
the Rise of the king of Mutants

In the beautiful comic world, superheroes are infinitely beautiful. Mutants who also have super powers are extremely sad. Lynn came across time and became a student of the Academy of Mutants with the ability to create magic. Apparatus, Avada Kedavra… Glacier Spikes, Ember Storms… God Slayer Magic of Fire, Dragon Slayer Magic of Thunder… True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness… After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but he knows very well that it is meaningless for Professor X to let the students act as thugs to save the world in order to allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of mutants is to increase the right to speak! Where does the right to speak come from? Strength is the foundation! Money is on the left, power is on the right! So, he approached Professor X and proposed a package plan to establish a mutant consortium and gain power through money: The first step is to create “Oasis” and create a second world!

oni_Wolf · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

the Beginning

Meiman: Create an oasis at the beginning, the rise of mutants Author: Yunkai Yueming

In the beautiful comic world, superheroes are infinitely beautiful.

Mutants who also have super powers are extremely sad.

Lynn came across time and became a student of the Academy of Mutants with the ability to create magic.

Apparatus, Avada Kedavra...

Glacier Spikes, Emberstorms...

God Slayer Magic of Fire, Dragon Slayer Magic of Thunder...

True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness...

After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but he knows very well that it is meaningless for Professor X to let the students act as thugs to save the world in order to allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully.

The only way to change the living environment of mutants is to increase the right to speak!

Where does the right to speak come from?

Strength is the foundation!

Money is on the left, power is on the right!

So, he approached Professor X and proposed a package plan to establish a mutant consortium and gain power through money:

The first step is to create "Oasis" and create a second world!

Chapter 1 Professor, your road is narrow!

Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys.

Principal's office.

"Clarion Daily News, since Tony Stark admitted that he is Iron Man, in just one month, he has destroyed six criminal organization bases in a row. Iron Man once became the idol of the whole people, and the stock price of Stark Group has skyrocketed all the way. "

"In the past six months, the crime rate in Gotham City has been greatly reduced, and the Arkham Asylum is already overcrowded. There are rumors that the Wayne Group may invest in expansion."

"According to the news from the front-line reporters, the Metropolis will officially launch a trial against Superman, but whether Superman will come to participate in the trial is still unknown."

"Recently, the conflicts caused by mutants have intensified again, and some members of Congress proposed to restart the "Mutant Registration Act."

When Lynn pushed open the door, today's news was playing on the TV.

"What a messed up world..."

The corner of his mouth twitched imperceptibly, and he walked to Professor X's desk.

"Lynn, are you here?"

Professor X leaned on the back of the wheelchair, and seemed to be concentrating on listening to the news. When he heard the movement, he turned around: "Listen to Orolo, do you want to talk to me? Is there something wrong?"

In the deep eyes, there is a trace of concern, but also a little curiosity.

Lynn has been at Xavier School since he was eight years old, and has been for almost ten years now.

In Professor X's impression, this is a very smart and hardworking young man of Chinese descent, with a calmness and low profile rarely seen among his peers. Although he has been concentrating on his studies and seems a bit out of place, he has never caused any trouble.

This is so rare in a mutant academy full of troubled teenagers!

So he likes this boy very much.

"Professor, I want to apply for graduation!"

Lin En sat down without exchanging pleasantries, and straight to the point.

If it is said that before, he tried to avoid contact with Professor X because he was worried about the other party's terrifying spiritual ability and see through his inner secrets.

So now, this worry is no longer necessary.

Just yesterday, he finally got the BUFF of [Spiritual Immunity]!

That's right, Lynn is a time traveler.

And his awakened ability is to create magic.

He wasn't sure if it was Goldfinger or a mutation of the X gene. In short, since the day he woke up at the age of eight, he could create a spell every day.

And you can choose one of these magics and keep it in your body!

Over the years, aside from the repetitive ones, he has obtained hundreds of kinds of magic one after another, covering various categories such as elements, mind, space, and soul, without any shortcomings!

But he is not complacent.

This world is really terrifying, and he will never go on a wave until he is not sure of his own strength and is strong enough to protect himself.

Low-key development is the kingly way.

Because of this, almost all the constant magics he chose over the years were passive.

Super physique, armor of thorns, armor of rocks... Countless kinds of defensive magic are constant, and finally, half a month ago, they were superimposed and fused into a brand new [Steel Body]!

Men, it must be hard enough!

At the same time, after Occlumency, Mind Wall, Mind Shield, Truth Will... and so on, his spirit has finally reached the level of [Spiritual Immunity]!

