
Thunder strikes

As I open my eyes, only darkness appears in my field of vision. My movement is limited and it feels as if I'm in a sack of sorts. How did I get here in the first place? The last thing I can recall was bing watching a lot of shows on Netflix. I was finishing up the night watching my favorite movie Thor: Ragnarok. As I think I start to recall hearing an explosion and than everything went dark.


As I wake up I'm still stuck in this void. Occasionally I hear mumbles coming from my surroundings but I can't reply back it's quite annoying actually. Wait why are my surroundings enclosing on itself is this how I'm going to die, death by suffocation is not on how I want to go.


(POV switch to Frigg)

" PUSH your majesty the prince is almost here" said Hilde

" WHAT DO YOU THINK I'm Doing Hilde UUAAGh" said Frigga while she glared at her personal Valkyrie.

I swear from this day forth I will never have children again. My Baldur Didn't hurt nearly as much as this. My new baby boy just keeps refusing to come out! It's like He's grabbing on for dear life...


(Scene change)

NOOOOOO I refuse to fall into the abyss. YOU CANT CATCH ME ALIVE COPPERS.

After a couple minutes of a struggle worthy of any living being alive I feel or more like I'm being pulled? Wait what. After a few moments I was blinded into closing my eyes.

"WAAAAGhHWA" said the baby as he closed his sensitive eyes.


(POV Change Hilde)

As I carry the young prince to quickly wrap him up in sheets I see some tuff of blond hair on his small head. He has lightly tanned skin that he seems to have inherited from his father but his features look more like his mother in my opinion.

"Your majesty the prince is healthy" said Hilde

"Let me hold him Hilde, let me hold my baby boy" said Frigg

"Right away your majesty" said Hilde as she finished looking over the prince.

"Here you go your majesty he seems to have taken after you more than his highness" said Hilde as she carefully handed the prince back to his mother.


As I heard the storm getting stronger from outside I spot a black lightning mark appearing on my baby boys right cheek. Ah I was wondering what godly domain my boy would acquire upon his birth. But for it to be similar to my husbands oldest born. The only difference between the two is that Thor had his mark on his back. While my son has his on his cheek. Now that I'm paying attention I could feel the divine energy flowing into my son, claiming him as the rightly possessor of the domain Thunder, Lightning and Storms, Strength, let's not forget oak tree that's important as well.


(POV Baby)

What the hell is going on why do I feel as if the atmosphere is flowing into me. I could feel my surroundings welcoming me as if a lost son has finally returned home. Visions flashed before my vision, multiple lighting strikes hitting the land. Storms around Midgard and Asgard increasing in velocity as if performing a dance to welcome me home.

After my trance I took my time to finally open my eyes. What appears in-front of me is a beautiful blond giantess of a women. She's huge! wait a minute, as I look around my surroundings I could see another person in the large medical room? She was dressed in some sort of black leotard. Is that a wig, she has silver hair now that's not normal.

Crrrr (door opening of course)

Looking towards the door I could see a man with silver hair in his mid 50s wearing a purple robe approaching myself and the giantess.

"Frigg my love I rushed here as swiftly as possible" said the old man with a sheepish expression while he patted the back of his head.

"Don't give me that crap Odin if you can't be here for the birth of our son than maybe I should pack up and move in with Sif, she would love to have us" said Frigg while closing her eyes and smiling.

Wait Son, Odin and did he say Frigg. WHAT THE FUCK. I'm the son of the Chief Norse god, talk about an improvement. You know this might not be so bad after all.

"Well dear am I going to get a name for our son anytime soon" said Frigg still smiling

"Of course honey" said Odin while the sweat was pouring down his forehead.

"Good" said Frigg

"Hahaha" said Odin as he held the back of his head with his right hand

As I was watching the duo perform their skit I realized my now claimed father walking toward me.

"Now than I think it's time for a name isn't that right son. Now in order to keep our legend alive I'm going to name you Thor, Thor Odinson the 2nd. Let you carry on your older brothers legacy, my son" said Odin with a small smile appearing on his features.

Thor Thor Thor Thor Thor my name is Thor Odinson. I think I'm going to faint oh wait to late.

Now let the story begin. Please provide ideas and criticism.

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