

Mikoto Uchiha smiled happily while holding a baby boy in her arms who had a few tuffs of black hair on his head with cute red cheeks. By her side was a little girl with raven hair that reached to the bottom of her neck with onyx eyes and a cute small nose.

"Kaa-chan... there's someone behind the tree" Her daughter, Izumi Uchiha pointed towards a random tree that was on their way back to the Uchiha compound. Mikoto took her eyes off Sasuke and looked at the tree and saw a distinct shade of red hair that belonged to the longed hair woman hiding behind the tree.


"Umm, just go along with it Izumi-chan, that's your mother's silly friend." Mikoto rubbed the back of her hair and smiled.

"ROAR!" Kushina Uzumaki jumped out from behind the tree with her arms in the air in a frightening position and a large grin sporting on her face. Mikoto sighed as she rubbed her head tiredly.

"Wahh! You got me Kushina!" Mikoto joked sarcastically.

"Aww you're no fun Miko-chan" Kushina looked downcast.

"I told you Kaa-chan, it wasn't going to work." A flash appeared by Kushina as 15-year-old Naruto appeared, holding a mountain of groceries in his arms.

Ohayo Mikoto Obaa-chan, Izumi-chan" Naruto said with a kind smile. Izumi flushed red and hid behind her mothers dress slightly as Mikoto greeted him back kindly.

"I had to try at least Naru-chan" Kushina pouted while rubbing her large belly before noticing Sasuke in Mikoto's arms. "Ah, she's so cute!" Kushina squealed as she put her finger in front of Sasuke's face to play.

"Actually, Sasuke-kun is a boy." Mikoto said laughingly as Kushina giggled sheepishly. "When Menma-kun is born, I'm sure our two children will be rivals in the future, just like us!"

"Mhm! My son will always win, just like me" Mikoto smirked as Kushina waved her fist at her.

"Ahh it's a shame that Naruto-kun was born earlier than Izumi-chan, they could have been best friends too! Actually, I would have married him off to her if it meant getting such a cute daughter!" Kushina squealed as Mikoto giggled into her hand when Izumi flung her face into Mikoto's dress.

"Kaa-chan!" Naruto whined, "Stop going off in your imagination"

"Hmph! Izumi-chan is 1000 times better than those fangirls you had at the academy!" Kushina growled thinking about those skanks trying to get their claws into her little baby.

"The academy days... huh?" Naruto smiled. "Speaking of it, Izumi-chan, aren't you entering this year at the end of this year?" Naruto asked.

"Hai," She said softly.

"Here, take an apple. Apple's are a must for shinobi to get strong!" Naruto grinned widely as he rummaged his hands into the grocery bag before handing out a juicy red apple to Izumi.

"Thanks" Izumi spoke while looking down, not daring to look him in the eye.

"Awww they're so cute aren't they?" Kushina smiled goofily while Mikoto nodded her head rapidly.

"Haha, Kaa-chan, Mikoto Obaa-san!" Naruto smiled with them with a mock whine. "We have to get you to the Hospital now Kaa-chan," Naruto said looking at the sun.

"Ah! Let's go dattebane!" Kushina said hurriedly.

"Ja ne Mikoto-chan, Izumi-chan" Kushina said before dragging Naruto off with her. Naruto looked back and waved his arms at them before walking back to the Hospital with Kushinna.

---------------------Menma's birth-----------------

Fourth Hokage, step away from the Jinchuriki, or your son will die at the ripe old age of one minute" An masked intruder told the Fourth Hokage who gritted his angrily as he saw the man holding a kunai at the neck of his youngest.

Said baby had bright red hair like his mothers and blue eyes, he was currently snoring softly in his warm blanket. Right next to the Fourth Hokage was his eldest son, Naruto Namikaze, the 15 year old prodigy. An SS-Class Ninja who mastered the Hiraishin at age 13 and completed the Rasengan by adding his own element to it. Naruto looked like a copy of his father down to the core, with the same sharp blue eyes with the tint of electricity in them. His blonde hair was styled differently to Minato's, as it was brushed to the side, however, his attire was exactly the same as his father's, except the words written on the back of the white coat said Lightning Flash in blue.

