
Chapter 9-2nd awakening and... Kayda?

Waking up well past noon holding Xue'er, had to be one of the best feelings in the world. Their naked bodies were still pressed together, however when Itachi looked at her, he only had love in his eyes.

Almost as if sensing him waking up, her beautiful blue eyes flickered open, her mouth forming a tender smile at the sight Itachi beside her.

Holding each other tightly, they were unwilling to let go as if they would be like this all day.

Almost as if fate was teasing them they were abruptly startled as they heard Mu Bai's loud voice approaching "Oiii wake up sleepyhead where have you been all day?" footsteps nearing the tent.

Startled he quickly threw a quilt over himself and Xue'er as he hurriedly shouted "Don't come in, I'm changing!" Itachi said happy with his quick wit of finding a good excuse. He wasn't gay right? He wouldn't come in.

Contrary to his expectations Mu Bai laughed loudly as he shouted "you wouldn't happen to be wanking it would you" he said before excitedly barging into the tent seeing Itachi bare chested covered by a quilt with a peculiar shaped.... pillow? on top of him"

His mouth forming a perfect O in surprise, that quickly changed to a smirk as Mu Bai slowly backed out "I won't bother you. You TWO have fun" he said walking away his loud laughter being heard as he walked into the distance.

Cursing Itachi wondered when he had gotten so smart. It seemed like yesterday when he was a air headed idiot who had no common sense. Grumbling a bit Itachi muttered to Xue'er about her cousin being gay as they prepared to go out.

Quickly they dressed up and walked out of the tent into the bright midday sunlight. Today was the day they would head off to their universities. They would travel to a nearby city that was connected to the metro train system before leaving on train to their respective universities.

Trying his luck to save money, Itachi walked past Tang Yue, the strong fire mage who helped get the students to safety, before loudly muttering "hmm I wonder where I will be able to awaken? I have yet to gain another element after breaking through mid tier"

Sure enough Tang Yue jumped out of her seat excitedly saying "I have some connections at Shanghai the magic capital of the south to get you an awakening ceremony at the prestiged Oriental Pearl Tower where you will have better chances of awakening element you want. I heard you were going to attend the Pearl University in Shangai so that should be perfect for you.

Consider it a treat for helping Zhan Kong defeat the commander along with saving the students." To most people in the city, Itachi was placed on the same pedestal as Zhan Kong as many remembered the destructive lightning and fire magic along with his high physical capability's that were shocking for a mid tier mage.

He was credited with a large portion of why the city was not completely annihilated, and Tang Yue was naturally very thankful to the young prodigy who would surely shock the world with his talent. Itachi left with Xue'er driving towards the metro hub with his family soon to follow in a couple weeks to meet up with him.

Standing there on the platform embracing each other one last time she gave him a fierce look "I better not hear about any other girls" she said possesively as Itachi ruffled her hair with a smile on his face

"How could any other girl possibly compare to my beautiful Xue'er" he said before giving her a deep parting kiss filled with his emotions of sadness at the temporary parting.

Breaking away, she said with a cute pouting face "you better visit me frequently, or I won't forgive you" Embracing again the couple at last separated turning to face their new paths to get stronger.


The metro train propelled by special magic inscriptions quickly made its way into

Shanghai the magical capital of the world.

Thankfully his previous teacher Tang Yue has helped him out and he got a time slot to awaken at one of the most renowned magic associations in the world, the Oriental Pearl Tower. This sky scraper was a sight to behold, and walking up, he sensed many powerful magicians walking around.

Making his way into the grand hall he got directions at the front desk obtaining the floor number. Stepping into the glass elevator, he rose at a quick rate as he grew farther and farther above the ground. Arriving at his stop he walked up to the receptionist at that floor asking if this was where he could get his awakening.

She asked for his name before bringing him to the awakening room. Greeting him was the dispassionate Gu Yu who didn't even ask the receptionist for his name. He glanced at at young kid who looked around 17 before snorting in disdain 'another kid coming here wanting to awaken the lightning element.

This is a waste of time. I have that important guest Tang Yue sent coming shortly "Nina, get the lightning awakening ball." He shouted not even asking the kid to save time. Interjecting as he already knew what the guys thoughts were, Itachi asked for the summon element awakening ball that would give slightly better chances at awakening summon choosing not to clear up the confusion with his idenity.

