
The right thing to do

What if the right thing to do isn't always what you think it means. What if it means something else? Life threw me a curveball and then Karma hit me even harder. Will things work out for me the way it's supposed to or will this just be another lesson that I had to learn the hard way?

                        CHAPTER 1


                      THE MEETING

Mackenzie Hall

I thought I would be married with a few kids at this age already but I'm still single unfortunately. I share an apartment with my best friend Carly Richards and her boyfriend Ashton Sully. Both of them are very well put together, they know exactly what they want in life and they're always so happy. I never hear them argue about anything, they are the most Zen couple I have ever met. It is really sweet and also really annoying sometimes. I have been single for a year and all this love rubbed up in my face makes me depressed. I stop searching for love. I figured maybe it will come to me when I least expect it because the more I put myself out there the more heartache I encounter. I'm giving my heart a break for now. All I do now is observe, relationships, marriages. I sit and look at Carly and Ash on a daily the way they are with each other. I watch my parents who have been married 28 years and still going strong. I have witnessed a few arguments between them that always led to my dad apologizing even when my mother was wrong. I have observed other couples growing up and I realized no matter how much research you do on relationships you can't ever get that shit right it is impossible because every person is different no two people are alike not even twins. We all have our own characteristics and that fascinates me to a point where it's actually scary. I will never know what I'm getting myself into until I'm actually there. While I'm figuring all this relationship stuff out in hopes I find my soulmate one day I'm just going to take it eazy.

Monday morning AGAIN! I just started a new job two weeks ago and I SUCK! I'm not stupid but for some reason I can't focus enough to keep anything inside my brain. I work at Cain & Specter Attorney's. Carly got me the job one of her hairstylist buddies know's my boss Kai Specter and recommended me so I went for the interview and I got the job. I'm a secretary all I need to do is answer calls, take messages and do some lite filling but no…. I keep redirecting calls to the wrong people and getting messages mixed up. If I go on like this Mr. Specter is going to fire me for sure. I'm super clumsy too. I'm glad I don't have to move around or I'll be knocking things off all the time, these people are gonna have to replace things on a daily with me being such a huge cluts. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed. It's a nice day so I'll go with some peep toe wedge heels today, a high waisted skirt and a white blouse. Comfortable enough and not too much for this heat. I have really long reddish brown curly hair so I usually just dry and go. Leave it to have a natural look most of the time. I leave my room and head to the kitchen where Carly and Ash are already having breakfast "Morning!" Says Carly and smiles at me holding a glass of juice. They are always so cheerful in the morning and I'm not a morning person at all "Morning" I say not very enthusiastic and Carly gets up, walks over to the coffee machine, pours me a cup and hands it to me "Drink" she says and smiles. She knows me so well already I need my daily dose of caffeine to start my day or my brain does not switch on at all. I have my coffee with little to almost no chit chat and I head out. I hope today will be better than all of last week because it was a disaster, even I'm surprised I was not fired yet. When I get to work I make my way to my desk. Mr. Spencer is not in yet thank God, he gets in at 9 so I make sure I'm here by 8:30. I settle into my desk and the phone rings, this is just perfect does anyone sleep late anymore? I think to myself before I answer the phone. I jot down a message for Mr. Spencer and the lady on the other end hangs up but I leave the phone off the hook for a while so I can breathe. A few minutes later Jack from the mailroom comes walking over to me "Morning Kenzie" everyone calls me Kenzie, Jack has been helping me out a little he's been the only friend I have here so far. I feel a bit intimidated by this place, everyone is so serious and snobbish and this is just not me. I'm not sure if I'm going to last very long "Hey Jack how's things going?" I ask him trying really hard to smile but it's not 10 yet so it's coming across very fake "Don't strain yourself with that fake smile hahaha! I think you need more coffee" he says laughing holding up my empty cup standing on my desk. I roll my eyes and hand him my cup "Yes please" I say with an actual genuine smile on my face this time. He takes my cup, gives me a wink and heads to the cafeteria when Mr. Spencer comes walking out of the elevator looking in a very bad mood but it's Monday so I guess that explains it. I keep myself busy on my p.c and make no eye contact with him in case he forgot to fire me last week. He stops at my desk, I keep my eyes glued to the screen "Morning" he says, startled I jump "Morning Mr. Spencer...sir" I say nervously "Do you need anything?" I ask trying not to hold eye contact with him for too long "Yes get two coffees please, and get one for yourself you seem a bit jumpy" he says gives me a suspicious look and walks into his office closing the door behind him. I exhale the deep breath I took after I asked him if he needed anything, I was holding it the whole time. My boss is still young, he took over from his father two years ago so he's new to the firm but he is settling in nicely from what I can see he is definitely a catch very handsome and wealthy obviously and a very good lawyer. He's definitely popular with the ladies, I guess it's okay considering he is single. The other senior partner at the firm Julian Cain has been away on business for three weeks not sure where so I haven't met him yet but I heard he's coming back soon. I get up from my desk and make my way to the cafeteria to get two coffees for Mr. Spencer. When I run into Jack holding my freshly made coffee "Thank you Jack you can put it at my desk I'll be right there just have to get some of that for Mr. Spencer too" I tell him walking away he gives me a nod and does what I ask him. I quickly grab two coffees and make my way to Mr. Spencer's office and I knock trying to balance the two cups in my hands. I'm just praying I don't mess this up with my clumsy ass "Come in!" I hear Mr. Spencer say, I carefully open the door keeping the coffee steady. When I walk inside there is another gentleman sitting across from Mr. Spencer and he turns to look at me, I'm polite so I greet "Good morning sir" I say, nod and place the two cups down on the table carefully then Mr. Spencer says "Kenzie this is Julian Cain" oh shit! It's Mr. Cain I reach out my hand to shake his knocking his hot cup of coffee into his lap. I'm such an idiot he jumps out of his seat trying to pull his pants away from the skin on his legs. I'm standing with my eyes wide of shock and I can't seem to move "Kenzie? could you get some napkins, now!" I jump at Mr. Spencer's voice and quickly turn to leave his office when I hear Mr. Cain say "Fucking idiot! Damnit! Where do you find these girls?" And I close the door behind me. I can't help but feel really hopeless right now. I get some napkins and I go back into Mr. Spencer's office I don't say anything at first I walk straight over to Mr. Cain hand him the napkins and I look up at "I'm really sorry Mr. Cain, it won't happen again" I don't linger too long with eye contact, I lower my head and I leave the office immediately. I don't want to stick around while they discuss what an idiot I am, this is embarrassing enough. This day can just be over already. I get back to my desk and I go over to my chair and slump down in it as far as I can so no one can see me crying when Mr. Spencer's door opens "I'm gonna go home and get cleaned up I'll be back soon" I hear Mr. Cain say I bury my face in the p.c screen like I'm very busy. The both of them standing 10 feet away from my desk but I keep my eyes glued to the p.c screen not even blinking their conversation slowly goes silent and Mr. Cain walks away eventually. I feel like a total idiot!

Julian Cain

First day back after being gone from the office for a month Kai's secretary spills coffee in my lap almost giving me 3rd degree burns. She looked horrified at what happend and she apologized so I decided not to give her a hard time. I think her name is kenzie? probably short for something. I head home to change my clothes and I'm back at the office in less than an hour. I go straight to my office and call my wife, I haven't checked in with her yet she must be worried. I ring her number and it rings once when she answers "Darling! Did you get to work safely" she says, I can't help but smile. I'm 4 years married to a wonderful woman named Sophia, she is the light of my life. We don't have any kids yet, we both very hard working, career driven individuals so it's kind of putting a damper on having kids. I feel settled now I'm ready but she's not quite there yet "My love, yes I did and then I had to go back home again and now I'm back" I say and chuckle "Why did you have to go back home again?" She asks curious "Kai has a new secretary" I say and she interrupts "Again!" She says and laughs "Yes again! So she brings us our coffee and spills the whole cup of hot coffee all over my lap" I say laughing again "I hope you gave her an earful" she says "Nah! It's okay the poor girl was traumatized enough" I tell her "Anyway don't want to keep just wanted to let you know I'm safe" I tell Sophia "I love you" she says "I love you too" I tell her and we hang up. 

