
[7] Titanomachy (5) & War & End !

After moving our base to Mount Olympus, the war officially started.

The start of the war was mild, each side only sending some weak underlings and subordinates...

Cronus sent some weak and young Titans under his command, and we sent some magical creatures from our subordinates...

As time passed, Each side sent more and more troops, and stronger generals appeared in the battlefield...

And eventually, the time came for the big shots, us and Cronus, to appear on the battlefield ...

As if we made an agreement beforehand, All the leaders appeared at the same time on their own side ...

Zeus , Poseidon and I were standing behind the army on the side of Mount Olympus ...

Cronus , Atlas and the 4 directions Titans appeared on Mount Orthys' side , facing us from far away with their gazes ...

Meanwhile , My sisters Hera , Hestia and Demeter quietly supported the army from Mount Olympus , using their divine energy and magic to increase the strength of our troops , weaken the strength of Cronus troops , and cast long-range spells that affect a large area ...

We all know this will be a World-Shaking battle , and the future of the world , and the ones who rule it will be decided in this battle ...



The Battle started as Zeus and Cronus rushed to each other , engaging in an intense battles ...

Cronus , like all Titans , relied on his hige body and great physical strength , supported by a little divine ability to enhance his physical strength ...

Probably , the reason why this happened is because the Titans' physical strength is just insane, which gave them great arrogance and they never studied their amdivinities and other magic seriously enough ...

they just used their powers in the most crude form that just boosted their bodies a little ...

What Titans can do with their natural talents , Olympic Gods can do with Delicate energy control much better ...

Titans were doomed from the beginning , And Gods are the future inheritors of the whole world ,as decided by fate ...

This is like how Savages depending on only physical strength are defeated by slightly weaker opponents who use skills and weapons made by technology advancement ...

In other words , Cronus used his time divinity to just increase his speed and acceleration , and slow and decelerate Zeus ...

This is a major waste in my opinion , but thankfully Cronus is on the enemy side ...

Zeus on the other hand , Spent great time mastering his divine powers and various magic ...

And he trained his body intensively as well , unlike most other gods on our side ...

Also , Zeus used his divine abilities and magic in creative ways (for me , it is just normal ideas , but for other gods zeus is just genius) ...

Zeus used magic to transform into a Giant almost as huge as Cronus , and the gap in speed between him and Cronus was bridged by using his divine ability to have lightning-like speed ...

The Zone in which their battle commenced was filled with thunder, storms , and strange time lapses from time to time ...

Their battle shook the sky and threatened to crack it ...

It truly is a LEGENDARY Battle !


Our Army Vs. Cronus' Army

Our army had a great variety of troops , a lot of magical and mythical beasts and creatures , wearing armors and holding weapons made by the best of blacksmiths and the Cyclops ...

The Hecatoncheries used their hundred arms to grab huge rock and throw them at Cronus troops ...

The Nymphs , followers of Zeus , used mystical magical powers to support our troops , and rained countless spells on Cronus side ...

My sisters did the same , but their effect was worth thousands if not millions of Nymphs alone ...

The Sea Nymphs , Poseidon followers ,rode Sea beasts and used their powers together to make a large tsunami and sink the troops of Cronus , and let the Sea beasts drown them and eat them ...

Meanwhile , My subourdinate were truly a sight in the war ...

Divided into four legions , lead by my four generals , they resembles an army coming straight from Hell, with their black armors shine with a dark light ..

Dracula leading the Vampire Legion ...

Larloch leading the Lich Legion ...

Stitches leading the Ghoul Legion ...

Dom leading the Cursed Golem Legion ...

They had a stellar performance on the battlefield due to their great strength and power ...

also , their ability to recover their strength using the blood , flesh , bones and treasures of enemies and allies alike ...

as well as the ability to manipulate these things to reinforce and strengthen themselves ...

Some of them even had minor necromancy abilities , able to raise some of the fallen in the war as their own subourdinates ...

I felt The Underworld rapidly growing in this war ,absorbing a large amount of fallen bodies , treaures and souls ...

My library filled up with a lot of knowledge , which directly transfered to my brain through the divine orb of knowledge I made ...

Truly , War is the way to Wealth !



Poseidon was going to have with a hard task , dealing with the four Titans alone until the trap is ready ...

The Four Titans encircled him , making him feel a little distressed ...

