

Lin Feng sat down and turned on the Televison and there it was , his career crashing down on the big screen...A lone tear slid down his cheek yet he couldn't make a sound.

Lin Feng was <<Terra Online>> best player ranked first on the heaven rankings the nickname he had been given by players was 'Sacred Sword Sovereign'. Yet he had lost and magnificently too... He could do nothing except weep.

It was <<Terra Online>> 's 9th annual PVP tournament and it was the fan favorite Sacred Sword Sovereign vs Eagle eyes . Everything was on stake the two had many arguments so they had both agreed that if the other loses they had to restart their account.

Despite his confidence Lin Feng had lost to his opponent due to a distraction from one of the spectators...and as per the agreement Ling Feng had to terminate his account... and leave his guild with no leader and his city with no leader...

Lin Feng could only regretfully watch as everything he had accumulated had gone to waste...

Lin Feng's face paled , he wished that he could just forget about this and that he could...Restart


Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked around. It was no longer the gaming workshop he was used to but a small flat. Lin Feng glance out his window and he could see an advertisement that said... it said...<<Terra Online>> official release right now .

[No way could I of went back in time to when I was 18. Does that mean I can restart and make a fortune and I can remake my Guild?]

Lin Feng didn't know what to think after all going back in time was still outrageous even in 2037 in fact it is outrageous in any year. By 2037 the gaming industry had become mainstream.

In particular VR or Virtual-Reality. A new technology had been realized called the gaming cabin in 2034. It has allowed players to play games as if they were actually there but it didn't feel 100% normal... Until

<<TerraOnline>>was released.

<<TerraOnline>> was a game where every movement felt normal so normal that it was unnatural. Everything you asked the character you were playing as to do it would do without the slightest deviation.

When <<TerraOnline>> has first released major companies and the like hadn't invested into <<TerraOnline>> yet after 1-2 months they had begun to. This was mainly because the game housed so much potential and when they found this out they instantly invested in <<Terra Online>>.

Before Lin Feng had time traveled he had already pre ordered the game so now he just had to wait for the delivery man to come to the door. Sure enough, Lin Feng heard a knock on the door he then promptly opened the door.

" Excuse me this is the game <<Terra Online>> for Lin Feng , is that you sir "

The delivery man said

"Uhh yes ," Lin Feng replied dazedly , he still couldn't believe what had happened.

"All right , I'll leave this package with you then."

Once he had said thanks to the delivery man Lin Feng hurriedly opened the package as fast as he possibly could.

There it was <<Terra Online>>. He hopped into his outdated gaming cabin ( for him anyway) and booted up

<<Terra Online>> immediately.

Everything had begun to load in.

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