
A First Glance

Angel's POV

It was 12 p.m. briskly walking back from a local club nearby. I had just finished my last drink and was it was getting harder to concentrate on anything while walking. Leaves crunching under my Five inch heels while my short dress sways to the rhythm of my hips walking. Remembering not bringing my car and walking instead just made my head pound even more thinking of the fact that now I have to walk five miles back home especially in this state made me queasy. My phone vibrates in my studded purse pulling out the phone from the zipper part Nathan pops up on the screen stating where the hell are you I've waited all night ?? I feel nauseous just looking at the text from my cheating boyfriend thinking I don't notice the late nights he's not around or the lingering scent of perfumes I don't have maybe even the faint love bites covered with cheap drugstore makeup. Going out and clubbing by myself has started to just be my escape not only from Nathan but just anything that may come across as stress you could say. Looking between the text and going to either my dreaded house with him or finding a random hotel again Id rather stay with my own thoughts rather than a snake. Continuing on with my walking I notice a little down the road past a couple gas stations and tire shops and what not the street lights are out. Odd? Usually the they are always pulling back out my phone from my purse i turn the flashlight on. I'm starting to get a little bit creeped out from the whole creepy no lights on and using my phone flashlight at 12 o'clock at night so what do I do I start jogging of course taking off my heels as well. A stray cat runs across the street hissing loudly and not stopping for anything it scares the living daylights out of me completely stopping and bruising my feet even more I notice a dark figure where the cat has run away from looking down. I still my breathing as if that would help but to my dismay it only added to the rising tension in my stomach and to make it ten times worse he looks up right at me. I take a deeper breathe and slowly try and look into the face and I see a pair of gleaming blood red eyes staring right back at my own icy blue ones.