Naruto held an angrily calm gaze with a tri-pronged kunai in his hand, bursting with wind chakra.

"Ah yes, Naruto Namikaze, how could I forget you? After what you did to those Suna-nins 2 years back ne? I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, not at all." The masked man laughed as Naruto growled angrily.

"Aaah!" Minato heard a scream from behind and saw it was his wife who screamed out, he hoped for the best as he appeared by his wife. Kushina Uzumaki, the second jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, who was barely holding on from the loosened seal due to childbirth. She had a slim, feminine build with fair skin, violet eyes and fiery red hair. A common trait for the Uzumaki's, as well as their impatience.

The seal isn't complete.' Minato thought as he heard another cry of pain from his wife.


"Step away from the jinchuriki! Or do you not care if your son dies?" The masked man asked impatiently as Minato held his hands up.

"P-Please, j-just calm down." Minato said as Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, do you not care about your own life?" Naruto growled as he gripped his kunai harder.

"Ho? I don't think you're in any position to give out any threats, little boy." The masked man said before tossing up baby Menma into the air making Kushina scream out.

"No!" Kushina yelled as she saw the masked man throwing the kunai at her baby. However Minato, acting quickly appeared with Menma in his hands on the other side of the room making Kushina and Naruto sigh in relief.

"Well, you really do live up to your moniker. "Yellow Flash" " The masked man smirked as they heard a sizzling sound...

Minato looked down in horror at Menma's orange blankets and saw 4 sizzling explosive tags, about to set off any moment. Without another thought Minato disappeared in a yellow flash, throwing the blanket in an abandoned house before leaping out.

"And just like that, he's gone." The masked man said in amusement.

"You... BASTARD!" Naruto roared as his hands caught electricity. Naruto sprinted at the masked man at full speed before calling out his attack.

"RAIKIRI!" Naruto yelled as he thrusted his fist in front, directly at the masked mans heart.

"I see, Kakashi must have created CHIDDORI trying to copy it." The masked man spoke in bitterness as Naruto's attack went right through him. Naruto eye's widened frantically as his Raikiri exploded into the floor behind the masked man.

"How pathetic." The masked man laughed as he grabbed Kushina and kamui'd her into his pocket dimension. Naruto grunted from his position as he spat out a glob of blood from his mouth. His vision blurred as he looked up in horror to see an empty bed.

"Kuso!" Naruto growled and punched the ground, making a crater.

-------------With Minato ----------------

Minato flew out the smoke and debris with Menma in his arms unharmed as the wooden house exploded. His tri-pronged kunai was only a few meters away from him buring into the ground. Minato looked down at his son and smiled.

"Thank god you're okay." Minato smiled in relief before wincing in pain as he saw a large splinter stuck in his leg.

Minato gasped as he pulled it out before thinking.

'He's after Kushina, and forced me to use my Flying Thunder God technique to separate us! Gotta hurry!'

Minato picked up the splinter that was in his leg and glared at the blood that was splashed before flicking it up and disappearing in a flash, taking his son towards the outskirts of the leaf at one of his safe houses.

Once Minato appeared he flipped a switch and the lights went on. He however didn't expect to see Naruto sitting on a stool with his head hung low. As soon as Naruto heard the sound of the lights going on his head snapped towards his father.

"Tou-chan!" Naruto sighed as Minato quickly put Menma into the crib.

"Where's your mother Naruto?" Minato asked as Naruto looked away guiltily.

"The intruder took him..." Naruto looked away in shame as Minato nodded.

"I see..."



The two blonde's head snapped towards the roar as the buildings around shook and the ground tremored.

"Kyuubi... kuso! Naruto, take care of the village, I'll save your mother."


