
ch2- who's awesome

did I tell you we are both 10? and that we live in a place where teaching children to fight is normal? maybe I didn't but who cares right ?

Anyways did I also mention that chet is coming at me with a sword?

I guess fight time is on

since I knew chet wasn't going to go easy on me so I took my own sword out like a pro not a noob.

The one and only I like to call the "big boy" or snowy sword according to people who read "history".

The swords met with this awful clang or sching propelling me backwards and in that sec Chet was gone mind you not dead. that would be sad.

The one thing you should know when fighting chet is he is super fast or normal fast on your point of view that is.

But i am me not dumb either . Hell I already knew he was behind me with my awesome sensing ability

Don't ask me Why I got kicked though.

The thing is when fighting chet you should always use a heavy sword instead of a fast one for blocking all his hits. Problem is you won't be able to land a hit so that's why I was using my heavy sword with one hand and using the other one to use a smaller sword which I like to call lean boy.

Chet of course anticipating this dodged. His biggest mistake ever,

I headbutted him with so much force he landed with a small crater on the ground.

but the battle was not over as Chet got up without even a scratch on his body and threw several daggers at me.

The park we were fighting in was ordinary with trees and the occasional well for killing people of course. But it looked like a war zone especially now when I used the trees as cover for dodging daggers since my mom kind of got angry when I used my shirt ,I don't know why she was mad though I mean like come on all these washing powders, machines and there is not one for repairing clothes.

The daggers laden with bombs exploded and killed everything except me since I was faster than shinchans mom is on sales day , for me that's a pretty big achievement .

Before chet knew It I was behind him with my sword to his neck.

"damn it" chet murmured

"I win" I replied in my amazing accent.

"So now what ?" I asked kind of


Did I mention chet looked like the cold blooded murderer you meet on your honeymoon?no ,well he looks pretty scrawny with a weird hairstyle you know not exactly afro but not a small afro either. And did I mention his black soulless eyes that look like a cannibal wanting to eat vegetables.

But now those eyes were looking at me with this weird expression. A part of me maybe my conciousness or the subconscious told me it was either lust or anger.

"You are lusting after me aren't you?" I told him, you may notice the question mark but it was totally not question at all.

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