
The Rise Of The Void God

After awakening god-like powers Neo had to become as powerful as the God's who first handled said powers. When he couldn't meet the standard, he must now protect his family after he himself escaped death

GhostofChristmas · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The Battle of The God's

Iris would wake up in Odin's room, where she was almost naked As she looked around, Odin would enter the room with a Sinister smirk on his face As he approached closer, she would look in horror as she tried to blast him with her flames, but she would notice a runic symbol on her wrist It was blocking her magic and her energy reserves. She would chuckle and back away as Odin got closer and would start ripping apart her clothes

And would get naked himself and would start forcing iris to have sex with him and after what felt like an eternity for Iris (which was only 5 seconds), Odin had finished and would be staring at another version of himself as reality began collapsing on him as he was then pulled back into the original reality where he belonged to as he was laying on the floor with Iris staring down at him as he could

Feel a Malevolent Aura coming from the darkness as it was Neo the Project himself as he approached Odin, who would be backing away in fear as he would hit the wall before waking up outside the walls of Asgard as he was almost buried in the dirt. Neo would then cut the palm of his hand as the blood dripped down He would chant for a second before saying

"With the blood of a god, I summon Karura, the dragon devourer."

He said as a giant divine creature with a human torso and birdlike head appeared with a flaming wheel behind it's head as it would have 2 katanas and a naginata on the back as well as Odin was startled by it as he would try to kill it immediately but would fail as his arm had already been sliced clean in half as the only thing remained was a stub in flames as he would groan in annoyance and stared at the creature Neo summoned before he heard

the words

"Soul swap, Susanoo."

As the creature Neo summoned began to mutate into a perfect Susanoo with giant wings and 2 katanas, the creature grew in size to the point it's head was bigger than Jupiter itself as Neo

summoned another creature, this one he was familiar with, as Neo summoned the divine general himself by cutting of his arm as his arm turned into a golden wheel

"with this treasure, I summon Mahoraga."

He said as he dropped the wheel into his shadow as a giant creature with the lower half of a snake appeared with 6 arms as 2 of them grabbed it and placed the wheel on it's head as the wheel spun around as it would smirk before summoning an arrow, a bow and 3 swords as it would fire the arrows at Odin, who would block all the damage with a barrier before being kicked to the side by Susanoo as it would

Launch Odin into the wall as he groaned in pain and would look at Susanoo before launching a spear to it's forehead for him to fail again as Mahoraga had already cut through his arm already as Susanoo would slice down Odin's life flashed before his eyes as there was nothing left but a huge crater on the ground as Neo would enhance his eyesight by using magic on the nerves of his eyes as he saw that Odin's dead body was missing as he would be confused

Before being launched into a wall, as he destroyed the wall upon contact, he would groan in pain and annoyance before looking through the dust as he saw a rune symbol that spelt out "Destroyer of Giants." It was Thor the half-breed God of Thunder of the Norse myths, as He would feel fear for a bit before launching a compressed beam of flames from his mouth as he fired it straight at the rune symbol, only for his beam to be negated As he saw the attack, this time it was a hammer, as he quickly dodged it.

would still get hit as his arm was ripped off

From his shoulder as he groaned in pain and would regenerate immediately, only to be followed up by Odin sending a wave of venom much more powerful than Jörmungandr venom as Neo would blast off another compressed beam of flames piercing straight through the

straight through the wave but to no avail, as he was launched straight into the wave by the hammer ,as Neo would cough out some of the venom and would try to regenerate from the blow as it left a huge dent in his stomach, only to notice the venom immediately taking effect as his eye sights weakened and would then melt away in his eye sockets As his body started melting, he would groan in pain as his entire body was slowly melting while his regeneration tries to Keep up as Mahoraga's wheel turned. He would laugh as Mahoraga would adapt to the venom as he would try to absorb Mahoraga.

But would be pushed away by Mjolnir as Odin would charge at Neo to stall him until the venom killed him as Thor distracted Susanoo and Mahoraga as he clashed with them as Odin would go for multiple stabs on Neo as the stabs left him in a worst state as he would groan in pain and anger and would charge up a small red beam at the tip of his finger only for Odin to slice his

hand off as he tried to keep Neo away from absorbing Mahoraga as Odin would kick Neo away further only as Neo collapsed on the ground coughing out blood as he would look everywhere in desperation then remembered something as he would smirk as Susanoo would smack Thor away with a back hand as it would slice down at Thor only for Thor to break the blade and grabbed it's legs and squeezed them as Susanoo would shatter as Neo would look in despair the only hope he had gone just like that as Mahoraga would battle Thor now Thor would send Mahoraga flying further away as it wasn't looking good for Neo he was on his last leg before

"What are you doing? Why are you keeping me waiting? I'm your king, aren't I? Show me what you can do."

The words echoed in the battle field as Thor would be engulfed in flames as Odin would be bound by chains as he was then flung towards Thor, breaking both his there ribs as Mahoraga would be set free as it would charge straight towards Neo as he would bite it's fingers as Mahoraga would disappear as a wheel appeared behind Neo's head as he would

regenerate fully before Thor appeared behind him and hit his spine with a full force of his swing, as Neo wouldn't even flinch as the wheel turned again, as he would be adapted to Thor's blow, as well as laugh maniacally and stare at

Them with a crazed look in his eyes as Thor would feel fear his only thing was adapted too as he would chuckle in annoyance and would stare into his eyes as he felt something tugging his soul as he would gasp for air before launching his hammer at so much force it broke reality and landed on Neo as the wheel would turn but stop mid turning and would turn anti clockwise as Neo would fall on his knees

Spit out blood as he would groan in pain and would look back up at Thor who was surprised as well as the blow of the attack was so devastating it reversed the adaptation to his blow as he would chuckle and summon several shadow claws

through the grounds aimed for Thor's heart and Odin's head as they both braced for it as there energy was depleted by Neo's ability to zap away the opponents energy when there weaker than them

As a bright blue light would erase the shadow like claws as Neo would be confused on why the shadows were disobeying him before he saw a dark figure


He said as he would smile as he knew his time was up as soon as he showed up but no it was something much much much DARKER WAY MORE EVIL THAN ZEUS HIMSELF