
2. First Day, a new Place, and a new job

* traveling by bus

"Sari wakes up, and we get here!" She usually falls asleep during travel, so Leni shakes her.

Never mind lengthy journeys; she can doze off while traveling from the market to her residence on public transit.

Oh yes, ma'am. Have we already arrived? Sari regained consciousness and sprang to her feet from her bus seat, which was already curled from being used for too long.

Leni kindly said, "Yes, let's get down with your suitcase, we want to keep riding the car to my leased house.

She quickly replied, "Oh absolutely, ma'am."

Soon after getting off the bus, they were back in a private vehicle headed towards Ms. Leni's rental home.

There was a sign for online transportation on the back of the vehicle. "Ooh, yes, this is how online transportation appears in those cities," Sari thought to herself. The metropolis and the village are rather unlike.

Leni yelled to the automobile driver, "Thank you sir."

Leni beckoned Sari, saying, "Come on, this is my house, you Will have a rest here tonight, and tomorrow I will take you to the hostel where You Will work."

"Oh, absolutely, ma'am, thank you," Sar, I entered Ms. Leni's home right away with the bag.

She is welcome to spend the night in one of the house's two small but adequate rooms. Since Leni and her husband don't yet have kids, the first room is mainly a storage area.

Have a break first; then, if you're not too weary, have a shower; then, go take a nap; I'll buy you food; I need to go out with my husband first, okay?

Sari grudgingly said, "Ok madam, sorry and thank you thank you for your hospitality."

Then, suddenly, boo....

Sari cried out in agony, astonished that she felt like something had fallen on her head.

A voice from above the tree startled Sari, "Uh, sorry, there's someone downstairs, sorry, I didn't mean it, I thought there wasn't anyone."

She remained silent as she awaited the man's descent from the tree and his expression of regret.

The man extended his right hand in her direction and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't intend to, I was about to put it in the bag, but it landed on you.

Sari's face quickly blushed because she was so shocked by the handsomeness of the man in front of her.

Sari extended her right hand to accept the man's apology and said, "Uh, sure, it's okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I'm sorry, there is a creature as handsome as him on earth; Sandi has nothing on him. I'm sorry I won't be brokenhearted over him again.

She was given a small plastic bag by the man who said, "Here's a fruit for you as my apology."

Oh, thank you so much, the mango is really gorgeous, isn't it? Sari was delighted. Yes, he responded, "just as wonderful as the one who received it."

Sari's face turned red because, up until this point, she has only dared to admire and see the one man she likes. She has never had a man compliment her. In fact, she hardly ever even speaks to men.

The phone is ringing.

String. The alarm's loud noise roused her up from her peaceful sleep and blurred her vision. It was all a dream, huh? In her heart, Sari grumbled.

But the old man said that if she had dreams about receiving fruit or eating fruit, it was a sign that she would have good luck. Sari had hope in her heart.

Salon de beauté

She is Sari, Ms. Leni said, and she received her training here before transferring to a different department once she was elected mayor. Sari was introduced to the senior salon staff by the boss.

"And here are Dita, Ica, and Wati too; they are from my neighbor's Javanese villages, and they will be training with Sari. I hope the four of you are smart and compact so you will be placed in the new branch as soon as possible," the boss said while giving instructions to the four young employees who would be working in the salon business.

She required youthful, energetic personnel because the new branch was situated in a fashionable, upscale mall.

Sari began her new job, learning about the beauty industry at the salon where she worked. Sari had no idea that she would work in a salon, but she was very excited about the prospect because, in general, she enjoys styling her hair and looking in the mirror. At the moment, Sari is in a room with two large, stunning mirrors that are different from the one she prefers to use in the room of her village house; in fact, they are so different that they aren't even the same size.

Even though in the past in the village she was a girl who was self-conscious and lacking in confidence, Sari quickly mingled with her new friends and enjoyed her new activity. Over time, she gradually learned to be confident.

The training salon center was a busy place for Sari and her four companions to be. Because they are smart, they will attract consumers, and they will undoubtedly see an increase in pay, they finished swiftly.

The fact that three months had passed despite it not feeling like it was an indication that their training was complete and that the four of them would soon be relocating to the Hits Mall where they were Will working.

Wow, the training is finally over," Dita exclaimed, feeling relieved.

It doesn't feel like we've been here for three months, huh, the other girl remarked.

Sari expressed hope that they would feel at home in their new location and would always be together.

"Well, aren't you bored, then? We have known for the past three months that all there has been for us to do is commute back and forth between our dormitories and the salon where we had to train. I sternly guided her pals.

Yes, it's pretty dull, but what can we do? We're still new, so we don't know how to proceed, said Dita.

That's correct, we'll be relocating to the Mall shortly, especially now that the Mall is popular and there are attractive guys there, Wati started to display her flirtatious side.

Just be patient; if we earn a good salary, we'll go for a walk to keep ourselves entertained. Is it correct that for the past three months we have had pocket money?," Sari assured her friends.

Ica gushed, "That's true, it's been a while since I've seen attractive boys, so my eyes will be a little sparkly."

Ica seems to be a pro with makeup tools and she is also quite adept at polishing her face to make it look attractive, making Ica stand out more than the rest of her friends. The four of them so far have appeared compact and well-supported. They are not ugly girls; it's just that they are still very innocent.

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