Minato then looked back at his son and covered a blanket over him. "You'll have to wait on your own for a bit, Menma-kun." And with that, two yellow flashes and they were gone.

With Naruto

Naruto appeared at the Hokage's tower and screamed with his entire might.

"EVERYONE! INTO THE HOKAGE MOUNTAIN, THE KYUUBI IS FREE!" Naruto screamed with chakra making his voice even louder. The civilians looked at each other warily before onc looking back at Naruto as if he was an idiot.

"The Kyuubi? What are you talking about, there is no-"


"-kyuubi..." The man's voice died as he saw the giant orange fox running straight towards the village. Not a moment later the entire village went crazy as they all ran under the Hokage mountain. Security alerts from speakers all over the village repeated the drill.

"Everyone, the village is under attack, please evacuate towards the Hokage mountain, I repeat, evacuate to the Hokage mountain."

What? Kyuubi? Oh no! What are we going to do?"

"Dear Kami, please help us"




Everyone screamed out frantically as they rushed towards the entrance of the Hokage mountain.


Hiruzen Sarutobi sat on his desk with the flaps covering his window only letting the small shed of moonlight to appear in the room, he wore his robes and had a wooden smoke pipe as he rested in his chair.

"Sandaime-sama" an ANBU appeared and bowed down at their former leader. "It's the Nine-tails, it's attacking the village out of nowhere!"

"I see, I will hold it back, make sure you protect every civilian you see!" He said as he strapped on black armour on his forearm.

"Hai!" The ANBU said before disappearing in the shadows.

The Former kage looked over the village and stared at the Kyuubi. 'Did the seal fail? had we not taken in all the preparations?


Naruto reappeared at the heart of the village with his coat flapping in the winds dramatically. Naruto glared angrily as he saw the Kyuubi with it's lashing tails, destroying buildings and killing shinobi. There was a line of shinobi at the front with Shikaku Nara commanding them. In unison they all fired off Fire attacks with large streams searing the Kyuubi.

Naruto leapt over rooftops at high speeds, running straight for the battle with his arms behind him as he dashed over the rooftops. However a small cry caught his attention as his head snapped towards the left. Someone was in trouble.

Naruto kicked off the roof and pivoted before sprinting as fast as he could towards the cry.

"Hey! Who's out there!" Naruto yelled as he saw the Kyuubi's large tail swinging by his direction, Naruto quickly jumped into the air and over to the next safe roof and yelled again. "Who's out there!"

"Over here!" Naruto heard a reply, it was obviously female but sounded young, maybe around 8 . Naruto leaped towards her voice and appeared in front, there he saw a girl with dark raven hair and coal eyes with pale skin holding a toddler bundled in her arms, next to her was another girl with brown hair and fair skin with a mole under her eye which now had sniffles of tears. The two both looked to be around 5 or 6 and had Uchiha symbols on their backs.

"Are you alright?" Naruto asked as they flushed pink and nodded slowly.


Naruto placed a hand on both of their shoulders and sighed.

"Hold on, this is going to feel weird for you." Naruto muttered and disappeared in a flash of yellow the second before the Kyuubi's tale had wiped out another few blocks. Naruto reappeared at the entree of the Hokage mountain.

The two girls walked around dizzily and almost tripped over. They looked to be obviously dizzy as the small baby in the black haired girls arms began to wail and cry making Naruto sweatdrop.


"Na na Sasuke-kun, everythings all right." The girl comforted the baby as it slowly went to sleep. Naruto smiled at the sibling bond before ordering.

"In there! Stay safe and find your families!" Naruto ordered as they nodded and ran under the Hokage mountain into the shelter. Naruto sighed and disappeared once again before reappearing above his father's head on one of the spikes of his hair. Naruto glared directly at the Kyuubi as he pulled out a tri-pronged kunai.

"Attack!" Naruto saw Hiruzen yell at the line of shinobi as they shot out their jutsu's, not even tingling the Kyuubi. The Kyuubi growled and lifted it's paw before slaming it down on the group making debris fly everywhere with shinobi screaming in pain.

