
Chapter 41-Teacher...



1 year later

<North banks of Shanghai>

A tall athletic brown haired guy was walking hand in hand with a stunning beauty attracting looks from all around.

The world had underwent a monumental change that day. The Holy court had been overthrown with all the areas being controlled by their seperate magical association. Soon, most of the world learned all the atrocities the Holy court committed, some true, some fabricated by the organizations, but Itachi could care less.

None of the groups who took over were perfect righteous groups, but it was a lot better than having one almost dictator like figure in power such as the Holy Court. Naturally history would write the Holy Court off as an cruel dictatorship overthrown by the banded together strength of the righteous associations, and that was only natural since history is written by the winners.

Overall, they did many good things for humanity as well along with the bad, but ultimately they made a wrong choice resulting in the situation today.

Of course, Itachi was portrayed as an innocent guy caught up in the Holy Courts schemes, and only the higher ups along with a few others knew who really defeated the Holy court.

Not that Itachi minded however, since he didn't really care what the public knew, and he was still labeled the most talented mage in the world. They made their way to the gate of the school with Itachi sporting a pair of shades.

"Identification please" the guard said lazily not really taking that close a look at the person

He handed over the small ID as the guard immediately jumped in shock "Mr Fan, right this way" he spoke cordially hastily opening the gate letting him inside. A nearby attendant led them to VIP seating in the school battleground to watch the battles

He was here at the Shanghai magic highschool school to participate in Ling Ling's graduation competition. Even though she had only been there around a year, she was already a mid tier mage and she had jumped multiple grades.

She was Itachi's first and only disciple and they were very eager to cater to her whims although he repeatedly scolded her not to let it get to her head. 'She already has enough confidence' he though with a sigh remembering how her shamelessness even outclassed him sometimes. He shuddered in horror remembering what happened a few months ago.

He had visited for another event and she had jumped on him loudly proclaiming "I want a baby!" much to the horror of those around him. He had to do a bit of psychic magic to make those forget what had happened otherwise he didn't think he ever could have dealt with the embarrassment.

There already were plenty rumors of a forbidden relationship between the master and disciple. After all, he only looked a few years older than her, and the last thing he needed was it to be confirmed. She has done it purposely to mess with him and she grew braver by the day, but he kept the relationship quite slow since he didn't want to rush it with her.


They showed up a bit late, but they had only missed the preliminaries. Itachi got to relax and enjoy the rest of the day watching the fights. Honestly it was almost bullying, and even the few mid tier seniors who went against her got annihilated.

The previous match, had been against a mid tier lightning mage one of the most talented in the school, yet the instant he tried to make the star map, it was disrupted by the painful sound attack. It wasn't even her strongest yet it put him in the floor.

She has advanced at a pretty fast rate and was almost nearing high tier with her sound element although, to the others she had only just achieved mid tier. She knew firsthand how dangerous the world is, and Itachi had always drilled into her to hide her Trump cards and real strength because it will pay off when you truly need it. She had also awakened the fire element and she even had a natural almost x2 buff on it.

This is not including spiritual seeds at all, just natural double strength meaning she had the #1 ranked talent and a high level one at that. It is a rare mutation inside the nebula giving you two times the strength along with capacity making it truly an overpowered ability. Most with that same ability only get around a 1.2 -1.5 buff with 2 being rare.

'Must be because of her father' he thought since there were some studies that proved talented mages were more likely to give birth to prodigies and her father had been a full fledged forbidden tier mage before he died.

"Hey, if we had a kid do you think it would have some special talent" he randomly asked Xue'er

Her cheeks turned a bit red at the implication but she still answered albeit shyly "I'm sure our kid would be very special" she said leaning her head against his chest as Itachi went into deep thought

The past year, they had been relaxing quite a bit but they didn't neglect their training. Most of Itachi's elements were closing the gap to the peak of super tier and Mu Ning Xue continued to grow as well.

He had looked around the world even visiting the artic, but he didn't find any clues to a higher level. He was sure that there was something above, but he had yet to confirm it which was quite annoying. He wasn't going to stress too much however as he kicked back enjoying the peace and quiet that came with it.

"And Next Up We The Finals" the announcer proclaimed as Itachi zeroed back on the arena

Instead of the typical long twin tails, which he had to admit he had a bit of a fetish for, she wore her silky brown hair down past her shoulders and it seemed to make her even more beautiful. Her deep enchanting hazel eyes were filled with a mirthful look as she looked at her opponent with a mix of excitement and confidence.

Across from her, was a youth with quite a nobel disposition. He was dressed in long robes that were quite splendid yet practical at the same time and they had excellent defensive properties. He looked neither haughty nor nervous as he stood their calmly.

"You are the strongest mage I have ever faced who is also younger than me" he said with an assessing look as she only shrugged

"Normally I wouldn't want to attack such a beautiful girl such as yourself, I guess I will have to trouble myself to taint your body" he said shamelessly looking her over intentionally causing the double meaning.

Itachi rose an eyebrow as he stroked an invisible beard "Another who cultivates the grand dao" he said with mystique causing a certain white haired beauty to look at him with a weird look although she was used to his.... strange sentences

'This is not going to end well' he thought feeling sense of threat. When two who cultivate the grand dao meet, it is said the universe will implode on itself, but that is only a theory for now....

