
fight for his daughter's sake

Following on Francis had to cater for his lovely daughter all alone. Even though he had given up after the death of his wife he still persisted for his daughter's sake.But he had no idea that it would not take long because soon after he became I'll in addition to him being weak . But still had the urge to fight for his daughter's sake.It first it appeared to be fever so Samantha did not worry much nor take him to the local dispensary .As usual she woke up the next morning but to her surprise her dad was already. She checked around and he was nowhere to be found. She thne carried out her usual routine chores before heading to the river to fetch some water . When she returned her dad was preparing some porridge for both of them .

" Samantha, I know how you feel right now but you have to be strong. Your mother was bound to leave someday and never return .The best thing right now is to live as per your mother's teaching. Always remember all pieces of advice she ever gave you." Francis explained as he sipped his porridge.

" Father I promise to uphold all values that mom has taught me .But you must promise to be strong and be there for me ,please" Samantha responded being emotional .

Francis fell silent for a while because he knew that that morning when he went to the dispensary , the doctor warned him that he is most likely to be suffering from depression this added up with malnutrition and earlier diagnosis with lung infection due to smoking, he was bound to die soon.Of course he would not say this to his daughter at the moment . All she could is try to utilize and appreciate every moment with her. Considering that he had nothing to leave behind for her daughter, he had to share his advice and ideas to his daughter