
The Rising

The light side against the dark and a battle broken out with a girl name Destiny and the one she thought had taken her heart his name was Casey.

Casey was once part of the light side but for reasons unknown moved to the dark side of the battle.

Take this Destiny yelled as she throws fire in hands at him.

Not good any is what Casey said as throws up a wall of earth in front of him.

Damn Destiny said as she laid on her feet from being up in the air for so long a little tried from the fight still going on.

You know Destiny you should give up because you are never going to beat me or get me Casey said to her.

Shut it is all Destiny said as she give him a hit with her fire ball in his face and fell down to the ground.

Then Destiny sat on his chest and started to tie the rope around his hands.

Never learn do you Destiny, Casey asked then head butt Destiny and she fell back and he kicked her in the stomach three times before Destiny could block it and move out of the way.

Destiny had cough up some blood but that was not going to stop her from fighting him to save him.

Should just stay back Destiny and you might live Casey said to her but did she listen.

No Destiny yelled as she had fire around her hands ready to fight him in close range.

An to think you were smart he said as he put earth around his hands ready her to attacked him at any minute.

Hm she said as she ran at him about to hit him but their hands hit each other and they kept attacking then they jumped away from each other.

Hate do this Destiny but left me no choice Casey said as he was make star around him.

There is always a choice Casey and we can fixes this but you have to come back with me Casey Destiny said to him.

Casey put his hand to the ground and said Dark Earth Spears he said as tiny spears of earth closed in a dark force came at Destiny.

Destiny fly up trying not to get cut by the spear but they cut her legs and they hurt more they a spear cut.

No way Destiny yelled as she was falling out of the sky to the ground and spear got in her back then no more spears came out of the ground.

Sorry Destiny but please stay away he said to her as he knee down by her.

Why she said to him.

I can't Casey started but stopped and jumped as water shoot at him.

Get away from her Liz who is also Destiny's right hand woman yelled at Casey.

Oh Liz glad to see you could make it Casey said to her.

Liz be careful I said weakly to her.

I will Liz said to her friend.

Earth cage he said as a earth like cage had Liz in it.

Now earth stone he said as little stones came at Liz.

Liz closed her eyes quickly but never felt the pain but she heard her friend cry in pain.

All she saw was Destiny falling with holes in her chest and Casey caught her and put her on the ground carefully.

Let her go Liz yelled at Casey.

Then Liz was let going by Casey as he said something to Destiny but she couldn't hear.

Keep her alive is what he said to Liz and she ran to her friend's side and Destiny out cold and Casey off again.

Liz fly off to the boss so she could heal her.

He gonna is all Liz said as her boss Emma was did healing Destiny.

It fine but I know what to do Emma said.