
Chapter 11: The Queen's Departure

"Our cabinet government is elected by the Lower House and approved by the Upper House, and after my appointment, they take office for a term of three years. In theory, each cabinet official can serve a maximum of two terms, up to five terms in total. The Cabinet Government has executive power and is accountable to me. Our country's military, except for the Royal Guard, is managed by the Ministry of Defense. Based on these foundations, as the ruler of the country, I have the highest authority, including the highest military power. If the Cabinet Government fails to act, I can dissolve it and request a new election by the Lower House. What do you think?" Arthur smiled and spoke, but the words made several prime ministers shiver.

The prime ministers' idea was simple: to rely on their existing colonial rights to build a federal country. Even if Arthur would take away some of their power, they could still become the high-level officials of the new kingdom based on their colonial foundations. But if Arthur's plan were executed, they would have to compete with all Australians, relying solely on their own abilities and reputation among Australians, while their privileges would be completely stripped away. In other words, all their privileges would be taken away, and they would have to compete with all Australians for high-level positions in Australia.

"Your Highness, according to your proposal, isn't the power of our country's monarch too high? Of course, I am not doubting your ability. But when the next ruler, or the ruler after that, who is mediocre in ability comes to power, our country may also fall into a low point." Prime Minister Evan said tentatively.

It is now very clear that Arthur wants to establish a dual-monarchy specialist public country, but the prime ministers want an autonomous federal federation, which are two completely different concepts.

"That's not something we should consider now, and besides, if the future monarch's abilities are inadequate, they can also transfer their own power to the Upper House for exercise. I believe with the help of the Upper House, the country will not fall into crisis." Arthur smiled and directly rejected Prime Minister Evan's probe.

"The form of government and the rights of the state are Arthur's bottom line. Australia is Arthur's largest base now and in the future, and he will not allow anyone to threaten his position.

Moreover, now is the easiest period for establishing a high monarchy in Australia. If Arthur compromises now, it will not be easy to enhance the monarchy in the future.

Seeing Arthur's determination, the several prime ministers had no good solution for the moment and could only remain silent, secretly pondering countermeasures.

"Finally, it is the changes in each state. The largest administrative region in Australia is the state, and we will have a total of six states, which are the existing six colonies. The position of governor is very important both for each state and for the government. Therefore, the selection of governors in each state must be careful. The candidates for governor are elected by the state parliament and officially take office after being approved by the upper house. Each governor serves for four years and is allowed to serve a maximum of six terms, with the principle of allowing four consecutive terms. The governor has executive power within the state and is responsible to the upper house and me. The judicial power of each state will be revoked, and the judicial system will adopt unified national rules. This can quickly eliminate the isolation between the original colonies and promote cultural exchanges and economic communication between each state," Arthur said with a smile, but his words were like a heavy bomb exploding in the hearts of the six prime ministers.

If before, Arthur's appointment of them as temporary cabinet members made them feel that Arthur was compromising, then the new regulations about the states were like a sharp weapon inserted into their chests.

According to Arthur's words, in the future, each state will only have executive power and will also be responsible to the upper house and Arthur. Although the governor can serve for up to four consecutive terms, if there are no significant achievements, this position may be difficult to maintain.

This also means that if the six prime ministers want to compete for the top of Australia, they can only find ways to launch an attack on the upper house and the positions in the new cabinet government.

But both of these institutions are not easy to enter, and more importantly, they must also obtain Arthur's support.

In this way, all their retreats have been cut off by Arthur. If they want to stay in the top of Australia, they can only gain Arthur's trust while demonstrating their abilities.

The several prime ministers did consider rebellion, but facing the presence of Queen Victoria and the stationed fleet outside the port, they wisely gave up this idea."

After several prime ministers chose to accept their fate, the pace of the meeting became faster.

Arthur and the prime ministers quickly established the government system, the powers of each agency, and the reforms in each state. The conference was officially declared over.

In the following days, Arthur accompanied Queen Victoria on a stroll through the streets of Sydney and reviewed the now-unified Australian army.

After a few days of rest, Queen Victoria's complexion improved significantly, and she began to smile from time to time.

During this time, the prime ministers, who were also temporary members of the cabinet, began to reform the colonies they were in charge of.

All the residents of the colonies received the news that the colonies would become states, and for a while, everyone was talking about Arthur's contributions.

Yes, Australians had longed for the union of all colonies to form a complete country, although it was not the democratic republic they had envisioned. Arthur had officially announced the establishment of the Upper and Lower Houses, giving Australians the rights they deserved.

Under these circumstances, how could the Australians not be grateful to Arthur, the ruler who had enabled them to trade and move freely throughout Australia?

May 7, 1900, Sydney.

Ten whole days had passed since Arthur arrived in Australia, and in that time, Australia had undergone earth-shattering changes.

The progress of changing the colonies to states was very fast because it was welcomed by all Australians.

In just over a week, all the original borderlines and watchtowers of each state were abolished and replaced with state borders and patrol posts.

The residents of each colony had begun to identify themselves as state residents and freely travel and roam in other states.

The establishment of the Upper and Lower Houses also began to take shape, with state governments already notifying all residents to participate in the upcoming Lower House elections and searching for the location of the State House in the capital.

But at the same time, Arthur received some bad news: Queen Victoria was about to leave.

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