His reasons for choosing summon was as follows. At novice level he can summon a draft beast from the other dimension to fight for him while he did nothing. At mid tier he can gain a contracted beast, so if he could find a young beast with high potential he can feed it many resources and train it becoming very strong when it grows up.

At high tier he can summon a whole heard of summons basically making him a one man army even without his other elements. At super tier he can summon super strong creatures from the ancient gate that may be over monarch rank in strength.

Having summon along with other elements practically made you an invincible one many army. Although he would be fine with other elements, this would be the most useful to the current him.

Grumbling slightly Gu Yu changed the summon ball for throwing a disinterested "Do your best" before walking out the room"

Happy that we was left alone Itachi soon focused on his awakening as he went deep into his mindscape with his hands on the summon oriented crystal ball. Sure enough he was not too surprised, but happy when he saw the whitish clear stardust signifying the summon element.

He planned to enroll in the summon class for 1. the nostalgia and 2. the larger amount of free time he would get to cultivate, and do other stuff because while there were many gaps at some parts, he could still be considered very knowledgeable considering the amount of detail the 3200 chapter light novel contained.

He sure as hell was not going to sit in some class learning some shitty history when he could be improving his strength or doing something else. Besides he would probably get so bored that he would fall asleep, and while it would be amusing to see how pissed off the teacher could get, he had better things to do with his time.

Concentraiting again he was happy when he saw the green stardust of the wind element. While many would thing it was not as good because of its low attack power along with it being fairly common Itachi knew how simple minded their thinking was.

Wind was the most versatile magic their was with very useful abilities. Novice tier wind magic could speed up a magician and if Itachi combined that with his low gravity he would truly be a blur flying past people.

Mid tier magic could create a large tornado that was not to be looked down upon as the higher levels could shred monsters apart in a large area attack.

Wind high tier while not particularly destructive gave a truly unique and special ability. The ability to fly with large wind wings forming behind the user that could even be used to block many destructive high tier attacks with their strength.

The higher the level, the higher the strength and at level 4 high tier 8 wind wings would form behind the user cocooning the user in a highly defensive cocoon of wind with almost as strong defensive capability as Earth magic.

Zhan kong was quite special as he found a way to make his wings very sharp making them a powerful attack ablel to dance around beasts slicing them with his razor sharp wings.

Super Tier magic also lived up to its name with a highly destructive ability to form devasting wind blades able to slice through the most resilient of defenses.

Even higher wind super magic could literally suck the oxygen out of the air making an opponent struggle to breath as they were surrounded by thousands of wind blades bearing down on them.

Clearing his mind he once again delved into his mind space curious what he would get. Even if he got a less popular element such as water or light he wouldn't mind much as every element had useful abilities and whether it was considered rare or not it would still increase the tools at his arsenal.

Seeing the bright golden light he was confused for a moment thinking he had awakened the light element, but then he realised it had a gentle white magic moving through it seemingly having the ability to repair anything.

After seeing this Itachi knew he had awakened the rare white magic, the healing element. Itachi thought for a moment considering the pros and cons of this element, before becoming quite satisfied at this new ability.

While he didn't expect to get injured too often this would give him the ability to heal in the middle of a fight. When he got to mid tier he could even make light butterflies around him before a fight that would heal him as he got damaged.

With his high recovery, high magic supply, and now mid battle healing even if he was completely outmatched he could turn it into a battle of attrition as the opponent wasted more and more magic.

It was at this point that the lazy Gu Yu walked back into the room before almost dropping his clipboard at the sight that awaited him. The healing element that he had only seen once or twice in his career, stood before him next to the youth.

Walking up with a smile he said "brat it looks like that 100,000 dollars your family put in for you was not a waste at all" Itachi not attempting to correct him over who he really was only smiled and thanked him before walking out past the next group of awakeners.

With his ear listening over his shoulder he got to hear the respectful tone that quickly changed into shock as he realised his mistake of the wrongly assumed Identity.

Knowing how the man was beating himself up in his mind over offending the talented young mid tier mage Itachi only smirked a bit to himself before exiting the luxuorious building.

