

{ Thee death call }

Zullfahm Online is a Vmmo-Rpg, a popular game among 2090's young.

Vmmo-Rpg game formats have exploded in popularity over the last decade, becoming a staple of human amusement.

As a result, numerous game development businesses have built Virtual Reality games that may provide a fully delightful and fascinating experience of the VR world to a single person.

Among these hundreds of games, there lies a hidden treasure. As previously stated on Zullfahm Online, this game was released in the year 2070. Despite the fact that numerous game companies were already dominating the market, when this was published, it achieved huge popularity among the general public, and as a result, it became the most popular and most played game in the world.


The company that created Zullfahm remained unknown, while there were rumors that it was created by a group of Japanese developers. However, no official info regarding the inventor has been released as of yet.

In comparison to other Vmmo-Rpgs, Zullfahm offered a plethora of incredible advantages and bonuses to new players.

For example, if a person joins, he starts from the lowest pit, and as a result, they must spend a significant amount of time ranking up their levels one and two. As if that wasn't enough, It's also difficult to obtain excellent equipment. That's where zullfahm comes in; in zullfahm, a player receives benefits to begin their gaming trip. These bonuses are granted at random and just once throughout the game. This may be a 10th-grade item, the highest-ranking equipment in the game, or he could have a rare class, which is not entirely out of the possibility.

They receive experience by completing the AI-assigned work, which lasts just three days. In-game, it's known as "Zugiin Blessing," and it's equivalent to a VIP boon.

In Zullfahm There are several classes from which to pick a career to continue your trip in your gaming world. Each class includes 20 levels. Because each class has 20 levels, players will have 9-10 classes by the time they reach the total level ceiling of 200. Although there are no limitations against gaining several classes, a player can have many classes at the level of 2-3 if they like. Only uncommon classes may be obtained via sheer effort and the XP gained from fulfilling guild assignments and quests. In other words, not leveling up your ranks has no effect on a player's power or dominance. They are nice underused items that are merely taking up space.

Players may also use the Edit tool to customize the look of their weapons. The most appealing aspect of Zullfahm is the ability to design your own NPC. You can not only construct them, but also add talents and make manual command sequences. You may obtain extra xp and NPC level up bonuses by completing missions.

NPCs were rare among gamers.

The conditions for creating one were fairly high, but if someone satisfied the requirements, they may have significant influence over other players.

Zullfahm has a fantastic atmosphere in store for gamers. The planet is so vast that a player might spend years exploring it without discovering everything.

There are other sub-worlds in the category. If a player's preferences change, they can always switch between sub-worlds. It should be noted that if a person plays the game in a sub-world, they will receive less experience.

The visuals and details provided in the games were so realistic and delightful that a person could play all day and never grow weary of it, leaving them completely satisfied and never complaining.

infornt of onitor A guy sits with his arms folded, chatting to someone on Biscord.

"Hey, it's been a week since you last signed in to the game. If this pattern continues, we will miss the event, which will finish in two days."

[Ahh, dude, you caught me at the wrong time. Because final exams are coming, I can't afford to squander any time in the game. So you'll have to keep on without me. Rachel You should contact her if she is available.] -Nakamura, Cid

"That is something I cannot dispute with. Then do well in your examinations. Return to the Amriyan as soon as your tests are over."

[OK, bye]Then he looked in Biscord for another contact named Rachel and called her.

[Aizawa, you phoned at the perfect time] A smile bloomed over Aizawa's face as he said to her enthusiastically.

"At long last, someone who is not busy, so tell me when you can log in"

[You're making a mistake.] I intended to add, Aizawa, that I won't be able to enter for a few days. I have some job to do. You'll have to collect our resources and administer the guild till then.

"You guys are all so busy. How am I going to manage the entire guild by myself?"

[If you do that, I'll let you embrace Toram, all right?] she laughed.

