


Year after the establishment of the city I summoned Kage, Testarossa and Edward

"Sir Zenon, why you summoned us?" Edward asked me with interest

"I wish to talk about the future" I said

"Master we are going to support you in all of your ideas" Testarossa said

"She is right my lord" Kage said

"Thank you" I said with a smile

"I am planning to add to my country other races, every race has its unique traits and if we successfully combined various races in the country it able to make the country more powerful" I said

"My lord, do you wish that we make the base for the immigration of other races to the continent?" Kage asked me with a serious tone

"Yes" I simply said

"Oh come on, in order to do it we need to make infrastructure for that, make water and food reserves and more it's to math work…" Edward complained

"Ara ara Edward-kun do you have problems with it?" Testarossa said with a smile

"Nnno" Edward murmured

"Hahaha" I laugh about this situation

"Very well let's start the work" I smiled

End Flashback

Donald gathered 90,000 elves under him to one place with all their properties and I teleported them to the city but before that, I connected Testarossa and ordered her to inform Kage and Edward about the immigration of the elves to the continent a giant circle with David's shield on the center appeared under us and we teleported to the southwest continent.

"This is your new home" I said to them with a smile

After that with the help of Testarossa, Edward, Kage and other slimes the elves settled successfully in their new homes not only in my main city but also in the villages and other cities that were built for immigration of various races to the continent. And after that I visited Kagali

"It looks like you're sad~" I said and sat down near her, from this place you are able to see the ruins of the Super Magic Kingdom

"And how are you see my face with this mask?" she said with a sad tone

"I don't see but I feel it" I said

"So wish to explain what happen to you?" I asked

"After that, my dad started to experiment on elves and one of them was I in this experiment, I died but he resurrected me and for it, he sacrificed 10,000 elves, because of this I become ugly and for his fun, he changed my name from Kagali to Kazarim" she said with a sad tone

"I don't really know what to say to you about this" I said her

"You don't changed even a little in all these years…" she said

"Unlike you" I said and tried to hide my smile

"Hahaha, really funny" she said annoyed

"I know, so you accept or refuse my offer?" I asked her

"I accept your offer but you need to know something" she said

"What it is?" I asked her

"Because of the undead dragon all the elves that were under me become dark elves" she said

"So they have unique traits?" I asked her with interest

"Only black skin, you don't have problems with it?" she asked me surprised

"Do I need to have problems with it?" I asked her

"Technically no bu-" she said but I interrupted her and said

"Very well, let's go" I said and started to walk, Kagali looked last time at the ruins of her old home and started to walk after me

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