
Chapter One

Scarlett's POV:

I looked out of the window of my car and the warm rays of sun hit my face. I looked back at my hands which were holding the steering wheel. They had become dry probably because it is the late of winter season. I checked my phone once again for the 47319th time and it still displayed 9 messages from 2 chats, but no missed calls.

The signal turned into green colour and I ignited the engine, changed the gear and pressed on the accelerator.

I was desperately waiting for a call from almost an hour which literally, not hypothetically, literally felt like forever.

And waiting, mind you, sucks.

So to remove the disappointing thoughts which were occupying my mind, I turned on the radio which played 'I am a freak' of Enrique Iglesias feat. Pitbull which was one of my favorite songs. I was about to sing, when suddenly my phone started beeping and it displayed 'Mom'.

"Finally" I grinned to myself and swiped the screen to answer.

"Hey mom"

"A second please?" I said just before she was about to say something.

I rolled the windows of my car up, as those horns of vehicles were making it impossible to hear.

"Do I get to speak now, or do I have to take an appointment?" Joked my mom from the other end of the call.

"Yeah, sorry"

I chuckled.

"Well..what do I say? You got the deal!" My mom said happily.

"That's reallyyyy a good news!!!"I almost screamed.

And by that time I reached the peaks of happiness. I kind of expected it, but actually achieving it was way more exciting.

"I'll be there in half an hour" I replied after gathering myself.

"Waiting" she replied.

And I hung up the phone.

"Yaayyyy! I cracked it"

I yelled on top of my voice.

But obviously no one heard it because the windows were up.

I cracked a real important business deal, and in business when we say important you take it as -'as hard as the ground'-, like not literally, it's just a metaphor. Lame Joke alert!

Our new investors had just called my mom and informed her about the sanction.

Right turn -My subconscious reminded.

Oh yes I'm driving.

Mom looked really proud as she said the investors praised my presentation a lot.

They were amazed to see how an inexperienced amateur perfectly calculated the profits, losses and proposed such good deal.

Well I don't really think that was hard, it took a lot of thinking part though.

But I can't help it,

I got this business perspective in my genes and my MBA course was a booster to it.

Left turn.

Now those Smiths are gonna know their actual place.

Behind us.

Left turn.

I was taking a left turn and suddenly my eyes shrinked because an irritating light covered my vision and......

*Sound of a car hitting the other*

Holy shit I crashed my car.

By the car I meant my brand new limo

What the-

That was purely not my mistake.

The other driver is in the wrong direction + he had put his very sharp headlights on, in the daytime!

As I stepped out to look at the damage that had been cau.....


No way!!

This can't be.. him.

Think of the devil.

This devil was wearing grey coloured half-sleeved shirt with a V-shaped neck. His hair was messy. His shirt perfectly displayed his strong muscles and the shirt was so fit that it looked like his second skin as his broad chest and narrow waist made him look like a Greek god with black jeans in the bottom.

He opened the door of his car and came out giving a sheepish smile while his fingers ran through his hair which mind you, didn't at all, looked cute, at least to me.

Out of 7.4 billion people on this planet,

It has to be him every single time I meet up with some trouble.

Correction, he is the trouble.

And the most tragic part is, I don't even have a right to kill one person.

If I was locked up in a room, with him and Adolf Hitler in it,

And I had a gun with two bullets, I'd shoot him twice. And I'm part Jewish btw!

I stepped out of my car and started marching towards him furiously, my hair were probably swaying because a lock of them fell on my face and I brushed it off whilst everything, and stood in front of him holding up my chin.

Because I knew he did that on intention, or else why would he be driving on the wrong side with his headlights on in the daytime.

Is he insane?

His blue eyes were crinkling, literally crinkling due to joy.

And, I swear when I see his oh-so-innocent-face, I start hating him more. More than before, more than ever.

"You're so dead Aaron Smith"

I gritted my teeth.

He smirked at me.

How dare he???!! The nerve of this guy.

"I am sorry Miss. Scarlett Van'assche"

He smirked.

"You did this on intention. Didn't you?" I yelled, by that time everyone started forming a crowd around us, but no one dared to interfere.

"Stop giving so much of importance to yourself. Why'd I do that on purpose?? Can't you see it was a mere accident??"

He smirked, I can clearly say, his eyes were challenging me to prove him wrong.

"Mere accident?? Why don't you just look at my car??

It completely collapsed"

I flared my little nose.

"This is what happens when you buy something cheap, cutie"

He grinned like a maniac.

I hate his face

"Why don't you just stop stalking me??"

I asked mocking at him.

"Why don't you just stop giving so much of importance to yourself?? The world doesn't revolve around you"

He mocked back.

I gave him a death glare, my big brown eyes furiously staring at his blue ones then I walked past him.

He's just jealous of you.

My inner self comforted me.

I called my driver and asked him to pick me up from the cafe that was a few steps away from the scene.


At home :

When I reached my home, I was stunned to see the decoration.

How surprising it is that just an hour ago she got to know that we achieved the deal and now, my big home is half decorated already.

My mom came running towards me.

She wore a black-full sleeved top which reached till her thighs with denims.

She is really beautiful, I'm not saying this because I'm her daughter and by her daughter's opinion I find her beautiful, but she actually is.

Everyone says that I got beauty from my mom but I'm not even half as beautiful as she is.

Her long and silky hair were tied up in a loose bun which made her look more mesmerizing.

Her delicate hands touched my chin and she smiled.

"You hit the bull's eye!"

She spoke

"Indeed, I did".

"My baby worked really hard for it, didn't you?

Now it's party time"

She Hugged me.

I just smiled at my lovely mother's antiques.

I really love her.

"Go get ready. The guests would reach anytime".


I went to my room, opened my wardrobe which was a sea of clothes.

I chose a royal red gown which had roses from the neck till the waist and on the sleeves.

I held it in front of my body and, kind of checked how it would look.

My brown eyes were staring in the huge mirror that was in front of me, while my waist looked as perfect as an hour glass.

Suddenly, my eyes had a contact with the eyes in the mirror and for some reason those electric blue eyes of Aaron came to my mind which was soon followed by his stupid grinning face. How his hair were messy because of his habit of running his fingers through them once in a while. How that dimple cracks on his cheeks every time he smiles. How is Aura is so energetic yet irritative to me. I hate him.

Next chapter