[Aside from that, I've given you access to all of our guild's stuff and equipment. Do with them what you will, and I apologize for being unable to attend this occasion. Make an effort to participate]

"That's something I don't want. In any case, please don't put it off for more than a week. Although I was looking forward to the Guild War event, things have changed." He hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"May I borrow your bow and arrow?"

[ Humm. Sure, Work is beckoning, Aizawa. Bye]

He got up from the couch and walked over to the bed next to him, closing the phone.

On a little shelf is a headgear called "Nano Transmit Full Dive." And it's linked to a gadget called the UFC ("Ultra Full Dive Connector"]. It is the bundle that comes with Zullfahm Online. This Vmmo-Rpg set is not like any other gadget on the market. Other devices simply provide players with virtual reality and a good gaming experience, but Ntf, which stands for "Nano Transmit Full Dive," can not only provide a great experience, but also inflict real pain on a player's body if he is injured in-game, providing them with a real-time playing experience. Although the player has the option of regulating the pain reactor to their chosen want when this feature was originally introduced, many people were critical, but after a short time, they began to like it. NTF can only be utilized online for Zullfahm.

He carefully lifted it up, donned it in his head, hit the red button on the left side of the gear, and sat on the bed.

The gadget triggered as he closed his eyes, transporting his consciousness into the game.

(⁠●1) ————

Opening his eyes, he found himself Seated in a well-laden chair adorned with beautiful and colorful jewels in a big hall with beautiful infrastructure and well-laden decoration, this is none other than The Guild Headquarters of Almira, one of the top Guilds of Zullfahm online.

This Guild consists of 20 members who have put their immense resources and hard work into building it. Almira possesses a large number of 10th-grade weapons and items that are extremely rare.

Rumayilo Nordragon is the guild's leader's name. He is the most renowned player in the world. The other members are likewise formidable players who consistently rank in the top 20, while Aizawa, despite being a guild member, is regarded as the weakest, or so he believes. Most people in this guild have achieved level 200, however, Aizawa has only reached level 150, which is quite a feat for any individual. Many would be envious, but being in the top guild and seeing people far ahead of him makes him doubt his ability. Nonetheless, he regards and loves his guild members as if they were his own family.

He came upon a stone curved square-shaped desk while walking. It radiates a brilliant glow from its corners, and a book floats in its middle. The name "Eldaymra," which is a Grand Item, is engraved in the middle of the book cover. The Grand Item is a significantly stronger and more knowledgeable variant of the 10th-grade item. This Book of Eldaymra was this guild's most formidable weapon, containing innumerable magical spells and several hidden techniques that gave them a significant advantage over others. This item was neither earned or brought by any event; rather, it was created by the intelligence of previous players. That is why it is known as the Book of Eldaymra. To put it another way, "The Book that Knows Everything."

"Haa, Eldaymra, how long has it been since we've utilized you?" He sighed and continued his trek.

He entered another large, open area. A large screen in the center displayed the guild's player list of 20 individuals, the guild's level, which was maxed out, and rank, which was now 1.

"Show quest," Aizawa stated as the screen displayed another visual.

< Treasure Hunt at Sea Livinonaminas >

Requirements: The player must be Level 100 or higher.

The following items will be available: [10th-grade weapon] Sword of the Eastern Slayer drawn by Arma

Sub-items/Random items: Dragon chest, Pure Silver core, and random treasure box>

"Launch a Digital Window " A separate screen emerged in front of his eyes.

Then, by selecting the "Random Match" option, a new window appears in front of him.

[System: Warning This is a highly dangerous quest. It is dangerous to go in solo. Are you certain that you want to continue]


He selected the Yes option. The countdown came to a close, and a crimson mist encircled his body as the afterglow faded. Aizawa's figure has likewise vanished.




"What's going on?" Something unexpected happened when Aizawa was diving to the task site. Suddenly, his vision was obscured by some incomprehensible language, and a red siren rang in his ears. It didn't take him long to see that something was awry. He attempted swiftly to access the menu window, but it was not feasible. His heart trembled as though his entire body was freezing. He regulated his non-existent breath and ran his head through the motions of getting out of this circumstance.

