

The summer vacations have ended. The school has reopened.  The morning of 5 October 2008, a monday, is filled with noises and excitement in the town of EUFILIA. The students gather and enter their school, EUFILA HIGH. They share their vacation stories, laugh, joke around or walk to their classrooms searching for their friends.  Walking admist this exited crowd is a girl named Christina who is currently in her second year of high school. She is a beautiful girl with straight raven coloured hair reaching till her waist. She is a tall, fair and slender girl. She is walking towards her classroom when she is called by a guy. Mark-" Hey, Christina! Whats up babygirl". He waves at her with a smirk on his face. Christina looks at him and smiles. She lifts her hand making him and others watching her think that shes about to wave back, but no. She instead shows her middle finger , still smiling, and continues walking to her destination. Derek-"Woah! I literally thought she was gonna wave back. She had me there. But really, if she had done that, i would have nightmares" he says having a horrified look on his face. Mark-" hahaha! Thats sooooo Christina ". He laughs and places his hand on his friends shoulder and walks away speaking and laughing and fighting playfully with each other while, others looked at them weirdly. After about 10 minutes passes, the school bell rings. The students are inside their respective classes. Christina had chosen a window seat. She was always interested in observing people, especially the students in her school. They would act like idiots and it was always fun to watch them mess things up and see them all frightened thinking about the consequences. She used to refer to them as-' dum dums'. Adele was Christinas friend who was sitting next to her. Adele was a brown haired girl with green dark eyes which made her look like a doll. She was tall, but not as tall as Christina. Maybe a few inches shorter. Adele-" Heard Mark called you a babygirl inthe hallways". Christina-" Hi to you too Adele, and yeah, he did". Adele-" Hey, dont be angry because of that. He just likes to joke around". Christina-" He can go to hell for all i care". And that was when Mark takes a seat behind Christina. Mark-" Hell? Isn't that your home? Wouldn't i be bothering you?". Adele-" Can you shut up Mark? Chris is not interested in you. So you can stop flirting with her". Mark-" Who says iam flirting with her? I just love irritating her darling ". He winks at Adele. Adele rolls her eyes and turns front. Just then the class teacher enters. He settles his books on the table and looks at the class. All of them were least bit bothered. James-" Good morning class. I was actually preparing for a good introduction for the past few weeks. It starts with-'Good morning class, please be seated'. But, it looks like i dont have to say that to you guys who never stood in the first place." He laughs. He then clears his throat-" Ok! Guys, my name is James Reginald and i will be your science teacher for this year. Now then, can i hear some cheers for me?". Some of the students say a lifeless-" oooooohh". James-" Haha! Ok zombies, lets start with the lesson. Open page 55 in your text book". They all do as told. James takes a chalk and writes on the board-'CELLS'. He begins his explanation.  After about 10 minutes, there is a knock on the classroom door. James-" Yes, come in." A tall, fair, handsome,  black haired boy, with a fit figure walks in. His bag is hanging on one side of his shoulder. James-" And you are?". Austin-" I'm Austin and I'm late for class". James-" Yes, we can all see that. So why are you late?". Austin-" Well, since it was the first day of school, i just wanted to disappoint my teachers". He says this proudly as though he did something as great as defeat a Dark Mage. Silence fills the classroom for a few seconds. Then the students start laughing. James-" Ok.....you have indeed succeeded in disappointing me. Bravo!." Austin proudly nods his head with a smile on his face. James-" So as a punishment,  why dont you answer a question about the lesson for me, and then you can take your seat?". Austin-" Sure. Anything for you". James-" Alright...so tell me, why is mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell? Now dont tell me its coz it has powers and all". Austin-" Haha! Thats a nice one. But yeah, its coz it helps in ATP production. The inner membrane has stalked particles called Claudes particles or ATP synthase complex. The mitochondrial cavity is filled with a homogenous granular mitochondrial matrix. Hence, it is also called the power house of the cell. They can store calcium and release it into cystol and yeah, the Krebs cycle takes place in the matrix of mitochondria." The whole class is silent. James-" Wow, we got a whole lot of information about Mitochondria. Does