
Wives Matter

The family of kang is a royal family, kang won the king, kang so the first son of kang moo and kang wook the second son of kang won .

kang won is very ill and his wife kang seo was the one that was taking care of him along with so and moo wives.

yeonwoo is kang so wife and kang moo wife seoni would make fun of her and call her a barren just because she has given birth to a little boy Jung.

Jung is a three years old boy, he would talk to yeonwoo anyhow because his mother poisoned his mind against yeonwoo.

One day seoni was insulting yeonwoo but she forget the fact that yeonwoo is the first son's wife and has no right to talk to her in a rude way "Have you seen Jung" yeonwoo haven't seen Jung so she said "no"

seoni thought she was lying so said started insulting yeonwoo but yeonwoo decided not to reply her but she notice that moo is behind the door so she didn't want him to think that how seoni used to talk to her in a rude way so she slapped seoni.

seoni was so surprised that yeonwoo would slapped her so she started insulting yeonwoo again but yeonwoo said "Don't forget the fact that I am the first wife and when my husband become the king I would out cast you and banish you from this country" seoni was really not expecting that so she raised her hands to slap yeonwoo but moo held her hand and he says "you are really passing your boundary seoni, you have the guts to speak to yeonwoo like that and now you wants to slap her, you should not be banish from this country but you should be killed, if you ever lay your hands on yeonwoo I would cut off your hands" seoni was really angry so she left with anger.

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