Two very long meetings and a hell of alot of coffee later it's 5:30 pm, I'm supposed to be heading home already instead I'm still going through a few cases that I recently took an interest in. I sit back in my chair and close my eyes when I hear knocking on my door "Come in!" I yell and Kai walks through the door "How was the first day back?" He asks sarcastically knowing what kind of day I have had "Hahahah! It was sunshine and roses and a little coffee on my pants" I say even more sarcastic and start chuckling, he rolls his eyes "Like you never had a woman throwing coffee at you" he says and takes a seat in the chair opposite me "Not hot coffee that could have burned my skin off" I say laughing again he starts laughing as well "She didn't mean it, that girl has been a nervous wreck since she started here. I know she has the potential I think she overthinks too much or something I don't know. Maybe you could help her relax" he says slyly winking at me. Classic Kai man whore wants to drag me into his sins his always urging me to do wrong things almost as if he can manipulate me I'm older than him "When will you ever change?" I ask him "Why should I? My lifes great! You however need to loosen up" he says getting out of his seat and walks over to the door he turns around again "Start with Kenzie" he says and winks again before he leaves my office closing the door behind him his crazy if he thinks I'm doing anything of the sort, I love my wife I made a vow to her and I promised I won't hurt her. After 6years of being together we are married successfully 4years and I will keep doing what I'm doing because it works for me. I pack up my files, grab my laptop, my keys and my phone and make my way to the elevator. It's just about to close but I make a run for it and I make it inside just in time and surprise surprise Kenzie is sharing the lift with me. She sees me and moves to the furthest corner away from me. Now I feel bad for her, she still looks nervous like I'm going to yell at her or something so I break the awkward silence before the lift comes to a stop. I turn around to look at her "Don't stress about the coffee thing, it's fine you can relax" I see her relax her shoulders a bit like she just exhaled from taking a deep breath, she nods and lowers her gaze back to her shoes. I look down at her shoes to see what's so interesting down there when the doors open and she's out the door before I can even say bye. Oh well in this building that is usually the effect I have on people. This is a well respected firm that my dad and Kai's father built from the ground up, our reputation at this firm is solid and the people who work for me have the highest respect for me and Kai and we appreciate it that's why we treat our people the best way we can their loyalty means everything to me. 

I got home a few minutes later traffic was busy dying down so the drive home wasn't too dragging. I texted Sophia I'm on my way home but she said she's working late this evening. Sophia works as a junior partner at an opposing firm but that doesn't cause any drama with us, we keep work separate from our private life. When I get home I take a quick shower and I start with supper. I cook when Sophia works late and Visa versa we have a good understanding. The only thing we can't seem to agree on is having kids. She wants to wait but I'm ready for it but I won't push her, she's very focused and I love that about her. I brought some work with me home, that should keep me busy till Sophia gets home. I usually wait for her so we could have dinner together. It's getting very late, I ring Sophia because I'm starting to get worried. It's after 9 pm already and she's still not home. I get hold of her and she let's me know she's on her way so I start to warm up the food I'm starving and very exhausted of this day. All I want to do is have dinner with my wife tonight and get in bed tomorrow is another day.

Mackenzie Hall

I could not wait to get out of that place the minute Mr. Spencer left to go home, I packed up and hauled ass out of there. I had enough of this day embarrassing myself in front of Mr.Cain like that almost burning the poor man to death and then he was nice enough to talk me again in the lift on my way out the building when I wished the ground could just open and swallow me whole but he broke the awkward silence. He seems like a nice man, I just hope that didn't screw up my job so far Mr. Spencer hasn't shown any signs of firing my ass so that's good I guess. I got home at 6 before Carly and Ash, they will be home shortly. I don't cook, I'm really bad at it but Carly is a fabulous cook so this setup I have here is pretty good for my lonely self. I call my mom to tell her about my day and as usual she gave me an earful about concentrating on what I'm doing my mom thinks I'm scatterbrained but I'm just clumsy that's all, I'm lucky I survive in heels or I would have had two broken ankles by now. When I get home I take a quick shower get straight into pajamas, I need to watch some kind of romantic movie tonight. I go back into the living room just when Carly and Ash walk through the door "Hey sunshine!" Says Carly and comes over to me for a quick hug and cheek kisses before I throw my ass onto the sofa with a hard thump "That bad huh?" Asks Carly hanging up her jacket. I lay back and close my eyes and Carly comes over to sit next to me "What happened?" I snap my eyes open and sit up straight to look at her "I spilled hot coffee on Mr. Cain" I say with a straight face her eyes widen "Mr. Cain as in Cain and Spencer?" She asks pointing out the obvious I shake my head yes "Wow! What happened? Did you get fired?" She asks concerned "No, I thought Mr. Spencer was going to fire me but he didn't and the cherry on top is I ran into Mr. Cain in the elevator on my way out the building too" I tell her slapping my forehead with my palm "Is he cute?" Asks Carly with a smile "I don't know I made very little eye contact with him besides his married and way older than me" I tell her rolling my eyes "So what happened in the lift? Did you share a knowing glance and then he kissed you sweeping you off your feet…." She says sarcastically like this is one of my romance movies "Whatever Carly!" I say and fling one of the throw pillows at her, she laughs some more and gets up from her seat to make her way into the kitchen "You need to get laid missy!" She yells from the kitchen "Says who!?" I yell back with my eyes closed, she comes back inside "Says me! Stop coming home jumping into pajamas and watching this shit on t.v go get your own movie moment. Put yourself out there it's been a year since your breakup don't you think you should get back on that horse?" She shrugs standing in front of me with a cup of coffee "Thank you, alcohol would have been nice with this coffee" I say and smile a sad smile "After dinner" she says and heads back to the kitchen "Yes mom!" I yell after her. The rest of the evening the three of us sat and watched my romantic movies three in a row because that's my happy place. We had a few glasses of wine and I went to bed at 9:30 pm. I hope I have a better day tomorrow.


                     THE FIRST MISTAKE


Mackenzie Hall

Things has got way better at work, I'm almost completely settled in. Getting the hang of things now finally! I'm still as clumsy as ever but I keep myself glued to my seat for the most part of my day to stay out of trouble. I still don't have any friends here and that's okay Jack from the mailroom is a better friend than anyone here could ever be. I haven't interacted with Mr. Cain since the day I spilled coffee on his lap. I have seen him around the office but I avoid him at all cost before I get him seriously hurt. It's Friday today and Jack said I should go for drinks with him. Just down the road there's a bar called Manny's, everyone at the firm hangs out there after work to take a load off. I'm not so sure I should go but I like alcohol and I need to get out so I'm still deciding. The phone rings and I answer "Cain and Specter. Mr.Specter's office how can I help" I say answering the phone "Oh I must have dialed the wrong extension" I hear Mr. Cain say on the other side "It's okay I'll put you through" I say quickly before I can dial the extension he starts talking again "You still traumatized over the coffee incident?" He asks, what should I say? I didn't expect him to talk to me never mind ask questions bringing back very bad memories "Ummm….no sir Mr. Cain" he starts chuckling on the other end "Please stop with this Mr. Cain it's Julian" he says "Okay Julian" I say cautiously "You need to relax" he says chuckling again "You can transfer me now kenzie" he says "Yes sir.. I mean Julian" he laughs again and I dial Mr. Spencer extension and put him through. A few hours later and I'm already tired of this day I really just want to go home and feel sorry for myself. Deep in thought counting down the last half hour till I can go home I hear "Kenzie!" Jack comes over to me. I turn to look at him "Are we still going for drinks tonight?" He asks, I almost forgot about the bar thing "Ummmm…. Maybe some other time, I'm not in the mood, it's been a really long week" I tell him, he does not look happy "No way! You going!" He says to me "Jack no!" I say giving him sad eyes "Come on Kenzie it will be fun, just one drink. What's the worst that could happen?" He asks and shrugs. "Do you even know me?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes "I know you need to have a little fun" he says "Come on!" Okay someone's getting a little excited "Fine! What time?" I ask and shrug "straight after work" he says casually, shouldn't I go home and change first? I think to myself "I thought I should go home first" I tell him "To change" I say again "It's just a few drinks Kenzie not a date" he says and chuckles, I roll my eyes at him and Mr. Spencer's door opens up. I quickly roll my chair back to my p.c like I have been busy the whole time "Get out of here" I whisper to Jack and he scurries off "I'm heading out so feel free to leave when you ready Kenzie" he says stopping at my desk "Why don't you come by the bar tonight, Manny's it's just up the road from here" he says. What's the deal with everyone wanting me to hang out at that damn bar okay not everyone just Jack and now Mr. Spencer "Yes I'm heading there right after for a drink" I tell him and smile, he returns the smile and says "Good" and walks off straight into the elevator. Okay so I'm going to the bar let's do this! It's time I make more friends here anyway. 

