

THIS was probably the first time that Luo Wei Tian did something so embarrassing in front of any of his sons.  This was what he got from jumping into conclusion like that.  Knowing Luo Ren, he's probably holding in his laughter just to give his father some face.  But could Luo Wei Tian really be blamed for this misunderstanding?

How would he know that Yu Jiao was actually a girl when the other looked like a strapping young man?  Something like using the opposite gender for a game avatar never really crossed his mind.  It's probably because of his age that's why he hadn't thought of such convention.  And it also most likely had something to do with the fact that he had never really played such games when he was younger.  That's why he never thought that it was actually possible to change one gender in the game.

And thus, it led to this embarrassing situation.

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