
The Store

Mark looked at the screen in front of him with big round eyes with a feeling of dread mix with joy.

[ Store:





Dp: 3,000]

'Hmmm...if my guess is right then.' "System open store and search for a close combat skill manual." The wolves around Mark circle around him in a protective circle with the two alphas beside him.

[As you wish, Host, please wait a moment.]

Mark started to scratch the head of the Alpha with a skull on its face and horns as its tail start to wag faster.

[Host, these are the close combat manual that Reaches with your points as of this moment.

|| Demonic Claw ||

As long as the person with this knowledge is a demon on the level of a sentinel or arch, then they are able to sharpen their finger nails into razor sharp claws that will able to cut through steel as long as it is not a blessed item.

5% chance of giving opponent Bleeding effect

10% chance of giving opponent Cursed mark.

Cursed mark will let the User slowly drain the opponents life force and energy like a vampire drinking blood on its victims.

Dp: 1,399

|| Hellfire Slash ||

Produces a scorching slash that reaches about ten meters from the user.

50% chance of insta kill

Dp: 500

|| Venomous orb ||

User produces an orb that surrounds his body from assassins and other forms of surprise attacks.

Dp: 100

|| Deathly Aura ||

Produces a deathly aura around the User, what ever the user touches will turn to stone, while draining life force and Energy to recover Energy or Health.

1% chance of turning the target cursed.

Dp: 1,000

That is all the reach of your points my host]

"Hmm...Deathly aura has its uses but what are its disadvantages I wonder while Hellfire Slash is useful too in fights with the insta kill chance but Demonic Claw is more useful then the Hellfire..." For few hours Mark has been contemplating on the advantage and disadvantages of the Skills in front of him.

"Alright, I have decided system I want to purchase Deathly aura and Demonic slash."

[As you wish my Host, points are now deducted from you.]

Mark grab holds of his head as his mind felt like it was being pierced by a thousand needles. "Sy-system...w-what's happening to..." Mark lays down on the ground while the pain on his mind starts too intensify.

[Do not worry Host, it is just the skill that you purchased is being transferred to your mind, it will be over soon.]

The sun is now setting slowly, coloring the sky with a beautiful orange color. The wolves around Mark however had their furs straight up sensing something amiss from the surroundings.

A few more moments Mark properly sat up while holding his head that was still pounding with the transferred skills.


Mark looks at a certain bush were the sound was heard.

He kept on staring at it with his yellow bright eyes glowing a little. He points his finger on the bush before saying. "Fetch."

The two packs of wolves stood up growling before charging towards the bush while the two Alphas guard Mark along with their second-in-command's.




[3,000 Exp gained for slaying a higher leveled being.]

[1,000 Exp gained for slaying a higher leveled...

[206 Exp gained for slaying....

A series of shouting can be heard from the bush, instead of walking towards it to investigate Mark chooses another option. "Kill the rest except for one and make sure to bite the tendons of their legs." Mark made a dark smile as his Alphas along with their beta slowly moved forward with bloodlust in their eyes.

'System, does the dust reawaken fallen allies that were previously controlled?'

[Congratulations to host figuring out one of the secret function of the skill | Dark Dust | +300 Dp points added.

To answer Host question, yes they may be reawakened but at a cost of Mana. The same with regenerating limbs or wounds.]

'I see.'

Mark smiled while he thought of many ways to conquer or make an empire fall by just simply using the skill on a royal family member. 'This will be fun...Let Empires and cities burn to ash as I, the champion of the Met'rusia, ease their thirst for vengeance.' Mark chuckled darkly before he walked through the bush and in front if him was a group of five people with only one left surviving on the jaws of the skull Alpha.

The remaining survivor looks at Marks outfit with fear as Mark kept walking forward with his hood up and glowing yellow eyes making it more intimidating than ever before making the Skull Alpha back off.

'Hmm...a female survivor, by the looks of what she's wearing it appears that she is a female warrior and by her age it seems she is between the ages of 15-18.' Mark smile widens at the thought on how to break her.

Mark looks at the bodies laying on the ground with their own pool of blood. 'Perfect.' Mark opens his mouth before a burst of the dark dust exit his mouth while he willed it to encircle the girl while the dust also take over the bodies.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" The girl shouted while the dust circle around her and what only made it worse was the now setting sun and the darkening sky. "Whomever you are, you'll pay for what you done for attacking an adventurer group!!!" She kept shouting while she tried to flay her sword around the dust.

"I.. am someone who want you to see what happens to naughty girls like you...Hahahahahahaha~" Mark's eyes glow through the dust a few meters away from the female warrior.

"Now tell me, Where are we?" Mark asked trying to gain some information from where he is.

"What makes you think I'll answer your question, you monster!!!" The girl spat on the ground.

"Fine...then suffer." Mark voice became demonic as the dust coils around her arms and hoisting her up from the ground making her shout in pain.

"You should have answered when I asked nicely so...PAY THE PRICE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Mark made the dust penetrate the veins on her arm making her scream in utter agony while the dust slither around her veins slowly making its way to the spine for it to enter the brain to take control of her.

The sun has already set and a few more hours of agonizing screams kept on echoing from the forest.

Mark licked his lips as he watched the now female warrior's eyes turn deem. 'You should've answered my question so I can make it a quick death but you disagreed...pay the consequences then.' Mark looked at the now reawakened allies of the girl.

'System, let me see their status.'

[As you wish...]

'Don't answer me with a bored tone you bastard.' Mark's eyebrows twitched at the System's answer.

[ Name: Alex Quail

Age: 34

Race: Human

Level: 21

Class: Paladin

Threat level: Minimal

Health: 1,580


Strength: 500

Agility: 60

Dexterity: 790

Vitality: 52

Intelligence: 78

Charm: 34]

'Hmm...I'll need to find out what your useful for.' Mark looked at the next person.

[ Name: Mary Kalduin

Age: 29

Race: Human

Level: 20

Class: Arcane Mage

Threat level: Minimal

Health: 600

Mana: 4,090

Strength: 30

Agility: 59

Dexterity: 20

Vitality: 45

Intelligence: 100

Charm: 50]

'Useful for long range.'

[ Name: Zak Bain

Age: 19

Race: Demi-Human

Level: 16

Class: Thief

Threat level: Minimal

Health: 905

Mana: 68

Strength: 60

Agility: 99

Dexterity: 50

Vitality: 60

Intelligence: 42

Charm: 60]

'A Cat person? hmmm...he'll be useful for scouting and information gathering I guess.' Mark looks at the last one but is debating on what to do with him.

'This person is a herbalist judging from the basket near him...let me see what's his level at.'

[ Name: Leo Palluio

Age: 25

Race: Human

Level: 5

Class: Apprentice herbalist

Health: 50

Mana: 78

Strength: 10

Agility: 30 (Medicine making)

Dexterity: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 200

Charm: 0]

'Tsk...an apprentice, well at least his smart, the problem is how about his master.' Mark kept staring at the Herbalist for a few more moments before looking back at the girl.

'System, I think its time to change my name.'




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