Just yesterday, every time he observed Professor X, the feeling of heart palpitations that he felt suddenly disappeared!

This undoubtedly means that he has been able to block the mind scan of a top boss like Professor X!

I feel a sense of security all of a sudden!

That's why today's conversation came about!

"Are you applying for graduation?"

Professor X was a little surprised when he heard this, and more puzzled: "Don't you want to stay in the academy and join the X-Men?"

"In no mood."

Lynn shook his head without hesitation.

These days, the situation of mutants can only be described in one word.

That is miserable!

Compared with the mutants outside who are persecuted, hunted, and displaced all day long, the students in the academy can live a normal life, and they are taught by the X-Men, undoubtedly living in heaven.

So almost every student dreams of becoming a member of the X-Men.

But this doesn't include Lynn!

Because he knows very well that whether it is Magneto or Professor X, they will all fail in the end!

Follow any one of them, and there will be only tragedy in the future!

"Can you tell me why, Lynn?"

Professor X's tone fluctuated a bit.

The students of the academy are all mutant teenagers.

Therefore, in terms of teaching, they focus more on the training of superpowers, and there are too few teachers, resulting in almost no subjects in many subjects, and their theoretical knowledge is quite weak.

Therefore, relying on his huge financial resources, he equipped the school with the world's top library.

As a top intellectual in the world, he has always been very concerned about this aspect. In his opinion, mutants should not only master power, but also master knowledge.

Sadly, students mostly devote themselves to researching their own superpowers.

There are too few people who can calm down and study other knowledge seriously.

Lynn is pretty much the only one!

He even mobilized several other students to fully display the Juan King attribute of the boy from the Dragon Kingdom, making the scalps of the other students go numb!

One thing to say, Professor X is very satisfied with this phenomenon.

So for Lynn, he has high hopes.

Although Lynn's X-gene potential is not high, he is just a mutant at the Delta level, and has no special abilities other than a smarter brain.

But if such a talent stays in the academy, it will undoubtedly be a great supplement to the X-Men!

Who would have thought that such an outstanding student would apply for graduation and leave the academy?


X academy doesn't seem to have graduated at all?

"The reason is simple, Professor."

Lynn was also very frank, and said directly: "Because I think the X-Men have no future, and teaching your philosophy can't lead the mutants to survive. In the end, they will inevitably perish!"

Needless to say.

These words were like a knife, piercing into Professor X's heart.

Chapter 2 Project Proposal for Saving the Mutants!

In the office.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Lynn's words were too simple and rude.

Even with the city of Professor X, he couldn't help but change his face.

"You...don't agree with my philosophy?"

He felt extremely heartbroken that a student who had been teaching for ten years did not recognize his ideas.

At the same time, there was an unspeakable anger: "Do you think Magneto is right? Mutants can only survive if all human beings are wiped out?"

"of course not."

Lynn shook his head: "At any time, mutants are only a minority group, and the vast majority of mutants have not ignored the strength of various high-tech weapons, and a very small number of top mutants cannot directly destroy Humanity."

"So, unless the strength is strong enough to sweep everything, Magneto cannot succeed."

These words made Professor X feel a little relieved.

But he also became more and more puzzled: "Since this is the case, why do you think that I will lead the mutants to perish?"

Lynn sighed softly.

Of course the plot told me.

"With all due respect, professor, licking a dog will never be respected, blindly giving will not obtain true friendship."

He looked at Professor X's old face, and said seriously: "Professor, you are too flattering and tolerant to human beings. The peace you got in this way is essentially placing the future of mutants on the goodwill of human beings..."

"This is like a castle in the air, false and dangerous!"

To be honest, Professor X is an indispensable spiritual leader of the mutant group.

But he is definitely not a qualified leader!

Our Lady is only one side!

More importantly, he has huge limitations in thinking!

Perhaps because of being a high-level intellectual, he actually thought that if he showed kindness to human beings, he could gain human friendship. He didn't realize that this was a war at all!

It's a war between mutants and humans, between X-Men and Magneto!

The former is a struggle for the survival rights of two species.

The latter is a battle of ideas.

Anyone who has read the history of the Dragon Kingdom knows that in these two situations, the blood flowed like rivers of life and death!

Victory leads to life! To lose is to perish!

How can there be a third result?

And what about Professor X?

He has defeated Magneto several times before and after, but he has never killed him. Not long ago, he defeated the Brotherhood of Mutants at the Statue of Liberty (X-Men 1 story), and he just handed over Magneto to human officials and locked him up.