
Attends His First Class

As soon as Early Sun (Morning) approached Hittan was already up and making preparations to leave. He had a class to instruct then he would attend his very first class.

"Hittan we're ready to leave now."

"Good job Edan, I'm happy to see the team has already bonded with you."

"It was all thanks to Sahar. She really stepped up and made the communication easier for me."

"Oh, really now, I think a reward is in order."



"Morning Hittan!" They all responded on instinct.

"I would like to thank Sahar for her help over the last few days in assisting Edan getting the team into the makings of a proper unit. Sahar, if you wouldn't mind I would like you to be the 3rd Commander."

"But Falkner was stronger in the exams… and…"

"Falkner, I hope you don't see this as in any way a sign of disrespect. But if you recall my statement that strength without a worthy purpose is pointless it is also to say strength is not the only measure that is of note. Now, Sahar, I would like you to be 3rd in Command because the team has a better synergy with you handling the communications."

"Okay, I accept."

"Good. Now, the first class of the day is Skills Training then Combat exercises. After those classes, we should have Elements Ancestry with Elder Fahim. Okay, let's head out."


"Greetings class, my name is Hittan and I will be your instructor today. In today's class, we will discuss Rank and Skill association as it relates to the Dao level.

As most of us here in this class are at the Topaz Rank we would have realised that Ranks 1 - 4 were foundation; both of the physical body and the Dao. These Ranks are:

Talc .... Human Soul

Gypsum ... Dao Seed

Calcite ... Dao Germination

Fluorite .... Dao Sprout

We are also aware that each rank increase depends on both body and mind being in a balanced state. As such, one must achieve Dao Germination to achieve Calcite and this is based on your power of Will. Your soul must be strong enough to bear the pressure to endure the physical requirements. So we reinforce our Will by reinforcing our Soul.

Once we have achieved the foundation we are rewarded Rank Skills, believed to be apart of our birthright, relating to our Core Mineral. Each Core Mineral is affiliated with a particular Element and these are:

Diamond ....... White Fire Energy

Corundum .... Ruby Fire and Sapphire Water

Alexandrite ... White Light Energy

Topaz ........ Wind

Aquamarine... Water

Emerald........ Earth

Spinel ........ Storm

Zircon ........ Wind

Tourmaline .... Lightning

Amethyst ........ Lightning

Citrine ........ Earth

Garnet...... Fire

Sardonyx ...... Earth

Peridot...... Wind

Moonstone...... Light

Tanzanite ...... Ice (Water)


Turquoise...... Water

Pearl........... Light

So dependent on which mineral you were born under it will then tell you which Element you will have access to. It is also said that Each mineral represents a Godbeast or Beast King and will determine the final stages of our Body Refinement Art, God Spark.

According to your Core Mineral, you won't see a manifestation of the skills until Rank 5 and a new skill is presented with each Rank up to Rank 11 after which Self-exploration and own skill development are necessary. The associated Ranks and Skills are:

Apatit ........ Dao Plant.... A Defensive skill or Avoidance skill.

Feldspar ...... Dao Tree .... A Unique Skill based on the Element type.

Quartz ....... Dao Lord .... An Attack Skill - Weapon summoning.

Topaz.......... Dao King .... Special Skill (Attack or defence) Unique to the Element

Corundum...... Dao Emperor... Energy Force Skill - Temp Boost in the strength of an attack

Diamond...... Dao Immortal..... Element Body- (Flight- At average speed- Middle Diamond Rank) Substantial increase in body strength/hardness.

Elementals...... Dao Elemental .....Quick movement skill within the Element - Understanding your element.

Thus far what we've talked about can all be considered partial ancestral legacy. This is stored in your Core Mineral like DNA. However, it does not mean you are limited to the skill awakened at a particular Rank. If your soul is strong enough you can access higher skills. Some would have seen this in the sparring match between Sang and myself. What it takes is a strong Will and determination in your training but of course, you must also understand your Element and Core Mineral.

But this is not the only way to improve your strength. Let's end with a question before we move on to the practical part of the class. If you can summon a sword then why can't you summon set of throwing knives or something more versatile?" As Hittan ended the skills aspect of the class he gave a live demonstration of summoning daggers and threw them into a tree some distance away.

While walking off the platform he announced for the students to form pairs and start sparring matches using the Rank skills. Hittan would then proceed to examine the level they were at in use and quality of summoning.

Unexpectedly, Hittan found himself standing in front of Kaija and Kaia watching their sparring match.

'I had not intended to check up on them directly. But following the strange feeling pulling me I ended up here.' Thankfully, the urge to follow the feeling was not overbearing and he could choose to do otherwise.