"Kuso!" Naruto growled.

The Kyuubi snapped it's gaze right at Naruto and let out a furious roar.


"Damn, it's noticed me." Naruto murmured as he saw a particles of chakra in the air, both blue and red formed and mixed creating a dark purple sphere and until it rounded out and was blasted right at the fourth's head.

Naruto flipped his kunai into both his hand letting the Hiraishin marker shine out in front before he summoned a barrier at the Bijuudama attack. Immediately hundreds of intricate patterns appeared as it sucked in the Kyuubi's attack.

"Not on my watch" Naruto smirked before yelling out "Flying Thunder God! Fifth Step! Guiding Thunder!" The wall sucked in the Bijuudama until there was nothing left. Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breathe, immediatly a large explosion was carried out by the mountains nearby. The entire explosion was visible to anyone as their jaw's dropped at the large attack.

Naruto's eyes widened drastically as his gritted his teeth.

"Amazing... That attack, was a lot bigger than I expected." Naruto murmured as he felt a chunk of his chakra had died.

Below the shinobi that were fighting the kyuubi saw the attack disappear completely, however Shikaku narrowed his eyes as he saw a mop of blonde hair above the Yondaime's head.

"Kuso, I can't tell if that's Naruto or Minato." Shikaku chuckled as a large man stepped by him.

"It stopped the Kyuubi's attack, it's a space-time barrier ninjutsu!" Choza declared. Choza was a redheaded man with purple marks on his cheeks and was the head of the Akimichi Clan. They all looked up and saw the person that saved them jump down from the Hokage's head and landed right in front of them.

"It's Lord Naruto!" Someone cheered nearby as more cheers were ringing.

"We're saved!"

"Thanks for this Tsunade baa-chan KUCCHIYOSE NO JUTSU" Naruto went through seals and a giant slug appeared.


"Katsuyu - chan , please separate and help casualties to lowest"

"HAI NARUTO KUN" said Katsuyu as she separated into tiny pieces and immediatly began to heal every injured shinobi nearby.

Talk about dramatic... Troublesome blondes." Shikaku chuckled as he let out a sigh.

Naruto merely smiled at Shikaku before flying through multiple seals.

"We can't rest yet, the Kyuubi is still here." Naruto said as they all nodded in agreement.

"Everyone move back!" Hiruzen yelled as they all jumped back, Naruto grinned before making same hand signs and slamming his hands towards the ground, making black large symbols fly out and Naruto yelled out...

"SUMMONING JUTSU - FOOD CART DESTROYER!" Naruto roared as he pushed out a large chunk of his chakra, and immediatly, a very, very large smoke was poof'd into existence and there appeared Gamabunta, the Toad Clan's Chief, and his father's personal summon.

"Eeeh? Naruto? Why did you summon me here for..." Gamabunta's voice died down as he saw the Kyuubi with his tails flailing around and the dark, murderous killer intent flying all over the place as it glared heatedly at Gamabunta.

"Dammit brat! How is the Kyuubi free?" Gamabunta yelled as Naruto sighed.

"Something happened during the seal. An intruder broke in." Naruto murmured softly as Gamabunta nodded in understanding.

"Whatcha need me to do?" Gamabunta asked as Naruto ordered.

"I just need you to hold it down for a minute." Naruto said.

"I know i'm big, but i'm no miracle worker!" Gamabunta shouted as Naruto chuckled to himself.

"I just need a minute."

"What are you going to do anyway?" Gamabunta yelled as he stomped on the Kyuubi's head as his butt held down the Kyuubi's body.

"Teleport it out of here!" Naruto replied as Gamabunta nodded in understanding.

Naruto jumped off Gamabunta's back and grabbed the fur of the Kyuubi before disappearing in a flash of yellow.

"It's gone..." Someone murmured as they all looked lost.

Hiruzen had been watching the entire thing, so had the clan heads nearby as they murmured together.