We get to Manny's and it's packed with lawyers, well mostly lawyers from what I can see. Jack drags me behind him inside the door and straight over to the bar. I take a seat immediately, I'm actually really exhausted for some reason I think my brain is tired "What are you drinking?" Asks Jack "Everything!" I say smiling sarcastically, he starts chuckling and gets me a martini "Who says I'm a martini kind of girl?" I ask him keeping a straight face "Oh sorry should I get you a beer?" He asks nervously. I can't stop myself but I start laughing when I hear a voice behind me "She's definitely a martini kind of girl" I turn around to see who it is and I knock my drink over on the counter and a little on me and I look up and Julian Cain and my boss Kai is standing right in front of me and I'm looking right at Mr. Cain who is now staring at his shoes because half of my drink landed on it "This is becoming a habit Kenzie" says Mr. Cain smiling at me but I'm not finding this very amusing this poor man might start to think I'm out to get him or something. I cover my face with both my hands saying "I'm so sorry" and I turn back to look at Jack. Who is very close to laughing his ass off because the horrified look on my face is apparently amusing to him "Hey" I hear Mr. Cain say, I turn back to him and he sits down next to me and orders himself a drink and another martini. The bartender hands the drinks to him and he slides the martini over to me "Relax" he says and smiles, he has a really nice smile, his teeth are so white. I take the martini from him and I take a sip of the martini "Thanks" I say and sigh. He turns to Kai who took a seat next to him and they start having a conversation. Every so now and then I feel Kai looking over at me. I'm not sure what to make of it but I think they're talking about me and I'm curious to know what but I carry on talking to Jack instead of trying to eavesdrop what their conversation is about. An hour went past and I already had a few too many drinks in. I know this because the music that's playing is not even my type of music but already I feel like dancing. I sit at the bar bobbing my head to the tunes when Jack slips away to the bathroom. He is a nice guy and I really hope he doesn't make too much of this friendship because I'm not ready for dating or men in general. I'm still too occupied with feeling sorry for myself. I got myself another martini because it's actually not that bad but it's vodka and vodka does some strange things to me sometimes so I better watch myself tonight. I might end up married in the morning or wake up with an ass tattoo and that will not be fun. I get pulled away from my thoughts "Kenzie! Wanna dance?" I turn around and it's Mr. Spencer, he looks a little drunk but not too much, my eyes widen in shock at him asking me to dance because he's my boss "Ummmm… I'm good right here" I tell him quickly "Come on!" He says and pulls me out of my seat and leads me to the little dance floor. I must say this is fun, I'm a tipsy the music is loud and going right through me. I close my eyes and I start dancing, not even caring about my boss that's currently grinding up against me from behind. We move together to the music, his a good dancer obviously his a party guy. I'm dancing but I can feel eyes on me but I rather not look to see who it is before it becomes awkward so I keep on dancing when the song finishes I walk off the dancefloor and back to the bar I need a drink. When I get back at the bar Jack is waiting for me "Having fun?" He says smiling slyly, why is he looking at me like that?I take a seat at the bar and I get myself a drink "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him, taking a sip of my drink "You and Mr. Spencer?" He asks and smiles again "What we danced together one time and it's a thing?" I ask him sarcastically rolling my eyes, Jack starts laughing again "Whatever!" I tell him and turn back to the bar, I gulp down my drink in one go and call the bartender over to get me another one. When he hands me my drink I do the exact same thing with that one "Don't you think you should slow down?" I jump at the sound of Mr. Cain's voice next to me. I almost forgot he was sitting in the seat next to me. I can't help it but this man intimidates me to a point where I can hardly speak and I'm already half drunk by this time I'm blabbing about my break up from a year ago and then I start doing very reckless things but I just don't know how to speak to him no matter how nice and genuine his being "I'm sorry….." I say my eye wide and fixed on his he doesn't look away he starts smiling "Stop apologizing" he says and takes a sip of his whiskey "Where are you from Kenzie?" he asks, still tongue tied I answer "Around….here ummmm this area I mean...sir… sorry Mr. Cain" and I start laughing at how stupid I'm sounding and so does he "It's Julian" he says, I relax myself a little he seems so laid back and I'm trying to control my breathing "I'm from here Julian" I say and smile "When I left for college my parents sold the house and moved but I came back to live this side with my best friend" I tell him not making any real eye contact with him even though he hasn't taken his eyes off me "So you living your best life then?" He shrugs, I laugh sarcastically rolling my eyes "Yeah right!" I say and chuckle again "What's that's supposed to mean?" He asks genuinely interested but I can't tell him about my self loathing that's not attractive at all. I shouldn't care what he thinks of me but for some reason I do. I take a while before I answer him "Let's just say things has not been all that great" I say with a straight face trying not to give too much emotion away. This is a married I need to watch myself "Someone break your heart Kenzie?" He asks again with that concerned look on his face "You could say that" I tell him and shake my head yes, he nods like he understands and finishes his drink. Kai comes back from the dancefloor over to us, he looks at me and then at Julian and smiles slyly. This is super awkward so I turn back to the bar getting myself a last drink. I think I should go home after this drink, I'm getting a little too drunk. Kai and Julian are having their own conversation again and Jack has disappeared once more so I sit and enjoy my 10th martini so you can only imagine how drunk I'm starting to get. I don't think I can drive home, me and Jack are going to have to get an uber. I'll get my car in the morning. I'm enjoying my drink sipping on it slowly when Jack finally appears "Hey let's get out of here! There's a house party happening at one of my friends place!" He says half yelling at me, he reeks of alcohol and he is starting to fall over his words a bit "Do you think that's a good idea? You totally trashed dude" I tell him laughing a little "I'm fine! So are you in?" He asks again holding on to the chick on his arm "Nah I'm cool I'll uber home after this drink. I need to get some sleep" I tell him "Come on Kenzie" he says pleading me, I start laughing "No Jack!" I tell him chuckling, I hear a voice behind me again "Don't worry Jack, I'll make sure she gets home safely" I hear and turn around to see Julian standing up behind me. I smile at him awkwardly and Jack is staring at me with big eyes "See I'm all sorted" I say and shrug, Jack smiles slyly and nods yes before turning around and heading out the bar. I turn around to face Julian "I'll be right back" he says and walks towards the restrooms. Kai that is still sitting in his seat, starts smiling at me and moves closer, taking the seat Jack sat in next to me. Why is he looking at me like that "What?" I ask him, he smiles again not saying anything at first "Nothing, it's nice to see you loosening up a little. It's good!" He says and nods before getting up just as Julian comes back from the restroom and leaves back to the dancefloor to chat up some chicks. Julian orders himself another drink and another martini for me "The one I just had was supposed to be last Mr. Cain…..I mean Julian" I start giggling like a teenager and I stop immediately when I realize how stupid I'm being and he starts laughing at how quick my reactions changed "Do I make you nervous Kenzie?" He asks and I want to say yes but I don't "No it's just you technically my boss too if you could say that I guess and I screwed up the first time I met you so I'm just trying not to get myself fired" I tell him looking down at my glass, there's a silence and he laughs again "Relax, you not getting fired. Kai hired you for a reason he had faith in you since day one and he was right you are settling in nicely" he says and takes a sip of his drink "Settling in? I wish! I have one friend. Everyone else in that place looks at me like I'm not from this planet" I say and start chuckling again he laughs too "Well now you have two friends" says Julian, and a slow song starts playing "Would you like to dance Kenzie?" He asks, holding out his hand. I'm not sure if I should he's married. I look down at his hand and then back at him "Julian I don't know if that's such a good idea" I tell him "Why not? You danced with Kai and he pays your salary but you won't dance with me?" He asks and shrug "Kai is not married" I tell him waiting for a response he nods his head yes like he understands but he looks so disappointed that I said no, so I get up from my seat and I hold out my hand to him "Let's dance" I tell him with a smile, he stares at me for a moment wraps his hand in mine and we walk onto the dancefloor. He immediately spins me around straight into his arms and we start slow dancing. I'm only feeling the real effects of the alcohol now cause I never really moved from my seat. I lay my head on his shoulder and he pulls me even closer than we already are. I quickly get lost in the music and the movement. The song is almost over and he whispers in my "Do you want to go home?" He asks softly in my ear, I look up at him and I nod my head yes smiling a little. My smile is wiped away buy the intense way Julian is staring into my eyes and I can't help but do the same. I have butterflies, what's happening? He leans in towards me, our noses touching and my eyes close automatically, but he lingers for a moment. I should stop this but I don't. I'm so caught up in this moment and I'm a little more drunk than then I thought so I close the deal and we kiss. I swear it's like fireworks went off above our head from the moment we locked lips. He is an amazing kisser but it doesn't last very long considering we're in public and he is a married man. He breaks the kiss, takes my hand, leads me to the entrance and we leave the bar.

