
The Ruler Of All - The Immortal Demon’s Rise to Power

Offered a chance to save his own life, Demon, Shinji Yuu, makes a deal with a mysterious voice in his head and is cursed with immortality, as well as the ability to unlock his unfathomable power that’s hidden deep inside his soul. There is one condition though - He must rise to defeat the almighty Demon King. Word count: 1000-2000 words/ch (on average) Roughly 1 chapter per month

JSPRX · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Breach of Peace

City of the Demi-Gods, Realm of the Demi-beings:

"Your Gracefulness, there's big news, it has started!" A Demi-human squire reports.

"They made their move already?" The Demi-God sighs, "How has this affected our agents?"

"L-Lord Varsius said that all agents stationed in Limbo were killed during the attack, without achieving their goals" The squire continues, nervous of the response, "All but one."

The Demi-God squints out of slight annoyance, "All of them? There were fifty!" She sighs, again, "What happened to the survivor?"

"You are mistaken, Your Gracefulness, there are no survivors." The squire says, "They were killed before the attack occurred, someone else must have murdered them."

"Oh? That is interesting." The Demi-God stood up from lounging on her furniture, "You can leave now" she says, before disappearing herself, having teleported to where the other Demi-God, Varsius, is. Almost as if he were expecting her arrival, Varsius, who was on his sofa, reading a book on dark magic, greets her without even taking his eyes off the page. "Hello Zelma, what do you want?" He asked, bluntly.

"Katashi Murano. Now." Zelma demanded, assuming that Varsius knew the reason.

"You assigned the kid, why you asking me?" Varsius asks, still reading his book.

"And I'm supposed to remember every single insignificant agents assignment? I've got more important things to remember, besides, you're supposed to be the Wisdom Demi." Zelma says, knowing full well that she's in the wrong.

Varsius closes his book with a sigh, "Yet you remember his name," he conjures a form of cabinet using light magic. "Typical of the Social Demi."

"At least I'm actually aware of what we're doing, unlike someone else in this room." Zelma looks at the potted plant in the corner of the room. After a second or two, it begins to move and transforms into humanoid form, "H-Hi Zelma" She says, feeling slightly embarrassed, "I forgot you could do that."

"Yeah, whatever…. uh, Nature Demi." Zelma responds, pausing in between.

"Did… Did you, the Social Demi-God, forget my name?" The Nature Demi replies in shock, "We've known each other since we were born!"

"HAHAHAHA! Of course I didn't, Gerrion you idiot!" Zelma laughs at her friends consistent gullibility, "Seriously though, you need to contribute more, even I'm doing more than you."

Before Gerrion can respond, Varsius interrupts, returning the conversation to what it was before.

"Found it. Take it and leave, both of you" He says, handing Katashi's assignment file over to Zelma.

"Eh? Could you not just have told me, wouldn't that be easier?" She asks, puzzled at Varsius's decision.

"Yes I could, but I don't want to" With that response, Zelma and Gerrion suddenly appear in Zelma's home, having been teleported there by Varsius. Zelma goes right back to her sofa, sighing as she sat down.

"He's such a prick, r-right?" Gerrion tries to relate with her.

"Yeah, forget about him, also can you go and get Dawson, he needs know about this?" Zelma responds, after already having read most of Katashi's report.

"Why? What is it?" Gerrion questions, "How would this affect the Combat Demi?"

"There's a high likelihood that one of our targets is more than we bargained for." Zelma explains, "I need him to find the demon known as Shinji Yuu."

Home of Diablo, Demon Lord Domain, Realm of the Demons:

After fleeing the battle at Limbo, Diablo returns to his home within the restricted domain of the Demon Lords. Appearing from the strange hole in the atmosphere, Instant Teleportation, Diablo is returned to the seat which he sat in before he was summoned.

"Took your time, what's the problemo Diablo?" The other demon, sat on the other end of the table, asks.

"Betelgeuse, you know exactly why so cut the bullshit." Diablo says, taking the situation serious. "There's been a breach of peace, just because we can overpower those celestial mages, doesn't mean we shouldn't take this seriously!" He emphatically said.

"Yeah yeah, we can talk about it while we finish this game." Betelgeuse says.

Diablo sighs and continues the game of chess he started, before he was summoned, with his comrade.

