using a skill it could be fatal. Primary weapon heavy sword.

In the magician main job class there is:

Necromancer usually hangs around the support character. Main weapon is a staff and can summon undead monsters to aid them in battle.

Ellementallists are magicians which have magic which are mainly tailored around the six main elements: wind , fire,earth,water ,light and dark. Spells that use a combination of elements have a long cast time so they have to be protected. Primary weapon is a staff.

Magic knights are magicians which use both a sword and magic together. However the magic they use is weaker then the other magicians.

In the Healer main job class there is:

Cleric usually focuses on buffing the teams attributes and using team protection skills.Primary weapon staff.

Oracle is a class which is focuses on single player healing spells and AoE healing spells usually heals the guardian knight. Primary weapon staff.

Monk are a class which specialize in debuffing the enemy monsters. Out of all the magician subclasses this is the only one which can attack with their staff.

In the Weapon specialist main job class there is:

Assassin is a stealth class which uses shadows to stealthily ambush their targets. Main weapon is daggers.

Sentinel specialize in using a bow and arrow from afar to damage their target. They are stealthy like Assassins and have many medium and long range skills but a few short range skills so they are at a heavy disadvantage at close range. So they are useful at reconnaissance and spying at the enemy target from medium-range.

And finally the swordsman class. The swordsman class is a class which focuses and short and medium range skills they only use a sword and have very high atk speed and certification hit rate."

"Now Lin Feng which class do you choose?" The voice said dryly.

Normally players would have to think seriously about what class they should pick however Lin Feng had already known which class he was going to pick from the beginning.

" I pick the Swordsman class." Lin Feng said excitedly.

The reason for this was because he was most familiar with this class and because he knew how to unlock a hidden class for the swordsman class.

As soon as the system had registered Lin Feng's reply a page of his stats had showed up instantaneously.

Character: Lin Feng

Main job class: Weapon Specialist

Sub job class:Swordsman





Magic resistance:2

Attack speed:7


Physical attack power: 16

Attributes:Strength 6,Endurance 3, Intelligence 1, Vitality 2 , Agility 4

Free attribute points: 5

Skills: 1

Basic Slash: Sends a sword slash towards the opponent. If mastery is achieved levels up to intermediate slash. (125 Sword Proficiency points required to unlock intermediate)

Sword Proficiency : Beginner level (200 points to advance Amateur )

Sword Proficiency points:0

"Do you wish to activate the pre-order gift," the voice said.

Lin Feng has pre ordered in his last life so he knew this would happen.

" Yes I accept," Lin Feng said.

10 free attributes have now been added to your character in addition to 50 silver coins.

"Which empire would you like to live in and which city in the empire," The administrator coldly said.

Lin Feng had already begun thinking long and hard about which empire but he had came to a conclusion. He decided to go to the Dragon-Heart Empire though this wasn't the empire he started in when he first started the game. This was the one he was most familiar with because this was the base of his old guild Sacred Sword.

However , this wasn't the only reason. It was because there was a hidden class you could unlock in that empire specifically Red Water city. He remembered that in his 'past life' someone had found the hidden class 'Blade whisperer' in Red Water city and became the number one expert in that city.

That person had shared the details to obtaining that hidden class but hidden classes can only be obtained once so no matter how generous he had been it didn't matter as no one could use the information, until now .You also have to complete the hidden class quest , the better the hidden class the harder the quest is to complete.

Unfortunately , the prerequisite to challenging a hidden class quest was level 15 so he couldn't challenge it as soon as he joined.

" The Dragon- Heart Empire , Red Water city," Lin Feng stated calmly.

Immediately , Lin Feng had started feeling a familiar sensation , it was that of a teleporting array.

And just like that he arrived in Red Water city of the Dragon-Heart Empire.

Next chapter