He quickly urged his divine power , and summoned a massive Tsunami from the Sea , covering the area around him along with the 4 Titans...

Now in his natural environment, Poseidon was greatly strengthened and able to deal with the 4 Titans ...

He only needed to drag them for some time after all ...

As for the abilities of the Four direction Titans , they don' seem quite apparent ...

they relied on their massive frame and huge physical strength ...

I noticed some debris floating towards them when I looked at them , so they seemed to have a weak ability to manipulate gravity into their respective direction ...

A weak ability , which is good for Poseidon ...



I was facing up against Atlas , the Titan personification of Strength , who has the ability to hold the whole world above himself ...

He has the Build of the most extreme Bodybuilder you can think of , as well as choking on Steroids , and magnify that by thousands of times to reach his huge size ...

I have no fear of death , as the god of death ...

if I ever die , this only means that my soul returns to the Underworld and I need to rebuild my body ...

besides , my armor-fused body makes me basically indestructible ...

As Atlas rushed towards me to pummel me with his fists , I enlarged myself and also rushed forwards , creating my signature bident using my divine energy on the run ...

As we clashed , the world shook , and I felt the might of the personification of strength ...

Atlas really deserves his name as the Titan of strength , that I bet he may even have the same or more strength than Cronus himself , but he didn't want to bother competing for the throne of the world ...

I was shaken back by his great strength , and decided to only use various magic and spells against him , as physical competition with the Titan of Strength is about the most stupid thing you can do ...

As the battle progressed , I continously felt more and more powerful , as countless people died their bodies and souls filled the underworld reserves and enhanced my power greatly ...

I had some spare strength , and looked at Poseidon's situation and decided to start the plan ...

using telepathy to send a message to my 4 generals , they slightly nodded their head before commencing the plan ...


While Poseidon was starting to have some difficulties dealing with the 4 Titans, suddenly a change occurred....

Four people jumped up from the War below , precisely my four generals ...

Each of them went towards a Titan at their max speed , and quickly enlarged to hold the titans from the back ...

Before the Titans had the opportunity to be surprised , they heard the four generals utter some mystical spells before shouting vigorously :

" I, Dracula, sacrifice my body to summon The Blood Lake of The Underworld ! "

As he shouted , Dracula's body exploded into Blood , expanding to a great size , covering Hyperion Titan of The West ...

The blood pulse with countless magical runes , which were originally the runes that created the formation source of The Blood Lake in the Underworld ...

Hyperion tried to resist as he felt the danger , but it was too late , and the sticky blood soon stabilised into the form of a Huge Blood Red Orb ...

Dracula's soul returned to the Underworld ...

" I, Larloch, sacrifice my body to summon The Bone Forest of The Underworld !"

As he shouted , Larloch's body exploded into Bones, expanding to a great size, covering Lapetus Titan of The East ...

The Bones pulsed with the runes of the formation source of The Bone Forest of The Underworld...

Lapetus tried to resist , but it was too late , and the bones were too tough to break out of ...

The bones then slowly stabilised into the form of a Huge Bone White Orb ...

Larloch's soul returned to the Underworld.

" I, Stitches, sacrifice my body to summon The Flesh Graveyard of The Underworld !"

As he shouted , Stitches' body exploded into Rotten Flesh , expanding to a great size, covering Koios Titan of The North ...

The Rotten Flesh flashed with runes that formed the Formation source of The Flesh Graveyard of The Underworld...

Koios tried to resist the disgusting Flesh covering him , but it was useless ...

the Flesh was too soft ,and it formed Tentacles as it bound him , constricting and crushing him within ...

Soon , it also stabilised into a Rotten Green Orb ...

Stitches' soul returned to the Underworld.

" I, Dom , sacrifice my body to summon the Cursued Treasure Mountain from The Underworld !"

As he shouted , Dom's body exploded into cursed gold , expanding to a great size, covering Crius Titan of The South ...

The Gold was covered with countless cursed runes , which originally formed the Formation source of the Treasure Mountain in the Underworld ...

As Crius tried to resist , The Cursed Gold covered him , drowning him in it as he lost consciousness forever ...

Soon , it also stabilised in the form of a Dark Gold Orb ...

Dom's Soul returned to the Underworld ...

