
In Truth, Lies Rage! Pt 3

In the distance on a rooftop both Elek and Headmaster Fahim were observing with shocked expressions. At the moment Aapo attacked they had readied themselves to act. But the next moment shocked even them!

Hittan's hand was around Aapo's neck! Hittan had grabbed him the moment he said mutt. The force of the action left Aapo a little stunned and slow to react!

"Mutt? You dare call this King a mutt with your level of power?"


One shot to his stomach with his left hand while his right still firmly held Aapo's neck.


This time it was Hittan's right hand that made contact with Aapo's stomach and without Hittan's support he was sent flying while spitting up blood this time.

BOOM! Slamming into the Arena wall causing a spider web of cracks that radiated from the centre of Aapo's back!

"I hope this is not the strongest you have to offer. I have paid you the respect of showing you my Village's highest honour, Mythic Origins. But it seems you are a disappointment."

Picking himself up from the last attack Aapo began laughing!

"Hahaha! The Village you say! Now I understand you monster! You and that damn Village are nothing but monsters that need to be hunted to extinction! Good, good I will show you the appropriate gratitude for your sincerity!


A Garnet red flame sword appeared in Aapo's hand!


Along with it came a strange beast roar that was menacing in nature and Hittan noticed Aapo's strength rise significantly to 960,000 units! He had to admit that if he did not call upon other powers soon, his own 670,070.20 units already boosted from 478,622 units, in his Mythic Origin Form was outclassed!

"Elder Elek certainly knew why your clan had some value. Who would have guessed that you are from the Basilisk's lineage? This certainly explains why you are able to wield his Godbeast weapon. But it seems you have not taken the full inheritance? Too bad, your pride will kill you today."

Waving his right arm the Sapphire blue armour was immediately adorned! His look was now similar to that of a King in a king's royal battle armour and with a battle strength of 804,084.24 units.


But what Aapo did not know was that this amour was special for its rank. Being able to increase attack and defence by 20% But also gives the wearer, with similar optical properties, within their mineral cores immunity to one attack per day.

"You may look down on my armour but it serves its purpose very well."


The aura around Hittan became wild and explosive with his Antlers and Crown becoming a blazing inferno! Hittan had engaged the Mythic Origin Force and his power level shot up once more! 1,005,105.30 units of power now stood before Aapo.

Summoning his Dragon Phoenix energy sword, Hittan looked at Aapo as if he was still displeased with his effort. Or maybe it was that of a King looking at his disloyal subject. Without another set of spoken words, the battle began again!

Unleashing a marvellous combo of attacks Hittan finally vented his frustration on Aapo's body! BANG! A slash that seemed to pass right through his opponent's defence and slamming into Aapo's chest! With a flicker, Hittan was gone again only to reappear behind Aapo and completing a 180 degree reverse spin with his Phoenix Dance step that seemed more majestic than before, BANG! Slamming into Aapo's back!





Like a ghost, Hittan would hit Aapo as if he was defenceless and continued to turn at odd angles to confuse Aapo about his return strikes.



"STOP!!!! I BEG YOU DON'T KILL ME!!" Realising he was being toyed with and would be used as a punching bag he tried to plead with Hittan. However, only pain greeted his plea.



And with one final thrust Hittan's Dragon Phoenix energy sword was stabbed into Aapo's heart! With that Aapo fell from the sky and landed on the arena floor, dead. Hittan paid him no attention after that and descended to his wives while slowly regaining his more human form.

"Husband, why didn't you tell us you were from the Dragon and Phoenix Village?" Kaia looked at him poutingly. As usual, Kaija only gave him an intense stare as she expected an answer too.

"Wives, you never told me that you were Princesses of the Alicorn Empire."

Finally deciding to speak Kaija asked, "You said you were different this time around and you've shown me that you are dependable. So I will at least try to depend on you, this time."

Stepping forward to match Kaija's intent and actions Kaia also approached Hittan, "we both will. Husband is indeed very strong. Hehehe."

Short chapter to wrap up the Kidnapping mini-saga.

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