


It's my own autobiography...

lt all started in June 2018. The day in my life which went beyond my control. Before saying all

of this let me say one thing, I had an allergy since my 9th grade. The same allergy that

changed my life in 2018. Time to start a normal class after the vacation classes of 12th

grade. Starting with an exam of my favourite subject math. I already knew there was a

chance of allergy because of the sensation of allergies since I woke up. But I was not at all

ready to simply sit in my home without writing the exam. It was also the day which I will be

able to see all my friends after a short period of vacation. Undoubtedly I got ready for

school, and the situation changed all of a sudden. The situation which I feel like the most

horrible for me started to come out.



After having a complete bed rest from 6 am to 8 am, I felt much more comfortable. I went to

school. The exams start at 8:30 am sharp. I was only late for 5 minutes. I wrote my exam

with my wet shirt soaked in my own sweat which was the after effect of the allergy. It was

only a 1-hour exam. After the completion of the exam, my class teacher asked me for an

explanation for being late for school. He knows my situation very well even better than me

cause he has seen me many times even struggling to breathe at the time of allergy. But of

some bad situation he shouted at me on that day. I felt uncomfortable and went to the

principal. Better to say "coconut fell on the head of a snake victim." Our old principal got

transferred to somewhere else. It was a new principal for our school, and he did not even

bother about my complaint.

I'm a short-tempered person and got angry for this reason. The time when I was leaving

back to my home from the school I took a promise for myself that I won't enter back to that

school's compound any more. The next day when my parents asked me, why am I not going

to school I said to them that I was not feeling well. It continued for almost a week. Later

when they forced me to go to school, I had only one option, that is to tell the truth. They

advised me by telling that it was a normal thing. But at that age u was not willing to listen to

anybody. Almost all my relatives and neighbours advised me to go to school. But at that age

I was not at all ready to break my promise. Then my parents took me to many hospitals to

cure my allergy. It kept on coming again and again.

Then I realised that travelling and exploring new places was most favourite part of my mind.

I started travelling to each and every corner of South India and accruing more informations

of the cultures of different places. My brother's bike was my companion to most of the

places I visited. I started loving the Nature, and it's beauty.

While loving the Nature, I got a new friend. It was obviously a human. We came to know

each other through facebook, and then a new phase of my life was started. She was studying fashion designing from a nearby private College. So, I went to that College and

took an admission just to see her daily. My parents and my brother were extremely happy

that they thought I started my studies again. It continued and her course was only up to

August 2019.

I stopped going to College after she had left the college. Later we kept our contact through

WhatsApp. Everything was perfect until the day of November 19th, 2019. The day she said

she was actually cheating me, the day she asked me for a breakup, the day I felt exhausted. I

was lost in a world of darkness.

19th November 2019. THE END.

I tried to commit suicide. It was a Sunday. At the night of that Sunday, I thought it was better

to leave this earth. I ate 45 paracetamol tablets and slept quietly. It just took one hour to get

me restless. I started vomiting, and it continued till the next day morning. It was the next

day that my parents came to know I was not feeling well. They told me to get ready to go to

hospital. At first they thought that it was some sort of fever. Later when I saw my mom

crying even for a silly fever I told her the truth. They suddenly took me to the nearest multi-

speciality hospital. The hospital people told that it was too critical, and they could not attend

my case. They asked my parents to take me to the nearest government medical college

hospital. It was a fast and furious journey in an ambulance to the hospital. The hospital

peoples took it simply as a normal case and asked for a stomach wash. It was too late that all

the contents of the tablets got digested. They started their treatment at 5 pm Monday and

by that time everything got dissolved in my blood. They just continued their treatment and

medicines for the next 4 days.

Day by day the situation got worse. My liver was almost partially damaged, and the doctors

suggested my parents to take me to Amrita hospital, Ernakulam or JIPMER in Pondicherry for

an immediate liver transplantation. Then my brother getting to know all these what had

happened to me came all of a sudden from Bangalore to donate me half of his liver. My

parents took me to Amrita hospital and we reached there by 7 pm. They took me to

intensive-care unit and took my blood in dozens of small tubes for testing. Surprisingly they

found, after all, tests that my liver got much better on the way to the hospital. The doctors

started the treatment immediately as possible and the nurses gave me great care for almost

2 days. After 2 days being in the intensive-care unit I got better, my liver got better.

The doctors transferred me to a room from ICU and the treatment continued for the next 3

days. Later when I left the hospital after complete recovery, the doctors asked me to have

rest for a minimum of 3 months. I completed my rest period on March 2020. And then it was

a new beginning for me but for the entire world got locked inside their home due to Covid-

19. Me to with the rest of the people of the world continued the lockdown and is still

continuing the lockdown. Now I'm waiting for this pandemic to end soon and restart my journeys to explore the beauty of the earth...

Hoping for the best...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ajesh_Chacko_4477creators' thoughts