She looked at the youth across from him with a mocking smile "You think you can handle me?" she said as Itachi's sense of dread grew

"The only one who can take me is my master, You couldn't even last 5 minutes" she declared as many of the more perverse audience members perked up in their seats

*Sigh 'she is such a pain' he mentally groaned rubbing his head

The youth seemed to be at a lost for a moment before he finally responded "Very well, let's see if you truly handle me" he said as the match began

Similar to the other matches, Ling Ling began the match with a few sound attacks to disrupt the opponent, but she was surprised when they bounced off harmlessly unable to affect his soul or magic "Mind Magic tool not bad, but don't count on it forever" she spoke confidentaly since she already had considered what to do if an enemy had defenses from mental attacks

The opponent used the brief period of time to charge up lightning magic, and it arced towards an uncluttered Ling Ling who regarded it quite calmly "Master's is bigger" she said as she sent magic into the wrist watch on her hand.

A dark metallic looking shield formed a full wall in front of her as the few bolts landed harmlessly. Despite it's metallic look, this was formed of a material similar to Stygian iron that had a special property of absorbing magical energy to destroy magical attacks. As long as the opposing magic didn't surpass it's limit, it would almost be completely impervious to magic attacks.

Despite his novice lightining magic getting blocked, he didn't look concerned and began setting up a star map signifying the use of mid tier magic. Ling Ling tried to disrupt it, but the expensive magic tool had helped strengthen his mental barriers preventing her from disrupting it with a few of her weaker attacks.

Instead of taking another hit though, a faint golden light trailed around her almost illusory as it formed with a frightening speed. A zither appeared in her hand causing Itachi to stand up in astonishment at the sight.

He watched as she lightly strummed the zither causing a sharp note to reverberate out around the arena. The opponent was still a second away from firing the powerful lightning when he felt like he was physically hammered in the face as he recoiled back almost falling to the ground. Blood trailed down from his nose and he felt like he had just gotten a concussion. He looked down at his chest only to see the spirit pendant his master had given him shattered in pieces on the ground

"How" were his last words before he directly fainted his face full of grievance. Even years later, he wouldn't understand how the spirit protection pendant, which had been assured to be able to stop everything below high-tier by his master, had failed to stop some 16 year old girl's sound magic.

Their was a brief period of silence at what they had witnessed before the arena erupted in cheering

Right after that, she was awarded for winning the competition which was simply some money and magic tools that she really didn't have much of a need for.

The first thing she did after that, was jump into the stands as she ran up to the booth where she regarded Itachi with a mischievous grin "how did you like my performance" she said still holding the Zither in her hand

"Since when did you get that?" he asked moving closer to her with a curious look

She tapped her chin thoughtfully "It happened in the middle of my cultivation" she said causing Itachi to look at her doubtfully "no seriously, it was right when I broke through the 4th level of mid tier that it condensed inside my mindscape."she said hastily seeing that he didn't believe her

In order to prevent potential eavesdroppers, he grabbed both of their hands teleporting them back to the mansion he had recently bought landing back in his spacious living room. Itachi proceeded to question her farther on her new abilities

"Did your father have a soul weapon?" He asked causing her to look up surprised "Soul Weapon? He had a spear he showed to me one time which I think might have been one since it came out of nowhere" Ling Ling spoke looking at the item one her hand a bit confused

"That makes sense" Itachi nodded his head

"Are you saying I have a soul weapon like big sis?" She said glancing towards Xue'er beside them Itachi nodded "It should be something similar at least similar to a bloodline that you unlocked" he said since that was the most reasonable answer.

Some of the most powerful mages had a very small chance of passing down a very strong ability in the form of a weapon to their offspring and Mu Ning Xue was one example. Her Crystal Ice Soul bow had started off quite weak, but she had raised it to a frightening level that even Itachi had to admit was amazing.

"It is likely that it manifests in a way closest to its user, and since you are talented with the Sound element, it is only natural that you would manifest it in the form of a Zither" he explained as she looked at him happily

"Hmm are you proud of me?" she asked teasingly climbing onto his lap in a playful manner

"The proudest" he whispered bringing her in for a kiss as they began making out quite furiously. Her wet tongue slipped into his mouth as he sucked on it causing the girl to moan out. Her body was pressed against his as every movement sent pleasurable feelings through her core as she straddled his leg.

"Ummph she gasped as Itachi's firm hand pressed against her rear. They engaged in another fierce make out section when finally Mu Ning Xue couldn't stand it anymore.

She moved Ling Ling to the side occupying Itachi's other leg as she looked at him with a face of mock sadness "Are you going to leave me out of this?" she asked as Itachi broke away "Of course not" he said with an evil grin as he began running his hands over her body.

She moaned through the kiss as she felt Itachi's hand slip under her shirt reaching up towards her bra. Slipping under the cup, he began to rub her smooth slopes finding the erect nipple that he pinched and rubbed with his fingers.

Before Ling'er could complain, similarly he slipped a hand under the skirt of her schoolgirl uniform as he began gently yet thoroughly began rubbing her lower lips feeling the wetness on his left hand. He brought his left hand up to his lips slowly licking his finger "It's sweet" he said teasingly which seemed to turn her on even more.

Bringing his other hand over, he undid the buttons on her uniform revealing her breasts in all their glory. 'They were a lot smaller, yet they had their own features' he thought moving his mouth forward as he began sucking on her nipple She looked at him with a gaze full of lust as she slipped off her panties. Itachi could feel her against his leg slightly leaking fluid as she gazed at him with a naughty expression "I want you to punish me teacher..." she said As Itachi raised an eyebrow "So that's what your into you perverted student"

Needless to say, they had an enjoyable time 'playing checkers' as an previous teacher liked to mildly call it, but that is an inside joke for another time...

Should I post the whole R-18 scene, or move on? By the way I started a new fanfiction which is going to be Killua in MHA so you should definitely check it out. Going to post one chapter just to start it off, then build up many chapters in preparation before doing daily chapters since at the moment I am quite busy. Comment below any suggestions and cya later

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