
chapter 6 - the first battle

Donovan Trask was regarded as the strongest human warrior in the whole world. He is also the greatest ray of hope for humans to overcome the siege of all the monsters who now dominate the world.

Especially the oceans. No human has dared to venture into open seas after the day of the apocalypse. It is regarded as a forbidden ground for the human. Anything flying less than 1000 km over the sea or ocean becomes food for the monsters.

Whenever his name is mentioned it is done with a sense of respect, admiration, and hope. He was born nearly 400 years ago in a civilian family. He slowly rose in position over the years and become an entity above the warrior king.

He has saved multiple kingdoms from the attacks of monsters throughout the world. Hence he is a hero and target of the dream for many hot-blooded humans.

For the past 400 years, no one has reached his level. He still remained as an insurmountable mountain for all his rivals.

" The president decided that since he hasn't been able to find a rival after all this time, he felt that it is needed to up the tempo to have new and more powerful genius.

This thought has been in his mind for the past fifty years but after he put forward this to other members it was decided to be put forward for your generation, ie, for the thousandth year anniversary.

So you all are pretty special. Your future Doom is due to the President and so you can't do anything."

" Professor, since it is related to the President then other kingdoms too, would be included," Daniel said

" It is. This time the top-ranked warrior of each kingdom will be chosen and they themselves will be brought to the capital of the city. Through the cross border server there, they will face another genius from other kingdoms.

Later the top rankers among them would be rewarded handsomely and even become core members of the Hunter association after becoming spirit warrior." Carol explained.

Everyone was excited about thinking about the rich rewards they might get and also the possibility of reaching the spirit warrior in their lifetime. Their city has less than five spirit warrior.

They are all in an important position of power. Every spirit warrior is a great demand in every kingdom and holds power in the kingdom he resides.

" And you lot aren't so good to even reach that threshold " Lance splashed water on their igniting dream.

When he said those words they all came to face the reality. Even if they are top of the class and some are the best in the city, they aren't anything in this whole world.

" Don't be gloomy brats. You should train yourselves so you have better prospects in the future and could join the military school or Hunter school at the capital." Lance said.

" Also because this is a high priority event you may even increase your powers by killing monsters there along with the many things found there may help you even reach master warriors. So be prepared."

After the announcement, the two teachers started to summarize what things they should pay attention to in the survival and how they should follow the team leaders orders at all interval.

For sake of convenience, it has been decided that all the students won't be separated but put together. And they will suffer a wave of monsters as soon as they arrive. This information wasn't concealed.

Cities with higher status could get more information about the test statistics while lower ones aren't told anything about the test except the day of the test and what test it is.

The two teachers trailed for hours the does and don't about the ruins. They also said that some basic information about the easy and normal stage difficulty locations could be found in the school library.

While most headed for the library, Daniel went to the holographic chamber for his exam. All the information Professors gave them he came to the conclusion that the most probable location for the exam was the hard difficulty, desert locations and hell difficulty one, God's abyss.

And God's abyss must be one of the most probable options. The higher up won't care about what normal people suffer in there. It will mostly be a training ground for the genius and seeded students who could be selected for the next round.

So it was necessary for Daniel to reach at least 7 stars before the exam. With his current worth at hands, he could barely reach intermediate 6-star warrior.

But he has a trump card. The principal of Hunter school is a spirit warrior. He was impressed by his abilities and gave him a test.

If he could clear a certain simulator he would be rewarded with an agent which will increase his powers by at least two stars and even higher if he could endure it.

So this is his only hope to get good enough result for himself. He doesn't have any wild hope to pass the current upcoming test as a top-ranked and qualify for the kingdom level round.

So it is better to concentrate on the matter in his hands.

He reached the simulator room. The simulator room wasn't different compared to other room except for some cabin boxes in it.

Each cabin is a separate simulator which can be directed through the server and computer in the next room. GE is the foundation of the simulation. The higher GE one has, longer can he stay in the simulator.

For someone in warrior stage he can barely stay for 2 hours in the simulation after that they are forcefully ejected out of the system.

When he entered the room, the operator of the room greeted Daniel," Are you here for you daily practice bout against a third rank monster.

Last time you took down a third rank saber tiger. It was a cat similar to a sabertooth with a much bigger body. It is about three meters tall from the ground to the head and seven meters long from his nose to the tail.

His tail was two meters long and could even smash two inches thick iron plates.

It took Daniel to complete one hour forty minutes to take down such a powerful beast. It was a truly magnificent display of smart and power he employed to take down that monster.

Past while facing the saber tiger,

Daniel was standing facing the saber tiger who has discovered his presence through its sense of smell and appeared in front of Daniel.

It circled around him. Although they were in a forest it's giant body took down all the trees on its path and never left his eyes off him.

Daniel didn't raise his guns at him but he too didn't take his eyes off him.

He has simulated the wind attributes in him to increase his speed while thunder at the same time to increase his reflex actions speed.

Then saver tiger jumped at him which Daniel barely dodged. He then used the short knife in his thigh pocket and gave a sharp cut on his foot.

Although the wound wasn't deep it was enough to disrupt some of his movements. But soon his flexible tail impacted him on his chest and he was sent flying in the air.

This gave him time to pick up his gun and sent three quick shots at him.

Each of fire attributes attack. But it only wounded it's forehead at the side and dodged all attacks in the center of the forehead.

But the misfire didn't disappoint him. He then sent two thunder shots at its nose. Soon it's one eye and none were injured. Affecting his sense of smell and also his vision.

Now he speeds up his attacks and started to attack his wounded legs and disbalance him.

He used the wind and thunder attributes to stimulate his body and dodge the attacks while attacking his weak parts of its legs.

After all the bigger the body the more pressure is exerted on the legs and of the legs are injured he wouldn't be able to move and become an easy target.

Even if its senses are injured Daniel being a 5-star warrior while facing a monster on par with master warrior his attack wasn't powerful enough to wound him in one hit.

The tiger itself sent some fireballs at him since he managed to dodge all his close range attacks. these fireballs managed to burn his hair and clothes slightly.

After an hour of the attack, he immobilized him and then with his special gun attack of tri attack which hit it's the most wounded part he managed to take down the tiger.

This operator was overseeing the battle and based on this battle the principal decided to give him a special test and see if he could complete the task or not.

This task is not a power battle but it tests his strat give mind. He will be head of a simulated town and with a limited master warrior, he has to protect the city from a monster invasion.

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