

Amaris POV

"Are you sure it's safe to go, you could always send Lucienne or me" I handed my husband his helm, "No the last thing I want is for one of you to be hurt" he patted his side pocket to make sure he had his sand. "At least let me come with you, please" I placed my hand on his chest, he shook his head and held my hand in his.

With the other he caressed my cheek "I will be back soon, I promise", he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. Lips a bit cold but not in an uncomfortable way, instead it was refreshing. Soft as petals and as sweet as sugar. "Be careful" I whispered, he smiled holding my chin with his thumb "I always am". He looked down and placed something in my hand.

It was his ring, the thing that bonded us together. It gave us the ability to sense where the other was and if they were ok. "Keep it safe till I get back, I don't want to lose it", He then slipped on his helm, poured a bit of his sand and was gone. "How long do you think he'll take?" Lucienne asked, "A few minutes at most, probably less" I smiled.

~ 25 years later(in the human realm)~

"My queen shouldn't Lord Morpheus be back by now?" Lucienne asked, i pursed my lips. "You know how he hates being rushed when he's working, Corinthian is no doubt keeping him busy, but just in case..Jessmay, Eros can go check up on him please and give him this" I asked the raven and my dove while handing Eros the ring . They nodded and flew up into one of the tapestries.

Morpheus POV

I sat in my glass cage like a animal on display. Captured by these vile mortals, they took everything from me. My helm, my ruby, my sand, my freedom and oddly enough my clothes. I haven't said anything in years, even after they promised to let me go I still stayed silent. Humans never keep their promises, especially not this one. Roderick Burgess, a wealthy man with an alright son, Alex.

I've watched him grow up in fear of his violent father, merely even considered his son, more like his servant. A few weeks ago he promised to let me out, I felt how sorry he was for me. I almost believed him until his father caught us. I don't know what his punishment was but it must have been grave since I haven't seen him in days. Now I sit alone again, only wondering one question- Why hasn't she come for me?.

I shouldn't have left my ring, now my only connection to her is in our realm. I don't even she miss- *CRASH* "Fire!" I could hear screams from upstairs, what is going on?. If the fire burns the place down, the glass with shatter and I will be able to use my magic. I could hear someone..or something coming down the stairs.

I thought it was probably Roderick Burgess wondering if I'll talk, but no instead I saw Jessamy..and Eros!. She knows I'm missing, or she's just checking up either way I can finally return home. I noticed something shiny in Eros's beak, my ring, she sent it.

Jessmay flapped around the glass with Eros following close behind. I watched hoping one of them would figure out how to break me out. Jessmay flapped closer to me, "Sir, I think I know how to let you ou-" *BANG!*, blood splattered against my glass prison. It dripped down slow and heavily.

Jessmay's body fell to the floor with a sickening thud, I slowly looked over to see Alex holding a weapon they call a riffle. Roderick came down with almost equal shock to my own, he snatched the gun from Alex and pointed it at Eros who was trying to escape. Another loud bang went off, both Eros and my ring descended downwards until they met the cold floor. My ring bounced and rolled over to my cage, I stared at Eros's body now covered in crimson.

"Idiot, you could have shattered the glass!" Burgess shoved his son forward, "clean that mess up" he turned to walk away but stopped when he glanced at my ring. No, anything but that. He strode towards it and bent down to pick it up. "What a beautiful ring, is it yours?" He asked expecting an answer, after slipping it in his pocket he smiled at me "Should sell for good money". He smirked; wicked, disgusting, cruel man, taking the summon of my love and treating it like trash on a dirt road.

Meanwhile the son picked up both birds, both of my friends, my family and walked out the room

Meanwhile the son picked up both birds, both of my friends and walked out the room. My ring, my friends and my hope were all lost to these heinous people, now all I can do is sit and wait for a miracle to happen

~2 days later~

Amaris POV

Neither Jessmay, Eros or Morpheus have returned, I'm starting to get impatient and quite worried. "Should I send another dove?" I asked myself as I pasted in the throne room. "That won't be necessary~" a familiar silky voice echoed, I looked over to see Desire walking towards me. "Desire!, by the look of your outfit I thought you were Lucifer themself" I faked a smile, "Don't hide the fact that you love it~" they winked.

I sighed knowing exactly what they were here for but wait "How are you here?Dream nor I invited you". Their high heeled boots clicked as they walked around me like shark, "Since sweet Dream has been gone, the barriers between our domains have been a bit weak" they took a strand of my hair between their fingers and twirled it.

"Oh?, and what's the point of this little surprise visit?" I crossed my arms, "I heard a little secret, one that may shock you" they kissed the strand of hair before letting it go. I didn't trust desire but I was curious to know what they were hiding. "Go on" I waved my hand, they grinned wider than a Cheshire Cat. "Are you sure you want to hear it, It's rather sad, well.. at least for you it will be", I began getting anxious. "Just tell me already!" I raised my voice, "No need to shout little angel, I'm afraid your darling birds were..killed" their voice went high at the last part as if they didn't care.

Which they didn't, I couldn't even react. I was filled with so much shock and grief that I just stiffened. Desire placed their hands on my shoulders and leaned in close to my ear. "Oh! and your husband is dead too" they added with a a smirk, the sob that was caught in my throat finally came out in a shaky wail. I dropped to my knees and let out a scream so loud it shook the building. A black colored power wave exploded from me, I heard something yelp that I assumed was desire but I didn't care.

A black colored power wave exploded from me, like a tsunami of heartbreak and depression. I heard something smash against the wall which I assumed...or hoped was Desire's body. Dropping to my knees more power serged out of me effecting everything around.

"Amar-Amaris, please..please stop it hurts" Desire wheezed out gripping their chest, I wasn't one to enjoy others pain but in that moment ti wanted everyone to feel what I was feeling. However my sense correct me and allowed me to focus. I took in a breath and took back all of my heartbreak before it spread too far. As a embodiment of love I hold every form of it in me, I absorb as I supply.

If I had let my heartbreak reach outside the castle the entire realm would have felt unmeasurable despair. "I'm sorry" I mumbled while wiping my tears on my sleeves, Dream was really gone. My husband died and I could do nothing. I felt arms wrap around me, "It alright little angel, you've still got me" Desire smiled. I hugged them back trying not to crush their bones.

This was oddly nice of Desire but then again they've always had a soft spot for me. "So..Now that you're..untethered..and alone..my realm could always use a second ruler, if you'll have me that is", I pushed them away slowly to see if they were serious. Their golden eyes were bright and big with hope, not a single sign of joking. "What are you asking?", they placed their hand on mine "Would you be the ruler of my realm, alongside myself?".

Without a second passing I ripped my hands from their grip and stumbled backwards. "Are you serious?!, the love of my life just died and you want me to go with you!.", they stood and held up their hands in defense. "Clam down little angel, I was merely suggesting that you could do better than that depressing excuse for a entity. I mean look what I can offer" they ran their hands down their body, "I told you no back then, and my answer remains the same..please..leave, I'd like to be alone for a while" I began to walk to our-..to my chambers. "At least consider it?!", I sighed and turned to face the persistent being. "Desire, you are conceited, untrustworthy and malicious. Dream was at least the most compassionate out of you, I've loved him since the beginning of time and I'll love him till the end of it. Nothing and no one - not even you can change that. Now leave..before I make you" I threatened while narrowing my eyes.

His hands formed fists but he kept his composure. He shrugged and twirled the other direction. "Fine, but your going to regret it my angel"

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