Poseidon , and all Gods and Titans , everyone participating in the war watched shocked as 4 of the strongest Titans were dealt with in an instant and transformed into weird orbs pulsing with magical runes ...

Meanwhile I smiled , as another part of my plan was successfully achieved ...


I looked at Atlas with a strange smile that terrified him ...

Uh, I need to finish up with him soon , can't be worse than my subordinates ...

As I thought of this , I transformed my bident into a large sword , which is used to cut at my feet?

This is what Atlas and others saw , but actually , I used the sword to cut the connection between my body and my shadow !

Aw my shadow disconnected , I put a shard of my soul (consciousness) inside it ...

the shadow materialised into a 3D body ...

The shadow then flew towards Atlas at great speed ...

It soon entered into Atlas' huge shadow , and various changes occurred...

Atlas' shadow started bubbling strangely , and soon materialised and started moving against Atlas' wishes !

The shadow synchronised with Atlas , and soo his movements were completely controlled ...

My shadow then mobilised Atlas' shadow as if a strange dark liquid , and this material engulfed Atlas who was unable to move at all or even speak ...

Soon, Atlas as well was transformed into a dark Orb , and I started creating many magical runes over it , that sealed Atlas completely ...

I sent the 5 orbs directly into the Underworld as my trophies , which will be used to greatly enhance my strength later ...

As I and Poseidon finished , we were greatly tired , but we could recover some of our strength fast enough to help overwhelm Cronus troops ...

The war was soon finished , with most of Cronus troops dead , few were captured , and none escaped ...

Our side had great losses, but not as much as Cronus' side ...

(Cronus side has 90% dead and 10% captured , while our side has 40% dead)

As our side cheered , we watched the only remaining and most decisive battle of the war, Zeus against Cronus ...

We already won ,considering that I and Poseidon can help Zeus defeat Cronus at any time ...

But Zeus refused our help ...

He wanted to defeat Cronus alone , to be worthy of the title of the Ruler of the world after Cronus' defeat ...

The Battle between Zeus and Cronus was shaking the world and cracking the Sky , and threatened to crack the space and have the sky falling down on us ...

I decided to stabilise the space around the fight , so the sky doesn't collapse , and then it would be troublesome ...

Poseidkn and my sisters helped me , and Gaea also silently stabilised the earth ...

The fight lasted a lot more than expected, taking 3 full years ...

It ended with Zeus coming out victorius , although his body was battered ...

Cronus was knocked out with grave wounds all around his body ...

" Hurry , Hades! Make some chains to bind Cronus before he wakes up !" Zeus shouted , ordering me.

Normally , Gods and Titans are unkillable , because their soul is divine and their body is immortal ...

When I dealt with Atlas and the other 4 Titans , I didn't exactly kill them , I just used great energy and technique to destroy their consciousness temporarily and seal them ...

This is why Zeus asked me to chain Cronus , not because he doesn't want to kill him , but that he can't ...

I was a bit displeased by Zeus arrogance in ordering me ,but I complied ...

I went to Mount Orthys , and transformed it whole into gigantic chains ...

Adding some restraining runes , the chain was ready ...

I returned to the scene , and controlled the chains to bind the unconscious Cronus ...

The chains bound his hands , head and feet together ...

it also had a mechanism where if he tried to break the chains , a giant poisonous Spear would be pierced into his heart , causing extreme agony...

of course , the chains also stopped him from using any magical power or divine energy ...

With this , the War officially ends , and we can split the World between us three brothers ...

The prophecy still happens , as dictated by fate , always ...

Self-achieving prophecies , as always ...

Only by trying to resist the prophecy , does it gain its strength and achieve itself ...

If Cronus didn't fear the prophecy , and didn't swallow us , perhaps the situation would have been different ...

Perhaps , we could have lived alongside our father , and he may have become even more powerful through his children ...

But everything is just if , and things already happened ...

Only those with a weak mind would fear a prophecy and I certainly don't fear prophecies ...

Because even if I heard a prophecy saying my children will grow to become stronger than me , I will just be happy and accept it , instead of eating them or killing them to remain in authority ...

Besides , if I show my children love and care , they are unlikely to betray me ...

amd even if I am betrayed , it is impossible to kill or imprison me ...

With these thoughts in mind , I went along my siblings to Mount Olympus , deciding what to do next ...

Next chapter