
Coming Of Age Ceremony pt 3

Following his request, he had already jumped onto the stage to help Edan. Edan was not injured, but extremely exhausted and kneeling at the end of the test. Even after leaving the projected world the exhaustion followed him.

"Brother, that diamond bastard is almost as tough as you. Be careful of what comes after him."

Since the conclusion of their training, Edan had taken to calling Hittan a brother. Which Hittan thought was much better than being called a "boss".

"Don't worry, I'll cement our strength in these exams and let them know being a mixed bloodline isn't to be looked down upon."

During their conversation, Sahar had consented with a nod to the senior Elder. So he made the announcement directly.

"Hittan, please enter the stage."

After helping Edan back to the other juniors he heard the announcement. All eyes had already been on him for assisting Edan so when he suddenly vanished and reappeared on the stage. Some of the juniors were stunned while others immediately made the connections between him and Edan.

"Is that a skill of the Beast Pavilion? Are they developing new techniques unknown to the rest of us in the village?"

Discussions of this nature started to spread amongst the juniors and eventually the Elders watching. It was at this point that Egil had to make a comment.

"That skill and all the skills used by my son are of his own rank abilities or created by him. The movement step used by Edan was taught to him by Hittan as his sparring partner."

Awe flooded the Great Hall as silence was the only thing heard! But by the uncaring response of Fan and Jalil, it was clear they had known of this from before. The crowd of Elders were certainly interested in this stepping technique having seen the practical use of it. It wasn't that the Village had never seen fast movement skills before. As humans made it their priority create these step styles to keep pace with the naturally faster King Beast and Godbeast. Adding to the fact that those step skills were usually accessible only after reaching Rank 11/Dao Elemental. A stage where flight was already available and their race would gain the natural step movement systems of their King Beast or Godbeast. But if they could achieve that skill before Rank 11 that would further safeguard the younger generation.

"Hittan, are you ready?"

"Yes, senior Elder."


Hittan now stood in the same place as Edan and he now understood the true beauty of this environment. Soon a shadow blurred into being and a spear was instantly thrown the moment the figure solidified. Hittan did not bother to form a fighting pose as he himself simply vanished before the spear was even a meter out of the mineral warrior's hand. Reappearing in front of the warrior.


Instant collapse! At that moment the Great Hall became silent again and everyone gave their full attention to the screen. Another two blurs formed wielding two long swords and immediately started charging at Hittan.



The heads had shattered as Hittan's form re-appeared next to the rubble remains. The third set of warriors, three in total, emerged from the treeline and made a mad dashed towards him. Hittan became like a ghost that walked among the living. His form would flicker at one location and before he completely vanished another form was already some distance away. Those mineral warriors didn't see how they died only the echo of the impacts were heard…


The Corundum warrior that had just appeared vanished just the same. There was no distinction between the lower Ranks in Hittan's eyes, they were all weak. Finally, the moment of truth came where a Diamond warrior would be presented on the battlefield. Immediately chatter broke out in the Great Hall!

"My lord, he's a monster!"

"Fast and strong!"

"But how will he fare against the Diamond warrior?"

"What level is that Diamond warrior at? Who knows? Tell me immediately!" In the excitement, Falkner shouted at his fellow juniors. But it was an Elder that gave a passing comment.

"The Diamond Rank as you know is divided into 3 subranks Lower, Middle and an Upper. That one he is based on a Lower Ranked Diamond warrior."

Quickly shutting his mouth Falkner glued his eyes back to the screen hoping the Elder would not take his brash words personally. A moment later 4 figures emerged onto the battlefield and immediately started dashing to their formation. But Hittan did not want to waste any more time with the weak mineral warriors. He waved his arm and a white-scaled Phoenix wing was projected in a similar motion and 3 short feather blades shot out at the dashing trio.




All three died in moments.

"He's already caught up to Edan in kill count!" Samir could not hold it in any longer as shouted in excitement.

The diamond warrior made a move but Hittan simply stood there and waited. He wanted to confirm his physical resistance to this level of impact.


Landed a heavy punch in Hittan's stomach forcing him back one step. The Diamond warrior disappeared again but was dragged out by a blasting punch from Hittan.


Utilizing the Phoenix Dance and Flicker step Hittan gracefully spun around and delivered a midrange short blow to the stomach of the warrior sending him flying. Hittan then vanished and reappeared to the left of the Diamond Warrior where he delivered a vicious knee sending the warrior upward! But again Hittan disappeared and was now slightly above the now descending warrior where he delivered the final blow, an Axe kick to the head.