anyone have any questions to ask? Austin will answer it for us. Right Austin?". Austin-" Of course sir. Anything for you." Christina-" Why dont you tell us about the Krebs cycle then?". Austin looks at Christina for a few seconds before smirking -" Why dont you come to my house after school and I'll tell you ALL about it.." he then looks at Mark before saying-" Babygirl". Austin and Mark air high five each other, obviously because they were far from each other. James looks at Austin weirdly. Christina-" Well, obviously ill come to your house. Coz we live together you noob." Austin glares at her, while Mark laughs. James-" Ok, ok. Austin, go to your place. Everyone, back to the lesson." The class then goes on for another 30-35 minutes. Then the bell rings. James-" Class, your ex-science teacher had told you to write a holiday assignment on scientific inventions. I will be collecting it tomorrow . I would like all of you to get it and you'll be given credit points for it. So dont forget. Ok, class dismissed." They all move out and head to their lockers. Christina and Adele are in front of their lockers which are next to each other getting their books for the next class. Austin comes to Christina and says-" Its sad how Michael is absent today, right babygirl?". He and Mark high five. Christina-" Yup, very sad." Adele-" Where's Charles,  Derek and Catherine? I didnt see them today. Mark-" Well, they signed up for different classes this year. So, according to theirs and our timetable,  its kinda difficult to meet them. You just have to wait till school ends." Adele-" I was thinking ". Austin-" What should i do if your thinking?". Adele-" Shut up. Anyways,  why dont all of us go out to the 'Ranchers' after school today ? Ill text it inthe group. Hopefully they'll all come." Austin looking at Christina-" Expect Michael." Christina takes her huge book which is stiff binded with hard cardboard out of the locker and hits Austins face real hard with it. Everyone near them are completely shocked. Some laugh. Christina pulls Adele by her hand and walks to their next class without sparing a glance at Austin. Austins face is all red, with tears in his eyes because of how hard she hit him. Austin-" THE HELL CHRISTINA!!!!". Mark touches his nose. Austin-" Ow. Dude, stop! It hurts". Austin then feels something come out of his nose. Yup, blood. Austin touches it and cannot control his anger. He yells inthe hallway-" I WILL TAKE YOU TO COURT FOR THIS CHRIS!!! YOU CAN JUST ROTT!!!". He yells and yells. Mark-" Dude, stop yelling. The more you yell, the more blood comes out of your nose." Austin wipes the blood off. Austin-" I swear I'll kill her one day." After about a few more hours ,the school ends. Christina and Adele walk towards the parking lot where,  they all agreed to gather before going to the Ranchers. They are met by Charles and Derek who are bickering over whose hair is the softest and Catherine using her phone. Derek was a tall handsome guy, with brown hair. He had dark black eyes and was fair. Charles was the shortest among the boys in the group, but not shorter than the girls. Catherine was a beautiful girl with brown eyes, which looked like cat eyes. She had long blond hair reaching till her hips. She had a slender body and was filled with grace. Her character was such that, one would say, that she was the 'mother' of the group. Austin and Mark come after a while. Austin-" Lets go then, *looking at Christina * babygirl ". They all laugh. Catherine-" Enough Austin. Stop teasing her." Mark-" But isnt it fun to see her all annoyed and speechless?. " They laugh again. Christina looks at Austin and smiles. Christina-" ohh, we will see whose gonna be more annoyed and speechless, Mr.Noosebleed." Austin-" Hey! You hit me with your big fat book. Dont think i forgave you. Catherine-" You did what?". Derek-" Woah! So it was true. I did hear people talking about it in school." Charles-" Me too. But again, im not suprised. Austin really had it coming." Austin walks towards Charles and puts him in a head lock. Adele-"*proudly* Well, i saw it all happening." Mark-" Me too." Austin-" The hell are you both so proud about, huh?!". He chases Mark who is running for his life. Charles-" Adele,  tell us everything in detail....wait, *takes out his pager* let me record it all." Austin from afar chasing Mark-" YOU ARE NEXT ON MY HIT LIST CHARLES!!". Derek laughs. They all head to the Ranchers. The Ranchers was a hangout place. It was a restaurant, a bar, a cafe. (It was a small town). They sit at a table a little far from the counter. They order their drinks as the waitress arrives at their table. Austin-" Ok....7 mango drinks for the 7 of us, 3 plates french fries and.....one special burger." Waitress-" You mean 6 mango drinks, 3 plates french fries and one special burger." She smiles as she writes it down. Austin-" No woman! 