
Chapter 7 Soul temple

"Where is this soul temple?"

"Don't worry you will find it soon. Fufufuu "

"How do I find this temple anyway is their really any temple here? All I see is a wasteland"




'Oye, why isn't she responding to me'

"Oya, what are you doing here little lamp?"


I was horror-struck by the sudden voice near my ears, when I turned to see who it was I saw a women in shaman kind of clothes

"Why are you so scared I won't eat you" said the women in amused voice

"No... Its just that...."

"So.. how did you get here? Its impossible for humans to get here who are alive"


"Not answering me, are we? "


"Hmmm, maybe I should feed you to my pets they will like you very much"

She snapped her fingers and many kind of monsters came out of her shadow

" ssshhhhaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!"

" scccrrrreeeccchhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!"

" Roooaaaarrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!"

'This was the one who was chasing me before and all of them are scary and she called them pets. Is she the final boss here?'

"Beautiful miss I was just thinking from where to start telling you my story. This is just a misunderstanding that's all." "haha"

"Ara!, is that so, you should speak sooner next time then" she snaps her finger and all those monster vanished

"Yes, I will keep that in mind miss"

"So.. how are you here and don't try to lie I can smell lies"

'You can smell lies!!'

I was going to tell her the truth anyway as she seems super dangerous if I said something wrong

"Yes, a goddess named Eris send me here to go to soul temple"

"Oh my! That little girl has grown I guess, now that people call her goddess"

"You know Eris, miss?"

"Do I know her? I was the one who raised her, I was her teacher and now she won't even come to visit me. Ungrateful brat Humph! "

"...…" I don't know what to say

"So you are the reason that she..." she looks at me intently

"I was the reason for what?" I asked in confusion

"Nothing, so you want to visit soul temple? But why?"

"Yes and the reason as Eris said was to touch the big kaleidoscopic stone in soul temple "

"So, it really is you" "fufufuu"

' I don't know what she is talking about, but Scary! Her laugh is scary! I guess she really was the one who taught Eris'

"Lets go I will take you to soul temple" she paused

"Oh what's your name little guy"

I am not little do you want to check I'm pretty big down their is what I want to say buy I don't have that much guts to say that

"My name is Aaron McCoy miss.. uh..what about you"

" Oh how rude of me, my name is Asha Yaku, little guy"

'If you want to call me little guy than why did you ask my name?'

"What are standing there for? Lets go, I will summon my pet for travelling"







"Amazing right?"

"Yes, it is. "

I was standing in front of soul temple and it was a sublime site to view.

"Its really is big"

"I know right!! The main attraction of the Soul temple is itself. It rises 480 meter high, spans 396 meter wide, and extends 409 meter long.

The soul temple also consists of 534 ornately carved pillars, 99 domes, and It is intricately carved with flora, fauna and with some known and unknown deities." she said in somewhat proud tone

"Deities? There is someone that even you call deities?"

"Of course, they are the real gods, not like us who are just powerful. That Eris calls herself a goddess, but she is just a goddess of this realm, but the gods carved here are gods of everything.

They are omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent" she said in reverence

"uh..Ohk.. understood"

'I don't understand anything'

"Lets go inside"



We came inside a huge hall which had features lifelike robotics and dioramas which display some kind of incidents from.. I don't know what to call this and I can see the big kaleidoscopic stone in center of the hall.

" This is the main hall of soul temple its called *The Hall of Values*.

The Hall of Values display incidents from Peace deity's life, portraying his message about the importance of peace, harmony, humility, service to others.

He left behind this stone for some unknown reason here, but no one till now can figure it out and what it does and we can't even move it"

"Then why did Eris asked me to touch it?"

"Don't know" she shrugged

"Why don't you try touching it?"


"Go on, why are you hesitating? Nothing gonna happen to you"

'Oye!! why are you raising death flags'

"Ha.. This is starting getting on my nerves now I said go!"

"Ouchh!!" she kicked me towards the stone

"I was going to, why did you have to kick me?"

"Should I give you another one?"

"Hai! hai! I'm going sheesh!"

I went in front of stone after some hesitation and touched it and then suddenly the stone started shining

" ₪₪៛៛៛៛៛*≭≭**##⇟⇟***៛៛**⇟*₪⇟₪៛៛*≭≭**₪⇟⇟!!!!!!!!!!!"

'This strange noise again and it really is irritating '


"Aaaaaaaaa" My body feels like its burning and I'm feeling intense pain right now.

This is *THE END* for me I guess.





(Meanwhile outside in the human world)

<Ava McCoy pov>


"Young master...?"

"Was that my stupid brother voice?"

" Yes, young miss, it was young master's voice"

" Lets go Luna" I hurriedly went towards my brother's room




"Luna, you have the key to his room right? Open it"

"Yes young miss"


"Brother!!!" "young master!!"

'What is happening to him he was fine until a while ago and now he has this strange vibe around him and is shouting in pain'

"Luna go and call our house doctor Now!!"

"Yes, young miss"








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