
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Daniel was bathing in the bathroom while his father and mother were having a discussion related to him.

Daniel's father was David who was an electrical engineer in the city of Birch. He is in his late thirties and his facial structure was similar to his son or you could say his son was his exact carbon copy expect he has his mother's eyes and nose. He is also a warrior but only four stars above his son being a nine-star warrior but he wasn't that powerful or special in the city.

There are multiple people in the city who were of similar power and it wasn't something worth being prideful about. David earns enough to keep his family in good condition but because of Daniel, he has encountered some problems in his love for the gun.

When Daniel was young he encountered a Hunter who gifted him with a desert gun pistol.

This desert gun pistol was Mark VII version with a .44 magnum. It was 10 inches long with 6 inches long barrel. The .44 magnum has a magazine with 8 rounds.

It was gas operated and has a rotating bolt action. Its muzzle velocity was 470 m/s and has a maximum range of 200 m in the hands of ordinary people.

But if it was in the hands of a skilled Hunter, he could achieve double velocity and its effective range increases exponentially at least to 800 meters or even a full kilometer distance.

Daniel after getting it got involved in the art of gun and was a skilled gunslinger himself. He has sharp eyes and he could look farther and clearer than others could. So his gunslinging skills blossomed.

But the cost of each magazine was quite costly for the family. His training, diet and even pieces of equipment for training wasn't something he could take on himself.

So Daniel started doing home deliveries from a young age. This made him know of many streets and roads and even has some contacts with the black market and the underworld of the city.

He often did some small protection mission for these gangs and earned himself a title of "eagle-eyed gunslinger" for his aim are rarely missing his target.

Being influenced by their Brother the younger sister too involved herself in training to become a Hunter which was supported by the family and even the mother joined a hospital as a nurse to sustain the family.

The youngest brother was often left with the grandparents in case none was free to look after him.

Alex was a five-star warrior. After one reached four start their attributes or affinity towards certain elements are developed. Normally only one affinity is found in a Hunter but He was a special case because he has three affinities.

It was towards fire element, thunder element, and wind element. All of them are fighting elements with very little defensive tricks to themselves.

Before advancing to higher levels the warriors can only release a little amount of elemental powers with their attacks. So they generally use weapons to increase their fighting capability as warriors.

After breakfast, he headed for his school called the "Hunter High School ". This is one of the many schools Hunter association has created to produce more hunters so that they can protect humanity from constant threat from the wild.

Alex using his sharp mind and hunting instincts have taken the position of top three warriors in his high school. Even though there are many much stronger than him in terms of stars, he was still above them.

The two more powerful than him are the two nine star genius warrior of Birch city. They are the children of the mayor of the city and the chief guardian captain of the city.

In his school, there are only two nine star warrior, more than five eight star warriors, more than twenty-seven stars and more than fifty-six stars warriors.

All of them are at the higher financial position than Daniel who is unable to procure core of the beasts to enhance his powers. He is the best in terms of fighting skills and abilities but his power reserves left much to be desired.

Of course, his fighting skills attracted some attention for higher-ups and so except for slight fights with his fellow students no one bothered him. This also put him in the hospital many times as having someone so weak was shameful for the two nine star warriors.

This matter didn't attract any attention and it was said that it is a matter between kids and adults shouldn't get themselves involved.

This continuous beatdown had let him get accustomed to their fighting styles and now at least he could tire them out instead of being beaten down to the ground.

This adapting to the situation was much appreciated by the school top leaders and they granted him free access to the holographic fighting simulator in the school for his actual training and getting prepared for the hunt

But it was only ten hours a week. So he often goes for holographic training for a few hours return and absorbs all the experiences put a plan and think about different options and once again tackle the situation.

In the entire school except for the two nine start warrior none dare to make a fool, insult or anger Daniel.

As he was reached the school gate, a sharp Icy cold voice rang," Would you look at who arrived at the school and graced us with his presence? It is the great gunslinger "

Daniel knew whose voice it was and said," I see so the snow angel decided to receive me at the door. I am really flattered." He teased her back.

Seeing her trick thrown back at her she turned angry and her voice turned even more cold," Why don't you go somewhere else with people of your power level like those losers. We are the elite and don't want you to Sully our reputation in the graduation exam.

You better give up your position to someone more powerful than you or you will only shame our school."

" Since I am a loser than what are you? Didn't you along with that proud peacock nearly lost to me last time. So what does it make you? I mean almost losing to a 5-star warrior with yourself being 9 stars.

How shameless you can be to appear in public after such humiliation, dear Winter." He fired back

This only increased her anger and Daniel wasn't done taking her down a peg," And do you want my position as the leader if the school team. Tough luck there. Until and unless you could beat me while I use a gun you can forget getting it from me."

" Why you? What gives a lowly waste like you to talk to me with this tone?" She hotly said and none of the nearby students dared to involve in their argument in case their for was directed towards them.

" Me being better than you, smarter than you and being more handsome than you gives me courage." Saying this he walked away while showing his hands as a farewell to her.

" Why you? Just you wait, Daniel Soul one day I will crush you and you will know your place which is at my boots as my foot stand. " She howled at him.

Daniel didn't bother to reply and headed inside the school.

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