Julian Cain

I wake up to a bright light shining in my face, I open my eyes and my head starts throbbing. What the hell happened last night I drank way too much. I sit up straight and I look around when I realize I'm not in my own bed. I turn to my side and see Kenzie sleeping next to me and I take a look around the room. Shit!! Wtf?! She's not wearing any clothes, I check under the covers and neither am I. What did I do? Shit! Slowly I make my way out from under the covers and grab my clothes laying on the floor. I get dressed quickly and softly trying not to wake Kenzie. I quietly take my keys and phone from the dresser and leave the room and as slow as possible closing the door behind me but I run into Kenzie's roommate/best friend startled, I say "Morning" make my way past her quickly looking for the front door and head out before she can even greet back. When I get to my car I call Kai immediately "Hey" he says with a groggy voice sounding sleepy "Hey listen man I need a favor" I tell him starting the car and pulling out of the parking and onto the road "I'm listening" he says "Could you just vouch for me that I slept at your place last night? If it should ever come up I spent the night at your place" I tell him waiting on his response "You slept with Kenzie didn't you?" He asks "I don't remember what happened however I did wake up in her bed if that's what you mean" I tell him sarcastically all I need him to do is tell me he understands not fish for details. I would rather not relive last night because the guilt is already eating me alive "Good for you buddy" he says sounding enthusiastic "Not good for you! This is all your fault" I tell him feeling angry at him for making me go to that stupid bar in the first place if I didn't know any better I would think that this was a setup. Kai starts laughing on the other end "Fine man your secrets safe with me" he says chuckling a little "Good! See you Monday" I tell him quickly and hang up the phone. I'm almost home and I smell myself in case I still smell of her but so far so good. I check for lipstick stains and fix my hair as I pull up in my driveway. I get out and make my way inside quickly but Sophia is still asleep. I didn't even bother to check the time when I left Kenzie's place. I look at my phone to see it's 7:05 Sophia usually get up at 7:30. I head to the bathroom take off the clothes I'm wearing and climb into bed next to Sophia. She feels me and turns around "Hey what time did you get in?" She asks with her eyes closed moving closer to me "A while ago I past out on the Sofa" I tell her, pulling her into my arms. She says nothing and falls asleep again. I feel terrible, I'm not exactly sure what happened last night everything is still very foggy in my head but the last thing I want to do now is try and remember. I'll just pretend none of this ever happened and stay as far away from Kenzie as possible. 


Julian Cain

I'm up at 7 am every morning with Sophia. I jump in the shower straight after Sophia and I get ready for work as she gets some breakfast going. I head downstairs to the kitchen and she's already at the table having coffee and reading through some files. I make my way over to the table and I give her a kiss on the cheek "What's on the agenda for today?" I ask Sophia "I have to be in court today and then meeting with a potential new client" she says taking a bite of a piece of toast "Sounds like fun" I say smiling pouring myself some coffee and I take a seat at the table with her "How's your day looking?" She asks closing up the files and placing them in her bag "Not sure yet, Monday's are a wild card for me" I tell her remembering I'm seeing Kenzie today "I'm sure it will be equally as fun" she says getting up from her seat. She places the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and walks over to the table to get her bag "I'm heading out" she says bends over and places a nice soft kiss on my lips and smiles as she wipes the lipstick "I love you" she says walking away "I love you too!" I yell behind her.

The drive to the office was nerve racking. I keep getting flashbacks of Friday evening and it's bad, I mean from what I can remember it was good but that's bad because we definitely did some stuff. I feel horrible so I'm giving Sophia all the attention she deserves because if she should ever find out about this mistake she will never forgive me. I get to work and I'm not in a hurry, I sit in the car for a few minutes before I head upstairs. The elevator opens and I make my way quickly to my office not even looking around. I closed my office door behind me quickly. I go take a seat at my desk when my phone rings. I let it ring a few times when I answer "Julian Cain speaking" I say "I saw you rushing to your office, didn't even pop in to say Good morning" I hear Kai say on the other end "Morning Kai" I tell him rolling my eyes. I know what his doing, he is going to give me hell and even worse he's gonna want details "Usually this time you in my office having coffee are you avoiding someone?" He asks "No, why don't you come have coffee in my office for a change" I tell him "Okay I'll say Kenzie should bring the coffee to your office then" he says and quickly I respond "No! I mean I have a secretary too Alaina remember I can have her get it okay" Kai starts chuckling on the other end mocking me most probably "Okay then I'll see you in five" and he hangs up. A few minutes later, Kai is in my office and slumps down in the seat opposite me. Alaina brings our coffee and closes the door behind her as she leaves. Kai takes a few sips of his coffee and then stares at me "What?" I ask him he starts smiling "How was it?" He smiles slyly "How was what?" I play dumb "Oh please man you know exactly what I'm talking about" he says sitting up straight in his seat "I don't know honestly I don't remember a thing. I remember us dancing and then….." I stop remembering the kiss we shared on the dancefloor before leaving the bar, it was different "And then? Come on I'm waiting" Kai says pulling me from my thoughts "Then we left the bar. I remember driving her home and the next thing I remember is waking up next to her in bed. The rest is a mystery" I tell him feeling really confused and even more guilty because I think I might have enjoyed it a little too much. Kai stares at me again for a while and then says "I think you lying" he says bluntly, I look at him shocked "I think you remember everything you just in denial. Hey man your secret is safe with me I'm just saying" he says getting up from his seat making his way to the door after finishing his coffee first. I don't answer him and he leaves. Could he be right but what am I in denial about? I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I could tell Sophia what I did and come clean but she would never forgive me for this. With all of this going on I haven't even once stopped to think what must be going through Kenzie's head, the poor woman must be so confused herself. That is if she remembers anything, I can't avoid her forever. This is really frustrating and I'm not sure how I'm going to handle things with Kenzie.

Mackenzie Hall

I had sex with Julian Cain! When I woke up Saturday morning he was gone. We were both really drunk and I feel like shit about it because he's a married man and I'm not a homewrecker. I know what it feels like to be cheated on so this is bad, I hope his wife doesn't ever find out. Carly informed me she saw him sneak out of my room really early the next morning and he had guilty written all over his face. I didn't remember anything at first because I had a hangover from hell but the further I got into the weekend they started coming back to me. He drove me home and walked me up to my apartment. We started kissing before we even made it in by my door and then all the way to my bedroom. We tried to be as quiet as possible but as Carly says we were not! I remember bits and pieces after that but the thing that stood out the most was the kiss on the dancefloor. I keep playing that moment over and over in my head and it doesn't make any sense to me. Why was he looking at me like that? That's what started all this, that kiss. Was it just lust? Or was it something else? I have no idea what to make of this but from what I remember the sex was pretty awesome. He is a married man so I can't make a big deal out of it. I should just forget it ever happened because it can't happen again. 