Returning home Itachi proceeded to spend the next month and a half cultivating his new elements as the special selection test to get into the Pearl Institute approached followed subsequently by the start of University. First things first he gained control over his stars in a couple hours with his high mental ability.

While summon shouldn't have a natural spirit ability like his fire and lightning he held some hope for wind and healing element. Sure enough next to his green glowing stardust he could feel the young spirit of wind still at the spiritual grade with a small multiplier of around 2.5. He would have to test it out. Later after gaining mid tier to discover any special effects that may come with the seed.

Turning to his healing element he was disappointed when next to the goldish white stardust he could not sense any sort of spirit. While the novel never mentioned it, neither had he heard about it in his time here, he still held some hope that his wish would have effect, but I guess that only works on elements able to contain it. Not discouraged he made a slight cut on his hand to attempt to heal it.

Before he could do anything he felt a slight tug connected to his healing element before the cut swiftly closed in less then ten seconds the skin knittting back together as he felt a drain on his low level healing stardust.

Eyes widening in shock he realised that the goddess did not forsake him. Instead he made the ability even better giving him an auto healing affect. After running a few more tests his light element felt significantly drained as he made several conjectures.

The amount of energy used directly ties to the seriousness of the wound. He should be able to heal even more serious wounds on himself as his healing element became more powerful.

He even wondered if it was brought high enough that maybe he would be able to regrow limbs like a starfish. As a month and a half passed his family at safely moved to Shanghai, but Itachi lived in his own apartment because he liked his privacy. He had soon brought all his new elements to the limit of novice tier. Except summon, which the spent extra time for the breakthrough to mid tier.

First with summon he could now call out many different beasts with the strain on his summon magic being limited only to minions and warrior ranked beasts otherwise the summon would disappear very quickly and most commanders would not be compelled to cooperate with him anyway as his summon magic wasn't enough to entice them.

Monsters in the summon dimension were not the slaves of a summoner. They actually chose to go with them because of the benefits of being fueled by the summoners magic. It would make them stronger at a fast rate which was important in the summon dimension as many beasts would fight over territory and mates.

Now he had the ability to make a contracted beast which would stay in his summon storage until he brought it out to fight. He was currently on the look out for a young beast with good potential on both the market and on the summon dimension.

Yes thats right he said summoning dimension. One special thing he figured out after breaking through to mid tier was that he could bring a beast from the summon world and make it stay permanently by letting it be his contract beast.

This was almost unheard of except for a brief mention he found of some super tier mages having enough strength in their summon element to bypass laws allowing a draft summon to stay forever.

If he wanted to evolve a summon beast he would need a advancement bone, advancement blood, and a soul of a beast of the next rank with the stronger it is in that rank, the better. There were 4 stages of a beasts growth which were Infancy, Childhood, Maturing and Adulthood.

Potential referred to how strong they could be with the least resources, so if they were really strong at just the childhood stage, they would turn out to be a real monster when they grew up.

Moving on to his wind progress there really wasn't too much to say. After reaching the limit of novice the spirit reached the limit of the spiritual grade with a near x4 strength increase making Itachi much faster than those at the same rank. Itachi also used left over minion souls to upgrade his novice tier stars for wind while summon and healing could not have their stars upgraded.

His speed instantly multiplied by two as he greatly enjoyed using it to dash from place to place almost unnoticeable to passerbys as they felt a large gust of wind quickly pass them.

While people may think that almost becoming the flash makes you overpowered, they often forget that the stronger the monster/magician, the better the perception and speed.

A commander ranked beast along with higher ranked mid tier mages would have no trouble following him as they accurately predicted where to strike.

While he could make blasts of wind, it was almost negligble to the mid tier tornado attack so Itachi didn't even bother with that. Maybe he could use it to dry his hair when he came out of the shower?

Anyways his healing also made improvements as he tried to slit his wrist with a deep gash. His attempt at being edgy failed however when the wound closed after a few moments draining a good bit of his healing magic.

Itachi pondered all the good uses at this element. Maybe he could fake a suicide as a prank? No he shouldn't. Xue'er would never forgive him for a prank like that he thought smiling as he imagined her enraged face as she would attempt to freeze him for scaring her like that.

