
Death and Birth

Jung overheard wook and seoni plan of killing moo so he told yeonwoo as usual and yeonwoo try to stop him but moo just would stop because he had his own reason. If he decided to stop yeonwoo may die or their child and he wouldn't risk that.

In the mid night the queen called moo to the palace and told him that the king is dead, moo couldn't believe his ears but he did cry because of his mother so he told wook and wook was really happy that when moo die he would become the king.

wook causes fight between the other country cricians and their own country kostanias. moo gets ready to the battle field as wook told him that he is not going that only moo should go,( wook said he is not going because he will be the one to first visit yeonwoo with bad news and watch her cry.

Before moo went to the battle field he yeonwoo that he will be back to see his baby because yeonwoo was already in labour.

wook ploted landmines on the battle side of kostanians, once they step on it they would be blown up and it happens they were blown up all the military man died except for moo. Yeonwoo finally gave birth after two hours of labour and after moo is blown up. she was so happy that she finally gave birth to her first child and she wonders why moo is not back yet but she only saw wook coming and forming crocodile tears that "Moo is dead" she is so surprised that she almost dropped her baby but she calm down and said "you are lying moo told me that he will be back to see our child , he can't break the promise" and moo appeared out of nowhere covered in blood so he says"I haven't break my promise" he struggles to come to yeonwoo but he have no energy to do that so. yeonwoo took the baby to him then he carried the baby with a bloody hand so he placed his hand at he back and he said "my dear kitana daddy won't be here to watch you but you have to avenge for my death.

moo gave kitana back to yeonwoo then he died

Be excepting the new chapter it is not really what you excepted

LaurenThunderbirdcreators' thoughts
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