
The Return of the One(Discontinued)

The Necrons... They betrayed us! My siblings, now shards of themselves. Destroyed... From their deaths that spelled billions of years of ruin... I ran. I ran to the furthest I could, beyond the limits of the galaxy. It was here that I found it... Aahruma. A forgotten colony of the Necrons, now the last loyal subjects of us... Me. It is here where I shall construct a dynasty that shall rebuild that which Szarekh 'The False King,' destroyed. They shall see, they shall eventually see the error of their ways when I shall return and take what was rightfully the C'Tan. They shall once again know and fear the name Amhir-Urena 'The Lord of Souls.'

AnIdiotic_Genius · Book&Literature
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To all of my followers and those who admire my writings and works, I ask you all to forgive me because, honestly, I will no longer update any of my works.

This has been a decision ever since the year began, this is not because of my academic or family life but of my religious life. Over the year that I have returned to the Mother Church which was begun by Christ and continued through the unbroken succession from Saint Peter to Pope Francis, I have come to see signs which point me not toward married life but to the Presbyterate or the Order of Priests.

To this decision, I unfortunately announce that all of my works, published and unpublished that are wasting away in my folders, are all discontinued and are all completely and utterly free to be used by others without any consequence. All of my time shall be put towards my time in the seminary and towards the life of a priest.

Once more I ask of you all to forgive me for leaving in such a way without finishing a single story. May God bless you all for the joy and happiness that I gained from you all reading and loving the characters and stories that I orchestrated.