After realising that they were being watched for so long the girls stopped their practice and turned to him.

"Haven't you watched enough? Is our form poor? Or do you like what you see? Hehehe."

"It seems you know me too well Kaia. I could watch you two for eternity, but I feel something strange when I'm near to either of you. Do you feel it as well?"

"... Yes, we do. Sigh, Master says it could really be fate pulling at us."

"You say it as if it's a bad thing?"

"It isn't? We don't know you and to have something constantly pulling us to you is a bit troubling!"

"I don't mind it and I would love to get to know you both better. What troubles you, makes you smile, makes you laugh and how can I win your hearts." Hittan looked at both girls seriously while speaking his mind.

"Smooth Talker. Don't you find it inappropriate as a teacher to hit on his students?"

"Hehehe, Kaija, that was surprising! Joking with him on your own initiative."

"Stop it, Kaia!"

"If you don't like me being a teacher then I can stop immediately. Edan, take over the class!"


"No, wai…"

The girls were too late in trying to stop Hittan's actions.

"I'm on it! Okay, all of you form groups of 3! Falkner and I will be your opponents until the end of class."

"Satisfied?" Hittan looked at the girls as if nothing had changed.

"Dereliction of duties and only your second day on the job. Aren't you worried about their progress? Kaia said while smiling. Kaija on the other hand only looked deeply at Hittan without saying anything.

"I've personally trained Edan and I can say with the help of Falkner none of them will be able to beat them in these sparring matches.


"That was quite a workout! Right, Falkner?"

"Especially that Sang character working with Jager."

"Good job to both of you! Rest up and meet me at the next auditorium. I'll be walking with Kaija and Kaia." Hittan smiled while speaking to Edan and Falkner.

At the same time, the girls were recovering from their sparring match with Hittan. Even in a two vs one situation, the girls were only able to keep up a meagre defence. At the same time, Hittan himself made sure to use only 70% of his power. Which he found very interesting given that beating Sang or Edan was not even 50%. It was clear their teamwork had made up for their shortcomings in other areas like power.

If he had to guess he would put their power at a firm lower level Diamond warrior. With Kaija being a bit stronger.

"Okay ladies, whenever you're ready we leave for the next class."

Kaia had offered a sparring match between the three of them but Hittan added the stipulation of a prize. If they beat him he would honour one request regardless of what it was but if he won they would allow him to accompany them to classes.

"Geesh! let's go. You didn't even let us get an advantage, once! I thought we were going to be your wives and this is how you treat us?? I have a good mind not to speak with you!"

"Wait! No no, next time we have a sparring match, I promise to make you win even if it's 1vs1. I promise okay?"

"You had better not slack off in our sparring matches and Kaia please stop making unnecessary statements and requests."

Kaija at this point could not bother to stop Kaia from teasing Hittan and by so doing started to comply in silence with her statements. Both Kaija and Kaia found that they had fewer barriers up when Hittan was involved. Which was due heavily to the strange pull they felt towards him and a growing feeling of familiarity when he was around.

Hittan looked at Kaija and smiled like he was rescued from a bad situation as he raised his hand to rub his head. While Kaia pouted and folded her arms and in this fashion, the trio went to the next class.

As the trio found a seat Hittan found himself in a bit of a daze and missed Kaija question.

"Hittan, aren't you teaching this class today? Hittan?" Kaija looked at Hittan curiously as he seemed in a daze. He snapped out of it at the second mention of his name and finally responded.

"Sorry, I believe Headmaster Fahim is teaching today's Mineral and Element Ancestry."

"Why were you so distracted a moment ago."

"Maybe I was caught up in the beauty of my surrounding."

"Don't lie to me again."

"... I'm sorry honey. I won't lie to either of you again, I promise. I was if you can believe, remembering the events of a past life where you both were already mine. But in that life, you both suddenly disappeared and apparently, your family was the main cause. I wasn't strong enough then and I'm not strong enough even now. However, this time is different."

"How is it different this time? You clearly know our father and most likely our fates." It was a first since his reunion with them where he saw Kaia's mood drop so much.

"We won't have to worry this time around, believe me."

"Why, why should we believe you?" Looking directly into Hittans eyes Kaija had a sense of longing.

"Because this time I met you both at the same time, when we are younger and when my own circumstances are different. I need a little bit of time, but trust me, both of you won't be forced away from my side again."

"... Okay, but you don't have that much time." As Kaija said this Kaia went silent.

"... I understand."

It was at this time that Headmaster Fahim went on stage.

A necessary chapter for future reference and the next one as well...

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