"Did Naruto just..."

"Teleport himself"

"And the Kyuubi?"

A large part outside the forest that hid the village exploded in a dome of light, most likely from the Kyuubi's attack.

"Over there!" Someone shouted as Hiruzen gritted his teeth and sprinted over.


Minato panted tiredly as he saw the masked man disappear in a swirl, Minato had drilled in his giant rasengan into the man's back and left him with the tattoo of the Hiraishin in a blind spot.

"Who else could he be, other than Madara Uchiha?" Minato wondered before looking back at the village. There he saw his son above Gamabunta who was wrestling it out and pinning down the Kyuubi. That was, until they all disappeared.

Nearby, a dome of light exploded as the winds around him was blowing heavily from the attack.

"That was close."

'What in Kami's name was Naruto doing?' Minato thought as he saw his son and Gamabunta holding down the Kyuubi with all his might. An idea ran through Minato's head before he shook his head at the craziness.

Minato flashed himself next to Naruto, almost making Naruto jump out in surprise but kept his calm. Minato yelled over the roars of the Kyuubi and the grunts of his personal summon, Gamabunta.

"What's your plan!?" Minato yelled as Naruto screamed back.

"I don't have one! I didn't think this far ahead! I hoped you had one!" Naruto screamed as they struggled to stay on the ground from the massive winds rushing at them.

"We can't seal it back into Kaa-chan! She's too weak!"

"I know, we need another vessel..."

Naruto looked at his father in horror as tears prickled down Minato's face.

"No! NO! We can't! His innocent! Seal it in me instead!"

"We can't! If we do, you'll die immediatly, and the Kyuubi will reform in less than a year!" Minato shouted angrily, tears were now falling down his face as Naruto looked away.

"Please! There has to be another way!"

"There isn't dammit! And we have no time!"

"Fine, take your time." Naruto growled with tears sliding down his face.

"I'm sorry... Naruto." with that, he disappeared.

The place where the Kyuubi was teleported, Minato appeared there with his wife and child in her arms. "Naruto put up a barrier, Kushina, hold down the Kyuubi." Minato said without taking his eyes off the Kyuubi. Kushina nodded slowly as golden chakra chains bursted from her back and tied around the Kyuubi's tails and body, before wrapping around the snout making the Kyuubi fall to the ground.

Naruto leaped into the air and twisted his body so he was upside down mid air, he pulled out 4 Hiraishin kunai's and coated it with wind chakra before throwing it in a rectangular shape, with the wind chakra pushing the kunai's further than normal as a small sonic boom was heard from the kunai itself. Naruto then clapped his hands together and a purple barrier was placed all around.

It wasn't so that the Kyuubi would get out, but so that no one could get in.

Kushina coughed out a large amount of blood as it splattered against the floor, however small bits of it was sprinkled on Menma's head making small tears prickle as a large wail was heard from the baby.

"Menma-kun! I'm sorry... for waking you up..." Kushina cried as she gave him a sad smile. Minato had no idea that the greatest day of his life was going to be his worst nightmare.


"I'll... drag the Kyuubi with me... If I seal it in me and... kill myself... maybe, it will be gone... long enough for the two of you to... reseal it... and live on..." Kushina looked at her husband and son with a sad smile before saying "Thank you for... everything..."

"Kushina... no, please. You... your the reason why... I'm what I am... Your the reason why i'm the Fourth Hokage... You made me into the Fourth Hokage... and made me, into these two boy's father..." Minato cried as tears were freely falling down his cheeks. Naruto merely looked away with tears in his eyes as his teeth were gnashed together as were his fist were his nails dug into his hands, almost drawing blood.

