
The meeting with zyan

After the funeral of the nieghborhood girl Zeya saw the inspector Zyan. He came to talk to her.

After talking for a little time he asked," Can i talk to you personally? I have something to say."

" I was going to ask about it. Anyway when can we meet. If possible i am free now . Can we? " replied Zeya

She had thought of going to Zyan's house but then Zyan said a terrible thing which made Zeya shock.

He said, " Ok. Now i am also free. So i think we can sit and talk comfortably in your house. "

This made Zeya very tensed. And also she can't refuse him too. If Zyan saw the notice board she have to say the whole truth. They both went inside. Suddenly Zyan saw the notice board. He understood why Zeya was so tensed when he said that they can sit in her house. He asked, " Did you told lies that your reports were fake. "

" Yes" replied Zeya. But her answer was in a low and tensed tone with little fear. She was thinking what would be Zyan's reaction towards her.

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