I hate Monday mornings, it's always a drag. This morning I woke up late and I had to rush to get to work in time. I didn't even have coffee yet. When I got to the office Mr. Spencer was already there. He caught me coming out of his office trying to sneak in but he said nothing, he just looked at me and smiled. Then he went straight to Julian's office and closed the door. That was weird, I have a feeling he knows something. I should stay clear of Julian today just to be safe. I'm not sure how he's doing after all he is the one that's married. A half hour later Mr. Spencer walks out of Julian's office laughing and closes the door behind him as he's coming out. He walks over to me and asks "Kenzie you good?" why would he ask me that "Yeah..yes I'm good why?" I ask curiously awaiting his answer he shakes his head "No reason" he says and walks into his office. This is weird, really weird. I hope he doesn't know that's just too awkward even for me. The rest of the day I had no run ins with Julian, he spent most of his day in his office, he had no meetings today from what I could see. I can't wait to get out of this place before I accidentally see him. Kai leaves and I quickly pack up my things. I switch of my p.c, grab my handbag and head to the elevator, deep in thought I don't notice among the 3 other people in the elevator the 4th person is Julian. We make eye contact and I immediately turn away from him. We stop on the 10th floor and two of the people get off leaving one person with myself and Julian in the lift. I hope this woman takes the ride all the way down to ground floor but I see the button for the 8th floor is lit up so that means she's getting off soon. I stand there nervously as the elevator comes to a stop on the 8th floor, it opens up and she gets out. The doors close and I can feel the tension start to get really thick. I have my back faced to him and his standing against the wall of the lift and I'm standing frozen by the doors. I hear him sigh "Kenzie" he says, I don't turn around "Mr. Cain" I say, there's another awkward silence "Listen I'm not sure what happened exactly the other night, I'm sure it was nothing so can we just put it behind us?" He asks, I don't turn around all I do is shake my head yes. There is absolutely nothing I can do about the fact that he wants to pretend like it didn't happen. He is after all a married man I just can't help but feel like there's something else "Kenzie?" He calls out to me, I'm zoning out in my own head trying to figure out what all this means so I don't answer him. The elevator stops and I'm out of it before it even opens properly. I don't look back as I head to my car quickly, I just needed to get away from that situation. When I get home I put my things down in my room and I head straight to the shower. I need to wash all this sin off me, I feel like a dirty mistress except I'm not even a mistress it was just a one night stand. I was just his toy for the evening. I wonder if he does this all the time or if this was the first time. I guess I will never know, he made it clear that he wants to forget about it so that's what I'm going to do. When I get out of the shower I throw on my pajamas and head to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. While in the kitchen I hear the front door, it's Carly and Ash. I wonder what she's cooking tonight, I wish there was something I could do to take my mind off things. Carly comes into the kitchen and sees me standing deep in thought with my cup in mind "Hey! Penny for your thoughts" she says and smiles coming over to me and gives me a tight hug "How was your day?" She asks opening the fridge "Fine, what you making for supper I could help" I tell her quickly before she asks any more questions, I need to keep busy. Carly turns around quickly and looks at me suspiciously "You want to help me cook? Okay... what's going on?" She asks placing the onions and tomatoes she took out of the fridge on the counter "Nothing, why would you think there is anything wrong?" I say trying to act casual and shrug "You don't cook and in all my years of knowing you, you were never interested in learning so spill the beans madam" she says putting her hands on her hips staring me down "Julian wants us to pretend like it never happened" I tell her and take a sip of my coffee. Her eyes widen in shock at what I just said "Oh yes it's Monday today….. I almost forgot so he said that?" She asks bending down to scratch in the freezer "Yip, I didn't see him the whole day and then on my way home we meet in the elevator once again and he tells me that. All I could do was nod yes and pray for the lift to open and when it did I hauled ass out of there without even looking back" I tell her and take a deep breath "Woah… that's hectic Kenzie how do you feel? I mean" she shrugs, I look down at my feet "I could have sworn I felt something between us but I guess I was wrong. He is a married man" I tell Carly feeling even more sorry for myself then usual "Am I that pathetic that I thought a married man would be interested in me? I mean Carly I'm way past being on the rebound right?" I ask her tears filling my eyes at the realization that I just had. Carly comes over to me and pulls me in for a hug "Stop being so hard on yourself Kenz, you just need to relax. Stop looking for meaning in everything your one night stand was just that, a one night stand." She says before letting go of me "I know" I tell her looking down again. The conversation didn't go anywhere after that I changed the subject and ended up helping Carly with dinner anyway. I needed to keep myself distracted so I don't think of Julian. Carly is right, it was just a one night stand I shouldn't look for something that's not there. I think I'm just gonna go back to the way things were before we made the mistake of sleeping together.



                THE CLOSE ENCOUNTER 


Mackenzie Hall

I have shaken off the whole Julian drama and I'm back to my old self. We still avoiding each other, keeping it professional when we do run into each other. We do work in the same space so not running into him is kind of hard however I know that it is what it is and I can't change the fact that it happened. I'm moving forward, I'm getting way better at my job as well I'm practically a personal assistant to Mr. Spencer now. I'm staying focused on work now and not relationships or guys, it's better this way. Mr. Spencer has been giving me special treatment these days which again makes me think he knows something and it's freaking me out not knowing if they talk about me or what they're saying. I catch them looking my way sometimes when they're talking outside Julian's office and I wonder. I'm not going to be nosey, it might not even be about me besides Julian is a married man and I'm putting it behind me. Mr. Spencer and Julian have a meeting with a very big client today so I'm prepping the case files for Mr. Spencer. The clients name is Mr. Drew Dawson, 35years old, very wealthy from what I can tell by how much he is spending for our services and his single. He's probably a geek with glasses, I think to myself and chuckle silently. I quickly run to the ladies room before I grab Mr. Spencer's second cup of morning coffee because he now has his first cup with Julian in his office. They don't do coffee in Kai's office anymore probably because of me so when he gets back to his office I go get him his second cup of coffee before he starts with his meeting or if he has to be in court that second cup of coffee is vital. When I get back with his coffee his office door is standing wide open. Julian and another gentleman is with him in Kai's office, they must have just arrived because they're still shaking hands and only then do they take a seat. I put the coffee down and fix myself before I go back and knock "Kenzie come in" Julian and the gentleman with the really gorgeous hazel brown eyes, it looks almost cat like and it goes really great with his dark hair. They both turn to look at me but I make no eye contact with Julian at all "Good morning" I greet both of them and walk over to place Kai's coffee down on his desk "Can I get you gentleman anything to drink?" I ask politely smiling "Kenzie this is Mr. Dawson and this is my secretary/personal assistant Kenzie" he stands up out of his chair and extends his hand out to me, I move away from Kai's desk because the last time I was in here getting introduced to a very handsome and wealthy man I spilled coffee in his lap. I look over at Julian who has a grin on his face almost like he was in my head at that moment "Mr. Dawson nice to meet" I take his hand we shake and he holds onto my hand for a few seconds smiling at me, this is sending shivers up my spine it's like his undressing me with his eyes. I'm probably as red as a tomato all I can do is stand there and smile when he finally let's go I turn to Kai "I'll get those files for you" and I turn back to them "So would you like some coffee?" I ask, they both agree and I leave the office closing the door behind me. I get two more coffee's and the files for Kai and head back to his office carrying the coffee's on a little tray this time and the files in my other hand so I could at least open the door. I'm getting really good at this, I think to myself and smile walking into Kai's office with confidence. I hand Kai the file first before giving them both their coffee's safely and no one got burned this time. I'm about to leave but Mr. Dawson tugs me back by my hand and hands me a pen and a piece of paper. I'm totally confused and so are Kai and Julian staring at him and then at me "Can I get your number?" He asks standing up in front of me, I'm not sure what to say in the corner of my eye I can see Julian shifting in his seat staring me down "I would give you mine but judging from that look on your face you probably won't call" he says again, still shocked I look down at the pen and paper before answering him "With all due respect Mr. Dawson what makes you think I'm available?" I ask him feeling good about myself for not being a coward, he starts laughing "Fair enough" he turns around to Kai and Julian "My apologies for being a little unprofessional gentleman. I'm just very intrigued by Ms. Kenzie over here" he says to them turning back to me and smiles again, he's making my heart beat really fast, I hand him the piece of paper and pen and I smile "How about you give me your number" I say smiling slyly at him. He starts chuckling "You drive a hard bargain Ms. Kenzie but okay I'll take my chances" he puts his hand in his blazers inside pocket and pulls out a his business card and hands it to me "Please use it" he says and smiles again, I roll my eyes and take a look at the card "And it's Drew" he says again "Okay you can call me Ms. Hall" I smile, turn around and leave Kai's office. That was exhilarating the rush, I could literally feel Julian's awkward stares at the interaction between me and Drew, he was uncomfortable. He kept his eyes glued on me watching my every move. I go back to my desk and Jack comes over to me "Hey Kenzie why do you look so flustered are you sick?" He asks, looking at me a bit worried. I start laughing "No, don't be crazy" I laugh again, his not amused, his looking even more confused now "Never mind Jack how you?" I ask him and turn my chair to face him "Good Kenzie how have you been?" He asks, I start chuckling again "I'm fine Jack you see me everyday" I roll my eyes at him "I know, still gotta ask" he says and shrugs, he winks and walks off. A few hours later Mr. Spencer's door opens and the 3 men come walking out deep in conversation and laughter. I bury my face in my p.c pretending I didn't notice them coming out of the office. I can literally feel someone hovering. I look up and it's Mr. Dawson "Can I get you anything Mr. Dawson?" I ask him curious as to why he's staring at me like he wants to tear off every piece of clothing from my body and again Julian standing behind him also staring me down to see what my next move is going to be. He smiles and says "No but I'll be waiting for your call Ms. Hall" he says, smiles and walks away. Kai and Julian following behind him to the elevator where the two of them see him off and they turn around and walk back chatting the minute the elevator doors close. They split up Kai walking back over to his office and Julian heading towards he's but he turns his head around before going into his office and glances straight at me with no expression on his face. I can't help but keep eye contact with him. The intensity in his stare is giving me even worse goosebumps than I just had with Drew Dawson, my heart starts racing but he breaks his gaze and walks into his office. I breath in and out to calm down my heart that's now beating out of my chest and turn back to my p.c, this day better go really fast. 