Going deep into his summon space he walked around. While their were some infants with decent potential, he hadn't really found anything too special. Glancing up he saw the large Ancient Gate in the sky leading to a mountain so large he could not even comprehend the scale of it. Looking left and right he could faintly see the end of it as he estimated it was roughly about 40 miles wide

It shot into the sky and Itachi could only imagine what sort of monster would reside on it. He wondered if there were monsters surpassing the Emperor scale that he would ever meet there.

Sighing at the wait to super tier he continued to cross the land scape identifying many different potential summons to call out as he gazed down at a field filled with Warrior rank Silver Giant Rhinoceros, along with a large forrest with a few warrior White Eyed Giant wolfs at the edge seemingly hunting.

Suddenly he looked up to see something falling through the sky quickly getting larger as it vaguely fell from the direction of the ancient mountain seemingly heavily injured.

Jumping forward, he cast gravity magic greatly deacreasing its weight before jumping up and catching it gently in his arms.

He realised it was some sort of dragon with its jet black wings streaked with electric blue patterns glaring at him untrustingly as he seemed to be in a lot of pain.

Seeing bruised and battered appearance of the dragon he said "Im just going to heal you"in a nonthreatening manner as he did his best not to make the three meter long dragon panic. Setting it down he spent the next hour completely expending healing magic, before refilling it and expending it again.

Seeing the human the human working so hard to relieve its pain the mistrust slowly faded from its eyes as it watched him in appreciation. He also fed it some of his summon energy which he seemed to greatly enjoy as he gained more energy to move around.

Finally as the worst of the cuts had closed the dragon seemed to be doing alot better. It ended up prancing around him nuzzling him with its head in appreciation and affection. He guessed it had to be somewhere around Infant stage even though it was three meters showing how large it would grow in the future.

Its razor sharp talons combined by his lightning quick speed as the dragon flew around him made Itachi roughly guess its strength to be high up on the warrior level with its rock hard, yet flexible black scales that covered all around except for the eyes.

As much as he wanted to make this beast his contract summon, he didn't want to force it do do anything. Looking deep into its vertical red eyes he suddenly felt a tug on his mind as some sort of connection formed with it.

Suddenly a cute girlish voice rang out into his head "thank you for healing me big brother" which caused Itachi's eyes to widen in shock. Tenatively feeling the connection in his mind he tried to convey the message "how can you speak our language" "you mean that weird sound you were making earlier? I can't understand it at all. I think its because of this mental connection between us." curious "Itachi sent "how did you end up here?

I thought I saw you come from past the ancient beast gate" tearing up the young dragon said "Father said I was an embarassment to him, so he threw me off the mountain." she said before tears began to fall down her face.

Wrapping his arms around her, he gently soothed her with his warming fire energy "It's going to be okay" he said stroking the scaled head of the female dragon. Looking up to him the high pitched voice of the little girl rang out again to him in his mind "Can big brother take care of me?

You seem very strong. Father had told me about how humans can summon us out and we get stronger at the same time." She said hopefully in an expression that would have been even cuter if she wasn't a 3 meter long dragon with razor sharp teeth and talons.

Genuinely feeling bad for the creature who had been thrown out by such a cruel father he gently said "Of course big brother will take care of you. What is your name?" she blinked at him "father never gave me a name. He said a weakling like me didn't deserve one.

Saddened at hearing this Itachi resolutely said "How does Kayda sound" which meant Little Dragon ironically enough. Jumping around Itachi thought it was pretty cute as the voice chanted in its head "I have a name! I have a name! I have a name!" as she ran around him a couple times before nuzzling him again.

"How do I go with you to the human realm" she said suddenly concerned she remembered something about only super strong humans have the ability to permanently bring them out permanently. Smiling Itachi said "While I'm not at that level yet, I do have a special ability to bring you out"

He said opening his contract beast space. Now I-Before he could even finish what he was going to say Kayda happily jumped in after licking his face. Backing out of the dimensional space Itachi *sighed a bit thinking 'raising this dragon Loli was not going to be easy'

Hey back with another chapter might not be able to finish another today as I have some online school work that I've been procrastinating as Im enjoying writing this more and more. I had somehwhat of a writers block at the start of this, but now I have a pretty clear path for a while with quite a few events planned out. As always comment any suggestions below as the dragon summon idea was quite helpful giving me inspiration for the summon element. Peace out and I'll try to update again tommorow.

Datocreators' thoughts
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