"Minato-kun, don't look so sad. We both took into account that this might happen. I'm.. I'm happy." Kushina said with a sad smile. She then turned to Naruto and smiled to him as well. "Naruto-kun, look at me, sweetie, look at me." Kushina asked as Naruto turned his head and looked at his mother's eyes as they both now had crystal tears. "I'm happy, really. I am. I'm happy that I could be your mother, and your wife" She said as she looked towards Minato. "And i'm happy it's Menma-kun's birthday, like, If I try to imagine the four of us surviving, and all of us leaving together... I wouldn't be able to think anymore than... beyond 'I'd be happy'"

Tears continued to stream down the two's faces before Kushina looked at her youngest child, her heart ached as she knew she wouldn't be able to see him grow up like Naruto did. That'd he'd be without a mother's love.

As if reading her thoughts Minato said.

"No, Kushina, you don't need to take down the fox with you, we can use the last bit of our chakra to see Menma in the future, the grown up version of Menma."

"Wha-" Kushina said confusedly as she looked up into her husband's eyes.

"I'll seal the last bit of your chakra into Menma-kun using the Eight-Trigram seal and half of the Kyuubi's chakra using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal. I'll then seal the rest into me, since I cannot allow the rest of the Kyuubi to roam free..."

"B-But then that... That'll cost you your soul!" Kushina yelled in tears making Naruto's eyes widen in shock.

"I can't allow the Kyuubi to reform without a jinchuriki, I can only seal half of it because it's power is too great. If I use the Dead Demon Consuming Seal, I can take it to the Shinigami's stomach where it will permanently stay there, so that the balance of the Bijuu won't be affected. And the remaining half... will go into Menma-kun."

Kushina looked at her husband as if he had gone mad. She felt like beating the living crap out of him just for thinking of something like that. However Minato didn't give her a second to protest.

"I know what you want to say, that it's stupid, it's reckless. However, tonight, I had learnt the truth of this world. A prophecy Jiraiya had once told me. The masked man, is the Harbinger of Disaster" Minato then looked down at Menma "And neither me or Naruto, is the Child of Prophecy, that title goes to Menma-kun. He'll be the saviour of our world, under Naruto's guidance. Menma will be the one who stops him, I just know it." Minato said as he carefully put Menma on the ground.

Minto flashed through multiple hand seals and out came a small bed for Menma as he laid there peacefully.

"But Minato-kun..."

"Please, have a little faith, he is our son after all." Minato said feeling slightly more confident in his plan. Naruto however, wasn't feeling it.

"What about me." Naruto whispered as tears fell.

"What about my feelings, do you think I would even stay sane if I see my family dead!? With my little brother having no parents to grow up with?" Naruto roared angrily as they flinched.

"Naruto... Please, you have to understand-"

"Oh, I do understand. And for that, I'm sorry."

"Wha-" Minato stopped talking because he found himself wrapped in golden chakra chains, coming from Naruto's back.

"I won't let Menma live without his parents." Naruto declared as he stood up and flew through multiple hand seals before reaching out to the Kyuubi and ripping out the Yin half of it's chakra as a mini version of the fox appeared and ran towards Naruto and buried itself into Naruto's stomach making him cough out blood.

"Kuso, it's chakra, is so dense. My entire body is numb." Naruto said as his chains on his father began to slowly weaken as was Kushina's. A 8 star seal was now placed onto Naruto's stomach as his clothes were ripped in a circular shape.

"NO! I WON'T LET YOU SEAL ME AGAIN YOU PATHETIC HUMANS!" The Kyuubi roared as it jabbed one of it's fingernails at Menma.

"NO!" Both Kushina and Minato yelled as they ran infront of its pathway and were stabbed by the Kyuubi's nails.

"NO!" Naruto screamed as he saw it's nails were only a few centimeters from Menma.

"No! no, no, no, no!" Naruto yelled out as he saw his parents with blood gushing out of their stomachs.

"Naruto... What you did was foolish..." Minato said before smiling "But very noble of you. Quickly, finish the seal."

Naruto just stood there with wide eyes, he thought he was making everything better but now... he had just made things worse... And now... everyone was going to die...

"Kushina... let's say our last words to our children." Kushina just nodded numbly.