Mackenzie Hall 

Friday morning and I'm up before my alarm. I get ready for work, I go have breakfast with  Carly and Ash and I head out. I decided not to call Drew because like I said I'm not interested in dating anyone and casual sex is out of the question. I think we have established that rebound sex makes me feel things that aren't there so I'm staying away from sex too. I get to work and get myself some more coffee before heading to my desk. I run into Jack and we chat for a few minutes in the cafeteria when Julian walks in. He has been going out of his way to greet me and smiles when he sees me, he's even having his morning coffee in Kai's office again. I'm not taking too much out of it, he's just being polite. He's talking to one of the junior partners at the firm but he keeps looking over at me. I say bye to Jack and head to my desk "Kenzie!" I hear as I'm walking away, I turn around and see Julian approaching me. He walks up to me "Morning Mr. Cain, what can I do for you" he smiles, looks down at his feet and then back up at me "My name is Julian and I don't need anything, just wanted to know how you are doing?" He asks and shrugs looking at me waiting for my response. I'm not sure what to say this is the first time we speaking since the night in the bar I wouldn't count the elevator chat where he told me to forget we slept together "Ummm….I'm fine never better" I tell him and smile fakely, he looks at me suspiciously "Are you sure? That smile wasn't very convincing" he says and waits for my response "Sorry yes I'm fine" I say laughing a little at him noticing my smile was fake. He nods his head yes "That's good I'm glad, I'll see you around Kenzie or should I call you Ms. Hall" he says sarcastically obviously referring to Drew. He smiles, winks at me and walks away. That cheeky bastard! is he trying to make a point? I'm not sure but I don't ponder on it for too long and I continue to my desk.

Julian Cain

I'm glad me and Kenzie were able to put what happened behind us. We were sort of avoiding each other for a few weeks but seems like she's more relaxed now. I still feel like shit about everything and the fact that she probably feels used makes me feel even more like a bastard for doing that to her. I never even apologized for anything so I'm trying now to kind of be as nice to her as possible. Kenzie is an amazing person. I watch her from time to time. I know it's kind of creepy but I can't help but feel like we have some unfinished business, me and Kenzie and that is totally crazy I know but when I see her something else happens to me something I have never felt before. Don't get me wrong I love my wife Sophia and she makes me happy make no mistake I wouldn't trade her in for anyone but there's something about Kenzie I can't seem to shake off. We are civilized, she keeps her head down when she sees me but for the most part she doesn't give me the evil eye she's still so nervous around me and I hate that she feels like that when I'm in the same room as her. I mean we have seen each other naked so why is she still so nervous? I'll admit the denial made me not want to think about the details of that night but I just kept remembering things and it makes my dick hard every single time. I appreciate that she hasn't said anything to anyone as far as I know only myself, Kenzie and Kai that knows about what happened and I would like it to stay that way. Sophia can never find out about this, it will kill her.

It's Friday again, the days are going so fast. I ran into Kenzie in the cafeteria this morning and I stopped her just to find out how she was doing. She was acting weirdly normal, more normal than she usually is around me. I could definitely sense the nervousness but she played it off well. One of our newest clients Drew Dawson tried to make moves on her and I must say she can definitely hold her own. Kenzie is a strong, independent woman and I like that about her. I'm leaving early today because me and Sophia have date night tonight. We're going to have dinner and then the movies so I'm picking her up at work. It's about 3:45 pm now and I'm just finishing off some paperwork before 4 pm so I can leave when my phone rings "Julian Cain speaking" I say "Mr. Cain there is a Mrs. Cain here to see you" says Kenzie, shit! Why is Sophia over there, she knows where my office is. I'm freaking out a little "I'll be right there" I say quickly and hang up. I head out the door and Sophia is standing and having a conversation with Kenzie and Kai and they're all laughing. This seems harmless enough I hope! I walk over to them and Kenzie is the first one to see me as Kai and Sophia has their backs turned to me. My nerves are shot because having Kenzie and Sophia in the same room is not a very good idea. Kai turns around and sees me "Here you are!" He says and Sophia turns around as well and smiles "Hey handsome! I thought I would come and surprise you" and she leans in for a hug and a kiss. Kenzie doesn't hover, she turns around and walks back to her desk without making any eye contact with me. I get Sophia out of the building as fast as I can and we head home to get changed for our date night. We left the house an hour later and went to have dinner and then to the movies. We watched a romantic comedy which I fell asleep to but Sophia knows me already so she wasn't angry or anything. After the movie we went to have ice cream and headed home where a very tasty surprise waited for me. Sophia isn't a very sexual person if I should put it like that she enjoys it but she doesn't crave for it. I'm used to it sometimes there's no sex for like a month and I mean it's okay, I love her so I can deal when she's not feeling up to it. This evening she has this look in her eyes that tells me tonight is going to get even better. We're barely through the door and she's all over me. We're kissing, I kick the door closed with my foot and we move towards the living room. It's getting more and more intense as we stripping the clothes off each other's bodies like we un wrapping a gift on Christmas morning excited to see what's underneath. She shoves me onto the sofa and climbs on top of me and we start kissing again. She starts grinding on me slowly and my grip on her waist tightens as she moves a little faster, she starts moaning and I continue to kiss her naked body. My eyes closed and Sophia starts grinding faster and moaning even louder. Her body starts to tense up and she digs her nails into to my back. Her grip loosens from me and she brings her lips back down to mine, she's out of breath but she starts grinding again. We're kissing again when suddenly I get a flashback to the night when I was with Kenzie and it's like something took over my body. I flip Sophia off me onto the sofa. Startled by my sudden movement she giggles a little but all I'm thinking about right now is Kenzie and I can't get her out of my head. I lean in to kiss Sophia this time deeper than normal when I close my eyes I see Kenzie. I'm inside Sophia again and she wraps her legs around. I start pounding inside her slow at first but hard she loves it she starts moaning again. This is feeling good, I can feel the warmth rising inside me and I close my eyes again. Sophia pulls me down to her and we start kissing again. I start moving faster inside her and she starts moaning louder under my kiss. I'm still picturing Kenzie everytime I close my eyes I see her the warmth starts rising faster, I can't hold back any longer and I release. Sophia let's go of me as I slowly pull out. I give her a peck on the forehead then on the lips and I get up. We both took a quick shower and went to bed. I need to figure out what I'm gonna do about my Kenzie situation. I can't keep picturing her when I'm having sex with my wife. I hope I can shake this off and fast. 



                "THE SECOND MISTAKE"


Mackenzie Hall 

Things are finally starting to look up for me at work, at least I hope it is. I have officially been appointed the job of personal assistant with a nice raise in salary by my boss Mr. Spencer or should I say Kai. He insists on me calling him Kai instead because for some reason he thinks we're friends. Kai is a cool guy, a real party animal, loves woman and having a good time. He is your typical bachelor. We had drinks a few times together after work at Manny's bar, it's no big deal. I haven't run into Julian again at the bar because that would bring back too many memories that I buried in a safe very very far beneath the earth and no way I'm digging that box up again especially since me and Julian also have a new found friendship. Only at the offices of course nothing outside of work. We chat in the cafeteria when we bump into each other and the occasional pop in at my desk to crack a joke but that's about it nothing more and nothing less. I respect Julian and his marriage what happened was a stupid mistake and I'm glad we can move past it. Being friends with him is way better than trying to avoid him anyway. I have expanded my friends list at work by another extra person Aaron Lewin, a junior partner at the firm. Very nice guy down to earth, highly respected as well. He came up to me and Jack one day in the cafeteria and we just all started talking, he is a really cool guy, very nice personality. Jack also knows him, they play darts together on Saturday's so they have their own friendship thing going on. I wouldn't say we close but myself, Jack and Aaron have lunch together now everyday in the cafeteria. The females around here are all too snobbish. I can't be like them so I hang out with the dudes and that's winding them up even more. I don't care what they say or think because life is finally starting to not suck anymore. I'm climbing out of that whole I was in for longer than I should have been. 

