
Blood Magic

Mikel pondered at her sudden life lesson for a moment. His little face lit up in admiration and understanding. When ever his Mistress seemed to speak, there was always a life lesson in store for him.

He valued each lesson she had to teach as if the Gods themselves had spoken. Everything went straight to his heart and he carefully took a mental note of her words to recall whenever he might need to hear them again.

Amiria and her group effortlessly passed the wall with ease. Each of their bodies disappearing completely from view, only to show up to the other side like ghosts.

The Thieves Guild was bustling with many people all dressed in all kinds of different fashions. There were some who dressed as if they were royalty, with fine robes and adored to toe in priceless jewels. Others looked like poor farmers and even homeless looking men dressed in nothing but rags.

Though they were all dressed differently, they all had a common skill set in thievery. No matter how they looked, they all had important missions to complete that may or my not need them to dress accordingly.

For example, the men that dressed as beggars were purposely disguised that way so they could easily blend into the streets and scout out possible places to rob. While the ones dressed like royalty could walk among the higher class to find easy targets for them.

Though the Thieves Guild were filled to the brim with thieves, they still followed a series of rules that was set in place by Amiria to insure their safety and to keep their conscience more or less clean.

Rule one: Killing is strictly prohibited.

Rule two: Never harm innocent women or children.

Rule Three: Never steal from the poor, only from those who can afford it.

Rule four: Follow orders exactly as they are instructed to avoid trouble during the mission.

Rule five: No ones life is worth being sacrificed over gold. Nothing is more valuable then your life, so never throw it away for a mission.

The Guild was surprisingly spacious once they crossed the barrier of the wall. There was a widespread space once you walked in with various people and work benches spread out.

Several hallways and stairs cascaded threw out the walls leading to shops and even some living quarters for residents of the Guild to live in without fear of the guards.

The room smelt slightly like metal and smoke, and the layout of the Guild was similar to how a factory may look like with all the vendor stalls and work benches set up around the compound.

Amiria could help but feel a strong sensation of pride weld up in her chest. After years of careful construction and planning, everything was finally coming together just the way she wanted it. She had herself not only a compound of strong individuals at her beck and call, but was even seemed to be growing a small army of her own.

Some day soon, when she has brought her people to the peak of their strength, she would finally make her life time dreams come true. Her father would no longer beable to hold a candle to her, and she would take over his kingdom as her own. Her mother's blood ran thick in her veins, and she swear she would make all the pain her mother had to endure would be returned to her father tenfold.

Daddy dearest would truly regret the day he decided to publicly burn her mother, the Queen, at the stake for being an alleged blood mage. It was known to everyone within the castle that the Queen was a kind woman who never would harm a single soul. The idea that she would practice blood magic in secret was unfathomable.

There were hundreds of different kinds of magic, and ways to cast spells, but blood magic was the only type of magic that was forbidden and punished to death if caught practicing. Unlike normal magic that is drawn from the casters own magic power, blood magic users draw their power from sacrificing the blood of others. Its considered extremely evil and unlawful.

Despite the evidence to back up their accusations toward the Queen, they still burned her to death, and then went on to lock up her only child in a tower for the rest of her life.

Amiria had always had a strong suspicion that her father was the master mind behind her mother's death. She was very young when the execution took place, so she didnt know why the King would want to get rid of her, but something in her bones told her it was all because of him.

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