The warrior was sent plummeting to the ground.


He became ruble on impact.

"Challenger Hittan, you have passed 4 Rounds to this point. Do you wish to continue?"

"Yes, senior Elder."

"Round 5, begin."

Five figures flashed and were on the battlefield and this time teamwork was not as apparent as before. Tactics seemed to have changed with this group as to say his previous battle info was being used to assess the next style of combat. All five moved at varying speed to catch up to Hittan. He allowed them to rush in close as he summoned his White Feather sword. Which was now 5 feet in length with glorious white flames dancing on it!

As soon as the sword was in his hand the attacking group of mineral warriors formed a diamond attack pattern. They had not drawn their weapons or formed an attack pattern until after Hittan summoned his sword. Clearly, a scheme had been initiated so he had to be careful. No sooner the thought crossed his mind two spears whistled towards his chest. With the one on his left moving noticeably faster! Executing a clockwise spin while he slashed the faster spear from its right side in a downward angle. But the attack had achieved its goal in having his back turned towards the incoming arrows, shot by the other three members.




All three arrows ripped right through him like paper but slowly his image started to fade. The ghost was already upon them with his first slash heading straight for the Diamond warrior in the lead point of the diamond formation. It was then that the second part of the strategy started to blossom.

The diamond formation had one of the Diamond warriors as the lead spear thrower and a Corundum warrior as the other. This explained the difference in the speed of the spears that initiated the attack. Hittan slashed horizontally toward the warrior's abdomen with intent to sever it! Midway that slash the second Diamond warrior at the centre of the formation had already made his move and was a second faster! The first Diamond warrior started to duck but not enough clear the angle of Hittan's incoming attack. Two arrows had been released to his exact location a moment before he seemingly appeared there, flanking his left and right sides. But what was more threatening was a short blade that was thrust straight for his upper chest! Which only became visible after the lead warrior completed his ducking action. From the moment Hittan had evaded the three arrows to initiating his attack the other group had already launch their second wave of attacks!

Hittan was aware that this group was clearly operating under someone with a vast knowledge of fighting and group assaults. But to him, it was all pointless as they knew very little of his abilities and would be taking a big gamble in an attack that baited the lead warrior.

"A good attempt, but a pointless effort..." Hittan couldn't help but murmur in the second before all attacks would land.

"... Diamond Prism- Structure Change (lattice)"




His entire chest and stomach became a crystalline structure of Diamond! The two arrows fell without leaving a streak while the short sword, halfway through its recoil, had hair fractures on it. While the attacking group was now trying to form a new formation Hittan decided to act now. It was wise not to drag the fight along any further and suffer any damage because he was arrogant or ignorant.

He took one step to the left then vanished but so did the head of the first Diamond warrior! Spinning to his right the sword looked like it was flowing seamlessly as it cut the Corundum warrior through from shoulder to hip. Disappearing again only to reappear right in front of the second Diamond warrior for a moment before taking his head. The two remaining archers were just about to rush Hittan when two feather dagger whistled for their heads!



"Round 5 cleared, do you wish to continue?"


It was at this point that the juniors started to question what legacy beast he was and how could he be this strong for a Topaz warrior!?

"Do you think he's a Vermilion Bird like Edan or a Land Dragon?" Samir asked the crowd with shock and awe in his tone.

"I heard that Vermilion Birds were stronger than Land Dragon so I doubt he's a land dragon." Falkner was quick to respond.

Even the Elders who were quietly listening to the juniors speak could not help but look towards Hittan's grandparents and parents for answers. But found nothing but pride and smiles on their faces.

Standing in the open field Hittan was looking at a loan figure that floated 20 meters off the ground!

"A middle-Rank Diamond warrior. He has to have at least 50,000 units of GSP (God Spark Power) to achieve flight. That would put him in a different league compared to the Diamond warriors previously. I wonder if he can handle this level as well?" One of the spectating Elders said casually but the juniors heard it and the reality shocked them even further!

'Middle-Rank Diamond warrior? Not an easy fight, but my victory is no less assured now than at the beginning. I don't want to reveal more than what is necessary and if the next round is tier higher then I would have to use all I have now to compete with an Upper-Ranked Diamond warrior. Mmh, I guess I'll be the aggressor since he's decided to stay up there.'

I hope each attack and counterattack was "visible" while reading it.

DKALFcreators' thoughts
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