
Banestha Margory marriage announced

Banestha margory was the second princess of Westindels Nation .

she had beautiful rose hair and jewelled eyes. She had Slender figure and snow white skin . At the age of 18 her dad decided to Marry her of to the prince of Janestha nation. The Prince was known as wicked and cunning all around the world he was infamous for his rough figure and ruffian behaviour. The Prince used to go for wars and wore a mask which made him look like a monster ,his face was hidden from everyone.

hearing about rumors Banestha decided to run away from the marriage. Before running away from the marriage she went to her dad and asked.

" Your Majesty The Princess is here!" announced the guards

greetings to the great son of Westindels. The Princess greeted his majesty

you may raise

what is my daughter whose marriage is already decided here for, his majesty asked

your Majesty I would like to request this marriage to be called of as I am not yet ready to be the queen of another Nation and part away from my family .

you want me to call of this marriage do you think this is child play . the king glared

you are supposed to be responsible for the well being of the nation by marrying a great Prince and being a great queen and you want to run away from this responsibility? he shouted in a loud voice

but your your Majesty I am just 18 and the rumours about the prince is not good,

he is known for being cruel and cold blooded

please withdraw this marriage,Banestha requested .

there would be no more discussions about this I have decided to marry you of to the prince of the Empire. The king sighed and answered

Banestha dejectedly bowed to his majesty and left the hall as she knew the king would not change his mind.

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