3 Chapter 3

Chan's P.O.V.

Did he just say me? OMG, why me, why not I.N., he is adorable, what am I saying, I love him back, "Yes you" he turns and runs out, "Feli-" he slams the door before I could finish, I stand there shocked, I dont know what to do, my mind is racing




Maybe I should wait for awhile and let him cool down, we are not leaving Atlanta til Thursday in two days, I will talk to him tomorrow, right now I need to talk to Jisung, I grab my phone

(J= Jisung, M= Me)

M= Hey, can I come over??

J= yea, whats wrong

M= its Felix 😳

J= what did you do?????? 😡

M= I will explain when I get there

J= Hurry!!!

( end )

I run out my room and 4 doors down into Jisung's room, *Knock, knock* I knock and the door quickly opens, "Get ur butt into here now!" he slightly yells, I rush in, "Jisung, I messed up, help???" I beg as I sit with my head in my hands, "What happened?" He asked in a sorta upset and mad tone, "Felix is getting death threats and once I saw them I started to cry, because one of them said, 'If you date Chan, I will kill you' and it hurt me and I handed him my phone and I hugged him and told him that I would not let anything happen to him and he started to cry and I said it will be alright and he backed up and said no it won't, I asked why and he said because he liked one of the members and I asked who? and he blurted 'you' and he ran out before I could say anything" I explain everything to him, I look up at him and his eyes are huge, "Do you like him?" he asked as I stood, "yes, i like him, no, i love him and I cant bare to know that he ran because of me, Jisung help me please, where would he go, your his best friend" I let two tears run down my cheek, "Hey, dont cry, I know where he is, I will give you the instructions and you go and find him yourself, okay?" I nods after he is done speaking, he walks over to the table and grabs his phone and types something, then my phone dings, he sent me the directions to the Java Cat Cafe, "He loves that place, I mean a cat is his spirit animal, so GO!!!" He pushes me out the door, "Thank you so much, Jisung, how could I ever repay you?" he smiles, "Cheesecake" he shuts the door in my face, I run down the stairs because the elevator takes to long, I run out into the streets and get an uber

Time Skip in Uber

"Sir, how far is it?" I asked the driver in the front seat, "About 5 minutes, your in a rush arent you?" he questioned, "Yes, Sir, its urgent" I say as he sped up the car

Time Skip 3 minutes

"Sir, we are here, and no charge, I can tell ur worried about someone you really care about" He says as I look at him, "Thank you so much" I step out and wave by to the drive, I turn and look into the cafe, I see Felix in the window, he is drinking something, I can tell he was crying, I start to open the door but everything goes black
