
Chapter 200: Journey to Russia

Arthur's words made Kaiser Wilhelm II and the German officials ponder for a long time, and they even continued discussing the decision throughout the night.

However, the next morning, the negotiations for the new day proceeded as scheduled.

It was evident that the German officials and Kaiser Wilhelm II had changed their consistent stance on a German alliance and instead opened up a new topic: the German-Russian non-aggression treaty, also known as the "German-Russian Neutrality Treaty."

The support conditions offered by Kaiser Wilhelm II to Russia remained unchanged. Germany was still willing to provide Russia with 100 million marks in non-repayable assistance and a low-interest loan of 500 million marks.

If Russia required additional financial support, Germany could also mobilize private banks to raise at least 1 billion marks to aid in Russia's domestic recovery.

All these combined amounted to a staggering 1.6 billion marks. What does 1.6 billion marks signify?

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