"We lost a lot of good men and women today," Diablo says with sorrow, as he moves one of his pawns. "More than half of the Supreme Archdemons, the Commander and his wife, so many innocents too." He says as he watches Betelgeuse pondering his next move.

"But…" Betelgeuse uses his queen to capture Diablo's last bishop, ultimately sacrificing his queen in the process, "As a result, we got to finally see the power of his kid." Betelgeuse smiles at Diablo. "It's all you've wanted recently, to find a strong, modern-day demon, isn't it?" He lures Diablo into making his move.

"You're right, but this wasn't the way that I wanted to discover, likely just the surface of, Shinji's abilities." Diablo takes Bete's queen, knowing that it couldn't have been bait. "Too many soldiers, who had never needed to face such a threat in their lives, died too soon." As he captured the queen and placed his bishop in its place, Diablo had reclaimed his lead in the number of captured pieces.

Betelgeuse stared into Diablo's eyes with intense fury, there was nothing else other than victory that could satisfy either of them. Betelgeuse begins to speak, as he moves one of his pawns a single space, one away from the other end of the board: "It is unfortunate, I agree, and the fact that those humans, no - the subordinates of the True God, would break the peace pact, seemingly out of the blue" He says, seemingly planning on queening one of his pawns as soon as possible, after deciding to sacrifice his queen. "However, that boy is the most out of the blue part of this whole ordeal. Immortality? One of my Primordial Abilities? I'm glad he's on our side, assuming he plans on participating in the inevitable battle."

Diablo utilises one of his knights to squander the attempt, but this move gave Betelgeuse another opening with a second pawn that Diablo failed to realise. "That's a likely assumption, he is currently on his way to the human realm for some reason. I say that we monitor him frequently, that might give us some answers." Diablo begins to build up a sweat as he watches Bete make his move. He captures Diablo's knight, leaving a direct opening to his king. "For now though, what do you suggest we do in retaliation? Should we strike first?" Diablo asks.

"As the regarded leader of us Demon Lords, I suggest we stay put and wait for orders or the enemies next move." Betelgeuse says, as he watches Diablo work towards defending his king, overlooking the promotion that Bete is aiming for.

"At least we agree on that much" Diablo responds, as Bete captures one of his pawns in the last square, allowing the promotion. Now Diablo was focused on capturing that new queen - but it was too late.

"Checkmate" Betelgeuse moves his queen into a position that Diablo can not defend against, resulting in his victory.

"KAHAHAHA! Fuck you Bete." Diablo responds, slightly annoyed.

"It's nothing new Diablo, surely you're used to it by now?" Betelgeuse says, before escaping with instant teleportation.

"Tch, Nerd."

Ruins of Limbo, Realm of the Demons:

"Did you find our parents?" Kasumi asks Aki, who has just returned.

"Yes, they are okay, I've told them a sufficient story, they're helping with the survivors." Aki says in response, easing Kasumi's mind.

Shinji smiles at the duo, clearly suppressing the pain in his heart, before approaching. "Is it time?"He asks.

"It is." Kasumi responds. She then casts a light magic spell - which is harder for demons to do. "Masquerade!" The spell affects all three of them, it begins to change the trios appearance, making them more human. It turned Aki's hair slightly less dark, reforms his physique ever so slightly, turned his eyes brown and completely removed (hid) his horns. It hid all of Kasumi's animal features, turned her eyes to a natural green, reduced her hair to medium length and recoloured it to match that of a human and hid her horns. For Shinji, it flattened his hair more than before and gave it consistent contrasting black streaks throughout, it changed his eyes from red-ish to blue and, of course, hid his horns. The spell also gave everyone more human clothing, making them fit in much more than they would have.

"How is that?" Kasumi asks, proud of her spell.

"This will be perfect, thank you, Kasumi." Shinji replies. Kasumi's then suddenly runs towards him and gives him a long hug, in which Aki joins in.

"We are ready." Aki says, as he and Kasumi's both slowly pull away. Shinji begins to speak, whilst he looks ahead of horizon:

"There's no point in wasting any more time - The Human Realm begins now!"

Most intense and insane fight of the whole series this chapter!!!! (I know absolutely nothing about chess) Also get ready for a new addition to the story: WORLD BUILDING!!! This chapter had something to do with that (notice the minimal main group involvement) anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, whilst ignoring the inevitable spell errors.

But NEW CHARACTERS!!! And these are only a few of many.

Okay bye

Also thank you for reading this far! It means a lot :)

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