It's Thursday and I'm almost done working. Carly is making something new this evening so it's like a thing we have to all be there. If there is free alcohol and free food I'm definitely in. I wrap up everything on my todo list making sure Mr. Spencer leaves the office a half hour earlier so then I can leave earlier too. I switch off my p.c, grab my bag and head to the elevator where Julian is standing waiting on the elevator to come down from the 27th floor. I get to the elevator and it opens, it's empty so it's just me and him "Leaving early today?" I ask him smiling "Yeah date night" he says and smiles "That's cute" I tell him, he smiles again "Why are you leaving so early?" He asks staring me down "I finished my work early" I say sarcastically and shrug. Julian starts chuckling "Okay none of my business I get it" he says shaking his head. I don't respond to him at first then turn to face him and say "My best friend is making something new for dinner it's a surprise and according to her it's something we never tried before" I tell him in one breath. He looks at me with a straight face like he didn't understand what I'm saying and it's making me feel more awkward than anything else. Suddenly he starts laughing uncontrollably "You should have seen your face" he says laughing some more. Was he trying to freak me out? What exactly was that because I did not find it amusing "You still don't know how to relax around me?" He asks waiting for me to answer but I turn back around facing the doors of the elevator, he stops laughing and says "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" I turn back to him "It's cool" I say bluntly turning the atmosphere tense. I guess he is just trying to make conversation "I'm planning a small birthday party for Kai tomorrow after work. It will be at the office just drinks and cake, nothing major" I tell him. He looks at me "Really? That's nice of you" he says "It's not just me a few people around the firm are in on it and he has no idea so please don't tell him" I plead with him, he smiles, shakes his head yes like he understands "I won't say a thing to him" he says and nods. We two stops away from our stop "Are you sure?" I ask him sarcastically hopefully he catches a hint of what I'm referring to "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks just as the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. I don't answer him, I turn to him and smile slyly "Have a good evening Julian" and I step out and walk out into the parking lot. I don't turn around to see his reaction because we go our separate ways he has a reserved parking bay on the other side of the parking lot. I get to my car, I get in and head home. When I get home Carly is hard at work and it smells delicious. She even took the day off to cook. I wonder what she's making because apparently it's a variety of Asian cuisine not sure what it is. I walk straight to the kitchen and she looks exhausted and frustrated. I start chuckling "Are you okay?" I ask her walking over to her sitting on the floor with her eyes closed "No! I can't get this stupid recipe right!" She says and makes her way up from the floor. She turns off the stove and the oven "What happened" I ask and shrug "Either it's too runny or it's too salty. It's really annoying and I give up!" She says taking the pan dropping it into the sink. I can't help but laugh "I'll order pizza and clean this up let me just take a quick shower. You need to go relax" I put both hands on her shoulders, turn her around and lead her out the kitchen to the living where I pushed her down on the sofa "Relax!" I tell her and smile. I make my way to my bedroom grabbing some fresh pajamas and I go take a quick shower. When I get to the living room Carly is passed out on the sofa, poor thing I have no idea what she was trying to cook but the kitchen is a mess. I order pizza and I get started on the clean up. Ash will be home soon so he can wake her when he gets here. An hour later the kitchen is all cleaned up and the pizza has arrived about half an hour before that. Ash got home,  woke Carly up, she took a shower and we all joined up again in the living room area for dinner. I got Carly up to speed with Kai's secret birthday thing. It's not going to be a big thing but the whole firm will be staying after work for drinks because it will be free. I can't wait to see Kai's face tomorrow evening. 

Julian Cain

Life has been a roller coaster these past two months. Myself and Kenzie have become friends not close friends but work friends just conversation. We put what happened behind us, we don't talk about it either and that works for me. Sophia and I had a major argument two nights ago about having kids. She refuses to have kids and we married almost 5 years why would she deny me that? I have been so patient while she was getting her career going and she still won't see reason. We haven't been on speaking terms, she told me last night that she's going on a work trip this weekend. She left before I got up this morning all packed up and gone. She left me a note saying that she will see me Sunday evening. I'm not sure what to do about this. Should I just forget about ever having kids? Or should I stand my ground with this? I never asked her for anything ever. All I want to do is make her happy and apparently that doesn't involve having children. I love kids and the fact that I might never have any makes me feel kind of depressed. I'm sure we will figure it out, we always do. Tonight Kenzie and some of the other guys at the office are planning a small birthday thing for Kai and it's supposed to be a surprise. Kenzie made me swear not to tell him almost like I tell him everything that was weird. It's like she knows that Kai knows about us although they are like besties now so he probably sussed her out. If that's not the case then I think she must have meant something else, I'm not sure. Tonight I'm going to get really drunk and forget about my problems with Sophia, hopefully I will come to a solution to our problem soon. 

It's about 4:30 pm and everyone has disappeared from the office. I was not informed about any planning of this party so I'll be just as surprised as Kai is when I eventually see it. I'm sending out a few emails when my phone rings "Julian Cain speaking" I say when I answer "Julian can you meet the rest in the cafeteria, I'll be bringing Kai there soon" says Kenzie on the other end "Sure okay I'll go there now" I tell her. I hang up and make my way to the cafeteria where everyone is gathered waiting for Kai. They almost yell surprise! When they see it's me they stop dead in their tracks so I make my way through the crowd to the setup where the alcohol is. A few minutes later I hear footsteps, everyone goes quiet and Kai walks in with Kenzie "SURPRISE!!!" everyone yells together including me. He sure looks surprised he can't stop smiling he makes his way through the crowd. Everyone wishing him and Kenzie behind him leading him to the table where the cake is. Just one candle on top of a chocolate cake that had Happy birthday written on it. Everyone gathers around and I move closer to stand next to Kai "Getting old" I tell him tapping his shoulder, he turns to look at me when everyone starts singing the happy birthday song cutting him off as he was about to say something. The song comes to an end,  he blows out his candle and Kenzie hands him a glass of champagne. She holds up her glass "A small toast to the best boss. May you have as many more birthdays as you do woman!" She says chuckling, so does Kai and everyone else. We toast and Kenzie looks straight at me taking a sip of her champagne. Two hours later and half of the people here are already drunk, still socializing and having their own private parties. A few of them left already but myself, Kai and Kenzie are still sitting around one of the tables having more champagne when Aaron Lewin, one of our senior partners came to join us at the table. The whole time while we're sitting around the table I noticed Kenzie keeps looking over at me and I only noticed this because I myself couldn't stop. Either it was the alcohol kicking in or there is definitely a real attraction between us. Kai and Aaron gets up from the table to get more alcohol leaving me and Kenzie alone. We sit in awkward silence when she asks "So how's the wife?" Shocked by her question I sit up straight before I answer "She's good" I say bluntly and take a sip of champagne "How's your boyfriend?" I ask her trying to find out if there's someone in her life, she starts laughing sarcastically "Good just peachy if I had one" she says rolling her eyes chuckling some more "How come?" I ask, she looks down at the glass in her hand. This must be a very touchy subject for her considering her facial expression right now. She finally looks up again "Long story" she says and smiles fakely "Meet me at my office in a few minutes" I tell her and I get up. She says nothing just stares at me with shock. I have no idea what I'm doing but for some reason I'm so drawn to this woman. 