He attempted to open the status and, after many attempts, it opened, giving him some relief that he was still in the game.

But then something happened that made him anxious instead than relieved. "The Long End" was the only word on the menu tab. The design and writing style was even scarier. It was a dark-looking hue with a chilling effect. The words pulsed like a vein. Aizawa closed the menu bar hastily.

the instant he shut it A booming sound, as if something had burst, reached his ear. As he looked back, he noticed a swarm of insects approaching him. "The accursed one," they screamed. He attempted to move, but his body was tied by an impenetrable chain and wouldn't budge an inch. The insects were similar to grasshoppers, but their heads were different. It was the head of a human that Aizawa observed and almost collapsed in horror.

He had no idea, but he had the impression that if he died at the hands of those creatures, he would perish in reality.

"Ahhhh" The insects that were approaching him began biting him, but he didn't feel anything, as if nothing was happening.

"What's going on?" He was perplexed. Slowly, the insects moved away and came to a rest. They were staring at him as if they were expecting something to happen.

Then he observed that some bizarre symbols in an unfamiliar language had emerged in his armor.

And in less than a minute, Aizawa felt his entire body ache.

"What is going on? Aaaaaa" His body, every muscle corner, his head, everything was throbbing with excruciating anguish. It was impossible for him to be in this much agony since Clearly, he remembered that his pain reactor limit was just 20%, which was not meant to produce this much agony. Something was obviously incorrect.

[Would you like to be saved?]

[Say yes or no]

In his hazy vision, an alternative arises. It seemed unusual, but Aizawa clicked it anyway.

Then a ray from the sky struck Aizawa, blinding him for a few seconds before seeing a lady with her face covered with a piece of black fabric and wearing a thick white cloth wrapped around her body, with two horns on her head, similar to Aizawa's game character. Aizawa, still in pain, looked around and noticed the insects had been reduced to ashes, most likely by the light that touched the ground.

"Who are you?" he gasped out, his voice scarcely audible.

The figure in the sky appears slowly at Aizawa's place, and she embraces him.

"Ghorit leator airict," she remarked as she hugged him. As soon as the word entered Aizawa's ears, he felt a chilly air blow over his body, and he went unconscious.



In a Plain Land In the middle of nowhere is a big castle, which seems really out of place.

An amazed individual stands within the castle, in a certain hall.

"Wait, I returned." He found himself in the exact location where he had started the quest.

He then paused for a moment before attempting to open the log-out option, but nothing was displayed. causing his heart to race

Then he heard birds singing in his ears, which was impossible because each guild's headquarters in Zullfahm online had an Anti-Magic and an unbreakable barrier enabled.

Nothing, not even a little ant, can travel through it.

He dashed towards the Guild's entrance. He walked through the entrance that leads to the outer world and spoke as the door slowly opened, showing a grassy plain. There is no resolution at all.

"What exactly is this location? Is there an issue with the server?" A guild is normally situated in Aramdel's Lobby City, which is a city dedicated solely to guilds. It was odd to see a guild appear seemingly out of nowhere.

"I have a strong feeling I'm in huge danger. Let me check the World Chat first. Perhaps they can assist me." He entered the global chat page and began scrolling down, but no players were available, much to his dismay.

A flashback of events occurred in his consciousness, including the insects with unusual human heads and the strange human figure that saved him and said some things. Then he realized that his current circumstance was all connected to this.

"Lord, Aslad,". A voice cried out to him as he was deep in contemplation, interrupting his concentration as he glanced back and saw Toram with her adorable eyes gazing at him.

Aizawa realized he wasn't in the game, but somewhere else completely, and watching the NPC move freely without instruction just confirmed his suspicions.

Okay , if you want me to continue this work comment below............

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