7 drinks. There are 7 of us!" She looks around the table at everyone and at Austin. She looks very confused. But still, she nods her head without asking any further questions and leaves. After she goes, Derek and Mark went to the juke box to play some songs. Christina, Adele and Charles were sitting opposite to Austin, Catherine and the other 2 boys who had gone to the juke box. They were drinking cool drinks and eating fries. Austin was immersed in eating his special burger. It was a large sized burger which was available only on Mondays and Thursdays.  Adele and Charles were speaking about some game stuff. Catherine-" Oh! Michael just texted inthe group. He said he has reached home. He'll be coming to school tomorrow. " She says this with a smile, clearly very exited to see him. Christina on the other hand, has the opposite feelings. Christina-" Why is he back? Why cant he just stay there?". Catherine-" What on earth will he dk staying there? He only went to visit grandma. I wonder why grandma prefers to live in the village. I wish she could come live with us." Christina-" Michael can just stay there and becomea shepherd or something. Why bother coming back?". Catherine-" Ok, now that is very rude. Why are you not happy that he is coming back. You both used to be the closest among us." Austin munching on his burger-" Jont do gow *munch* de wad dedekted *munch*." Adele-" Either speak or eat". Christina-" I would prefer if he became mute forever." Austin glares at Christina and chews and swallows the burger down his throat. Austin-" I said, dont you know? She was rejected." Charles-" By?" Austin -" By-". He was cut off by Christina.  Christina-" I know Michael told you everything before he went to meet granny. You better keep your mouth shut!". Austin-" Hahaha! This is revenge for hurting me with your big fat book. Ill tell them everything." Charles-" Tell us what?! Who rejected her??". Catherine-" You both should stop fighting like kids already and, Austin, stop prying into peoples personal lifes." Austin-" Hey! I didnot! Michael told me. I never forced anyone to say anything." Christina-" You can shut up. Dont speak anymore!". Charles-" about what?!" Austin and Christina in union-" Shut up Charles!!". Austin-" You should have thought before hitting my handsome face." Christina-" You mean shit face". They start bickering. Charles pouting-" i just wanna know what is happening.....". He says it in a low voice. Adele-" Ok, Can you guys atleast tell us who Chris was rejected by?". Austin-" At last! I was wondering why noone was asking this question." Charles is dumbstruck. Charles-" But i was -" Catherine-" Shut up Charles. Austin continue." Charles glares at everyone and sips his drink pouting. Derek and Mark have come back. Austin-" Chris was rejected byyyyy * mimicking drum sound* Antony." Everyone gasps. Charles chokes on his drink. Everyone to Christina-" YOU HAD A CRUSH ON ANTONY??!!". Christina is very embarrassed now. Mark-" I had no idea you liked him." Catherine-" But what does this have to do with Michael?". Christina-" Michael was the only person who knew about my feelings. He was the one who persuaded me to confess before it was too late. But turns out that Antony saw me only as his little sister." Adele-" Sooo??". Christina-" Michael made him say that." Derek-" What are you saying? Why would he do that?". Christina-" It was so obvious that Antony returned my feelings. But after i wws rejected by him, i overheard him and Michael talking. Michael told Antony how he wanted him to leave the town and never come back again. Or else, he would reveal his secret." Charles-" What secret?". Christina-" I dont know. When i confronted Michael about this, he said i wouldn't understand anything.....for now." Christina slumps onto the table feeling all depressed. Catherine-" I wonder what Michael's hiding from us. Austin, didnt he say anything to you?". Austin-" No. When i saw Christina all angry on Michael, i asked him what happened. He only told me that she was rejected by Antony and since he was the one who persuaded her to confess, she blames him for gettimg rejected." Christina-" Why on earth would i blame him for that? Do you think im that petty?" Adele-" Its fine now. When Michael comes tomorrow we'll talk to him." Austin-" Yeah, me and Mark will beat him into a pulp and tie him into a chair and make him tell why he hurt princess Christina.". Mark-" Why me?". Austin in a husky voice-" Because , we are one." Everyone-" Ewwww". Mark hits Austin. Everyone laugh. They hangout for some more time and then head home.

Hey guys, this is the first time I'm publishing a story i wrote. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Stay tuned to what happens next.

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