Mackenzie Hall

Julian just asked me if I can meet him in his office. I'm not sure why or what this is but he's been acting weird the whole evening. The intense stares from a distance and the sly smiles that's giving me goosebumps. I had a lot of champagne and like I explained I don't make very responsible decisions when I'm drunk. The little party for Kai turned out to be a success, everyone socializing and drinking. Most of the people had already left and the rest are getting ready to leave. Kai has a private birthday after party planned at his place but I have a feeling I won't be making it to that party. I wait 10 minutes before I get up and sneak off to Julian's office without anyone seeing me. When I get to his office I stand at his door for a few seconds before I knock. It sounds so quiet is he even here? I knock twice "Come in!" I hear him say on the other end and I make my way inside. Julian sitting on his desk with a glass of champagne in his hand, he looks up at me as I enter his office and he starts smiling "Didn't think you would come" he says and shrugs making his way to meet me halfway "I guess I was curious" I say shrug and move closer to him slowly. We meet up in the middle of his office and we're standing just inches away from each other. We don't speak but he just stares at me, it's making my heart beat really fast and I swallow hard "Why did you ask me to come here Julian?" I ask not breaking eye contact with him but he says nothing. He lifts his hand up to my face and runs his hand gently over my face "I remember every single detail of that night" he says before he drops his hand from my face. Why am I feeling emotional all of a sudden? It must be the alcohol because I look away from him but he turns my face to look at him and I'm completely speechless, my legs suddenly starts to feel wobbly by the way he's staring at me. Julian leans in slowly and I'm not sure what to do. Should I stop him? Should I let him kiss me because I really want to but he is married and that would be wrong. He comes closer to me and I stop him "Julian I can't " I tell him and step back. He looks at me and shakes his head "I understand" and back away "I'm sorry for being so forward" he says looking almost sad that I rejected him like that. I know it's the right thing to do but every bone in my body is telling me to kiss him. I pull him close to my again till we inches away from each other, I smell the champagne on his breath and I lean in. His facial expression changes from sad to a little confused when I lean in but he doesn't move at first and I move a little closer. He meets me halfway and we lock lips. I swear there's fireworks going off above my head. I feel like I'm floating. This kiss is intense and it feels so right! How can something so wrong feel so damn right. I'm getting lost in the moment when I realize he's still a married man. I break away from him "Wait!" I tell him quickly before things get out of hand. He pulls away looking even more confused than before "Julian I want to but…." He stops me before I can finish "I know" he says and leans in to kiss me again and I don't stop him because it just feels so good. The kiss is getting even more heated now as we move slowly towards his desk not breaking away from him. We reach his desk, he slides up my skirt, grabs onto my ass and lifts me on top of it. I start unbuttoning his pants, he puts both hands up my skirt till he has my panties in it and pulls it out under my ass and then off, flinging it to the floor. I pull his pants down while he's kissing my neck. My eyes are closed I prefer to just be in the fantasy that I am in because reality is I'm about to have very dirty office sex with a married man and the guilt will eat me alive. I can feel his warmth between my legs before he slips his hard cock inside me hard and fast that it makes me jump. He starts moving slowly inside me and I'm starting to get flash backs from the first time we had sex. I lay back flat on his desk which is now practically empty after he shoved everything off it. He moves my skirt up till above my navel and pushes hard inside me again. He moves faster and I start moaning softly, he's breathing heavily in my neck and I grip onto him tighter as I feel the warmth rising inside me. I'm in pure ecstasy when I finally release I can barely feel my legs. With shaky legs wrapped around him, I pull him even closer to me so his even deeper inside me. He starts moaning as he pushes inside me harder and faster. He wraps his hand in my hair and starts kissing my neck slowly moving down to my collar bone. He let's go of my hair and starts unbuttoning my shirt till it's completely open exposing the white lace bra I'm wearing that's giving me just enough cleavage to make him want more. He stops to look at me staring deep into my eyes but not saying a thing, a stare so intense that my heart starts doing back flips and he leans in so we can kiss again this time more intense and intimate nothing like I have ever felt before. This is different to any relationship I have ever had and it's freaking me out just a little because I'm not sure what all this means. My head is a mess but he starts moving his hard cock inside me again and my body starts trembling of pleasure. He starts moving faster, harder and deeper inside me. I can feel the warmth start building once more and his kissing my neck again sending electricity through my body. He wraps his hand in my hair again but grips on to it tighter pulling me closer so we can kiss and he starts moaning against my mouth as he pushes inside me a few more times and I can't hold back any longer, I release and so does he. Resting his head on my shoulder while I'm holding him around his neck with my eyes closed no one says anything but breath heavy of exhaustion. He let's go of my hair and gives me a soft peck on the cheek before pulling out of me to dispose of the condom. I search for my panties and slip them on while his back is still turned to me. I pull my skirt down and tie my shirt back up when I look up, I'm startled when Julian is standing right infront of me. The way he's looking at me right now is giving me goosebumps again. I'm not sure what to say this is a little awkward " I'm not that drunk and honestly I don't regret anything that just happened" he says and leans in to kiss me before leaving his office with me standing there dumb struck. The drive home was long or maybe it just felt really long because I was too caught up in my own head. I can't stop thinking about what Julian said to me. I'm not sure what this means because he's married but I will admit tonight we were both semi sober and we knew exactly what we were doing. Only because it felt like the wrong place, wrong time but the right moment. That's exactly how it felt and I can't stop smiling but the thought of him being married turns that smile upside down immediately. When I got home I snuck past Carly before she could see me because she is going to want to know about the party and she will know if something is up other then the fact that it's probably written all over my face she is my best friend she knows me pretty well. I head straight to bed. I'm exhausted and I need to sleep. There is too much going on in my head and I just need to stop thinking. 


Mackenzie Hall

Since the night me and Julian had sex in his office we have been sneaking around seeing each other. I know it's very wrong but I can't seem to stay away from this man. He is sweet, caring, great sense of humor considering how serious he seems to be all the time he's easy to talk to. It's not just about the sex although the sex is amazing but let's not go there. I hate sneaking around because the people at work are starting to get suspicious, we try and keep it on the low as much as possible but Julian can't keep his hands off me and that's going to make us get caught. Kai has been giving suspicious looks but my mouth is sealed. I ain't telling nobody that I'm a homewrecker that's just too embarrassing. What is wrong with me that I can't stay away from a married man that doesn't belong to me. When I'm with him it just feels right and I can't stop myself. I hope I'm wrong but I think I might be falling for him and that is scaring the crap out of me. 

It's Monday morning and I'm up early to get dolled up for work. I put more effort in with my makeup and the way I dress probably because I have someone who checks me out on a daily and I kinda like it. When I get to the office I switch on my p.c and put my things away before getting Kai and Julian's morning coffee, by the time I get back from the cafeteria they will both be in Kai's office already waiting. I make my way back from the cafeteria to Kai's office and I knock before I enter. There's a dead silence when I walk in and Julian has his back turned to me. I walk over to Kai's desk and place the two cups down "Morning" I say, Kai smiles awkwardly and Julian just nods his head no eye contact. Why are they acting so weird they have clearly been talking about me and Julian not even giving me that sly smile he's been giving me every morning for a month. He is just being completely awkward right now. I decided not to hover and leave the office immediately. An hour later he comes out of Kai's office, still not even acknowledging my existence and walks off to his office. This is very weird and I'm starting to feel really nervous because I have no idea what's going on or why he's acting this way. I decide I'm not going to say or do anything because like I have mentioned he is a married man and he doesn't belong to me. Deep in thought I'm startled when my phone rings "Cain and Specter attorneys. Mr. Specter's office how can I help you?" I answer the phone "Kenzie could you come to my office please" I hear Julian on the other end he sounds so serious "Ummm… sure… I'll be right there" I tell him quickly and hang up the phone. My heart is racing, I take a deep breath and I make my way over to his office. I knock on his door "Come inside" he says, slowly I make my way into his office and I close the door behind me. Julian is sitting behind his desk with this serious look on his face, he didn't even get out of his seat to meet me halfway for a kiss like he's been doing for a month. I'm starting to feel very nervous "Take a seat Kenzie" he says bluntly pointing to the seat opposite him and I go take a seat. I feel like I'm in trouble for some reason "What's going on Julian?" I ask him. I can't take this uncertainty anymore,  it's freaking me out. Julian sighs and sits up straight still no eye contact with me "Listen Kenzie….." and he stops, my stomach is in knots I'm not sure what he's going to say but it can't be good. He clears his throat "Kenzie I'm sorry to do this but we can't see each other anymore" he says even more blunt than before almost as if this was a business arrangement and he no longer needs my services. I can't even speak, I'm just staring at him looking at his hands instead of looking at me. I get up out of my seat to leave his office "Kenzie wait!" He says and I stop dead in my tracks but I don't turn around. He must have gotten up from his seat because I can hear footsteps behind me and I start feeling his warmth. I don't turn around, I stay frozen when I feel both his hands on my shoulders "Kenzie…..I'm so sorry" he says, tears start forming in my eyes and I'm not sure why but my heart is hurting. I think I might be too late, I think I have already fallen for Julian Cain. I don't turn around nor do I answer him, I shake him off me and leave his office quickly before he can say anything else. I can't believe I feel so horrible about this, I should have known this would end badly but I still went there this is my own doing and I have to deal with it. I went back to my desk, wiped away the tears that were forming quickly and I got to work. I can't let him see me like this, I just can't. The day went by quickly, thank God all I want to do is take a long shower and scream into my pillow till I fall asleep. I have been avoiding Julian for the rest of the day as much as I could considering we work very close to each other. I acted civil when I did run into him and he just stares at me with sad eyes making this even more hard for me. I pack up my things to go and make my way to the lift where surprise surprise Julian is also waiting with a few other people so I stand in the back till the elevator opens and everyone starts making their way in. I'm right behind him but he doesn't know so I quickly squeeze behind two other partners at the firm before he turns around. I stand right at the back and Julian is keeping a conversation with one of the guys. He doesn't know I'm in here. I'm not that short but short enough for him to not notice I'm in here but too short so I can't see who is getting off where. I hope I'm not stuck in here with him alone again. Two stops down a few people get off including the guy Julian was talking too leaving me and him and two other people who I don't know. I press myself tight against the wall of the lift in hopes it swallows me before he sees me. The handle of my handbag slips off my shoulder and a few of my things fall out because that's the kind of cluts I am. I'm trying not to draw attention to myself and then I draw attention to myself. I quickly bend down to pick up my things when I smell Julian next to me helping me pick up my things but I don't look up at him. I slowly get back up keeping my head down when he hands me my notebook and the lift opens. The two other people that were sharing the lift with us get out and leaves me and Julian alone for four more stops. He stands next to me but I keep my eyes glued to the elevator door hoping it just goes as fast as it possibly can. We two floors down, I can feel him looking at me but I keep my eyes on the door "Kenzie I'm really sorry about all of this but I have to do the right thing by my wife and I was wrong for stringing you along….." before he can finish the elevator comes to a stop and I make a run for it because tears have now once again started filling my eyes and I can't control it. I just can't do this right now, I feel too much like an idiot. When I get to my car I get in and take off quickly I need to get home, away from Julian and this place.