
The neighborhood girl was killed:Zeya got a chance to find the culprit

Zeya want to find why the culprit is killing only lovers. It was very strange. She thought of going to a cafe. After half an hour she got ready before she went out through the rightside window she saw a man wearing full covered black dress and entering the nieghborhood. She felt something fishy on that man. From the head to toe that man was fully covered. She went upstairs to take her bag. When she came down she heard a girl screaming. She dropped her bag down which she was catching and ran to the nieghborhood. She saw the man running outside the home. When she entered the house the girl was dead. Zeya was late. When she came out the man had already ran away. It was raining little heavily at that time. So she could see the footprints of the killer. She followed the footsteps. Those shoes were branded too. By following it she slowly reached a forest.

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