"Menma-kun... I'm sorry, we won't be there to help you on your struggles... but real quick. Don't be a picky eater, eat logs and grow big and strong. Make sure you bathe everyday... And stay warm... Don't stay up late, get plenty of sleep... Plus... Make friends, okay? You don't need tons... Okay... Just a few, that you can really trust. And... your Mom was bad at this but... Your brother and father were the best at it... but... Study hard... and learn your ninjutsu! Just... Everyone is good at somethings... and not so good at others... So even if... Things don't go well... Don't get depressed... Okay? At the Academy... respect your seniors and teachers... Oh... and regarding the Three Prohibitions... be extra careful about borrowing and loaning money... Make sure you save money... from your mission pay. And... Don't start drinking until your 21... Too much drinking is bad for your body...so... drink in moderation... And finally... the most problematic... Girls... I'm a girl so I don't really know much about this... But your brother does... But at some point, you'll notice girls... and... that's normal... just be careful, don't fall for the first girl that comes your way... Find someone... like me. Plus... speaking of the three Prohibitions... be careful around Master Jiraiya... Dattebayo. Menma... There will be many hardships that will come your way in the future... But... remember to take care of yourself... and make sure you have dreams... and the confidence... to make those dreams come true! "

"So much... There's so much more... There really is more... That I want to tell you... B-But... I won't be around any longer... I love you."

"I'm sorry Minato... I took to much of your time..."

"It's alright... Just listen to what your motor mouth mothers says, ne? Menma-kun"

"Naruto... Do you have anything to say?"

Naruto's head snapped up in shock as he looked at his parents in shame, tears fell from his eyes as he stared at his peaceful sleeping brother.

"Menma... It's my fault what had happened, and i'm sorry, so, so sorry." Naruto cried as he stared at his brother's face. "I hope one day... you can forgive me."

"Snake → Boar → Ram → Rabbit → Dog → Rat → Bird → Horse → Snake" Naruto clapped his hands together and yelled out "Die YOU DAMN FOX! DEAD DEMON CONSUMING SEAL!" Naruto screamed as a a translucent gaunt spectre figure appeared behind him with a demonic visage. It was much, much larger than Naruto himself with long shaggy white hair and two red horns in the front and purple skin. It's was draped in large white garments and carried a set of prayer beads. It had a tanto in it's mouth however there were noticeable sharp, jagged teeth with were very very long. It was the Shinigami, Death God.

Naruto felt his chakra leaving his body extremely fast as the purple barrier faded away. Immediatly Naruto found himself in the arms of the Sandaime Hokage who had tears streaming down his face.

"No, Naruto-kun! Stay with me!"

"I'm sorry jiji." Naruto apologized

"No, no no no!"

"Jiji..." Naruto said weakly as he lifted his head up and stared into Sarutobi's eyes.

"Naruto, please rest, everything will be alright tomorrow." Hiruzen promised however Naruto just smiled at him.

"I'm too old to hear those lies now jiji." Naruto chuckled sadly.


"Yes?" Hiruzen sobbed in a broken voice as he saw the boy, who he had thought of as a grandchild die, in his very arms.

"Promise me..."

"I promise, anything you want." Hiruzen said as Naruto smiled.

"Promise me that you will keep Menma safe, promise me that he will be seen as the hero and saviour of our world. Please, that is my last request of you. Make sure Menma, lives a good life, even without us." Naruto said as his eyes dropped.

"No..." Hiruzen whispered.

"The boy was dead, time to pick up his soul" The Shinigami thought as it brought out it's Tanto from it's mouth and cut open a clean slice on his stomach. He then reached his arm out and plucked out Naruto's soul, which looked like a blue version of Naruto, except entirely blue, made of chakra. The Shinigami then threw Naruto into his stomach, locking Naruto away in there for eternity. That was the price to pay for summoning the Shinigami to the human realm.

"Goodbye... Tou-chan, Kaa-chan and... Otouto-chan" Naruto whispered as the darkness enveloped him.


Next chapter